Time to face the truth

Hi all.

I have finally hit that point. I'm finally being honest with myself. No longer will I be in denial. I will not order clothes in the size I think I should be only for them to not fit and then believe there is something wrong with the stores sizing. No longer will I watch my butt and stomach expand and outgrow pants and be in denial that I don't have to make any changes in my lifestyle for me to fit Into them once again. I will stop eating the same serving sizes as my husband. I will stop grabbing a snickers for an afternoon pick me up. And I will learn potion control.

I can keep going on and on. But the truth is, I'm sick of what I have become and it is time to make a change. I am 31 years old, I am 5'11'' and weigh 257lbs and wear a pant size 18W. I have no children, this was all done by me. I have become someone I do not recognize and I am making a change!

I have used MFP years ago and i did pretty well but then became relaxed and stopped. MFP will be my bible and my first goal is to log every bite of food that enters my mouth and all activity for the next 5 weeks and to stay within calorie range. Of course I plan on doing this longer, but I have to set a mini goal.

I would love to have friends to hold me accountable and for of course motivation. If anyone is interested in being friend please let me know.


  • luckygoat1922
    luckygoat1922 Posts: 1 Member
    I am in the same boat. Except I am 50, 250 lb 5'9". Im here for support
  • JustMissTracy
    JustMissTracy Posts: 6,338 Member
    It sounds like you've got your head on straight...You can do this!
  • dawnfoster50951
    dawnfoster50951 Posts: 5 Member
    I am 32 5' and weight 147. I get where your coming from though really. I weighed 190 after my son almost 6 years ago and somehow lost it. I have tried and tried recently and gain vs loosing . I also in Denil about clothing size . I feel like everyone gets so think so easy . I never excerised and now do and all I do is gain weight and waist size goes up . God this sucks . I have tried to cut out all soda (sometimes I relapse) . Why is it so hard? Your welcome to friend request me . (Sorry I am knew to this and have no idea how to ha)
  • amandak822
    amandak822 Posts: 20 Member
    Zoeysasah~ thank you, I do have a food scale that I pulled back out,.
  • amandak822
    amandak822 Posts: 20 Member
    I seriously did type more than my previous reply but that's all that posted.

    Measuring everything out sounds like one of the keys to success. Portion control is definitely my biggest challenge.
  • druasmith
    druasmith Posts: 20 Member
    You'll save a lot of money if you bring your own lunches too.
  • amandak822
    amandak822 Posts: 20 Member
    Druasmith, that's the truth!
  • chimonetabron2014
    chimonetabron2014 Posts: 57 Member
    You can do it!!! This is the first step & it sounds like you are ready to go! Short term goals are always good. It does help make things better. Stay positive & remember every bit counts!!! :) feel free to add me!
  • robbina1292
    robbina1292 Posts: 10 Member
    I have gained 40 pounds in the last three years. I can't continue to avoid my weight. No fads or anything radical. Portion control and exercise. I didn't gain overnight and I'm not going to lose it overnight. More people are becoming diabetic. I don't want to be one of them.
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,179 Member
    @amandak822, why only 5 weeks? Why not stick to the plan as long as it takes to a) get to maintenance then b) maintain?
  • amandak822
    amandak822 Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Robbina. Yes, it definitely didn't happen overnight. And I know the gimmicks don't work, "take these two pills" and all your hunger disappears, or try this shake. I realize it's all about burning more calories than I consume and I think this site is the place to help me accomplish just that. Between the food/exercise diary and all of the amazing blogs and info available this is such a wonderful resource.
  • fitpal4242
    fitpal4242 Posts: 109 Member
    @amandak822 - feel free to add me! You're obviously very motivated, and I think I could be motivated by you as well.
    My weight has fluctuated all over the place since my early teens. I really messed with my metabolism in my teens (undereating), then in my early 20s (overexercising). Now I'm in my mid-30s, exercise a decent amount, but I have a terrible sweet tooth and weight quickly creeps back up on me unless I'm very careful and count my calories.
  • socioseguro
    socioseguro Posts: 1,679 Member
    I also work in an office that have catered food.
    I usually bring my own snack food (Mid morning and mid afternoon)and I prelog an extra portion calories for the catered lunch.
    I know that I will have to eyeball the food, so I eat in moderate portions (i.e. size of a fist for lean protein)
    First, I take any lean protein and healthy fat available. Then, I eat any complex carb available. By that time, I feel satisfied with my lunch.
    I hope it helps
    Good luck in your healthy journey
  • TJnTexas
    TJnTexas Posts: 44 Member
    Before I got serious about a change in lifestyles, I used to grab a Snickers as a snack in the afternoon. Now I bring a mix of cashews and almonds, 28g of each. The total calorie count for the nuts is higher - but, the macro nutritional benefits are far better! Plus, it takes longer to eat the nuts, since I tend to chew them much more thoroughly than the candy bar, which stretches out the snack time.
  • noexcuses0626
    noexcuses0626 Posts: 60 Member
    I started out on another calorie tracking website in 2011 at 247 lbs (I'm 5'5") and I set my calorie range to 1500-1750 per day. I managed to lose 105 lbs in a year and a half by sticking with it. Good luck :) You can do it!
  • KittyInBoots
    KittyInBoots Posts: 226 Member
    edited June 2016
    I seriously started at the around the same weight! This was at my 30th bday last summer. Those excuses sound EXACTLY LIKE MINE OMG THE CLOTHES !!! "I am AN 18 SO WHY DON'T THEY FIT" when in reality I was probably size 22 and in denial, lol!!! But anyways, we've been there, we understand so let's do this!!!

    I will send you an add!!!