Help me find a suitable goal weight please.

I am 5 feet, started almost 7 weeks ago at 172 and size 14-16. Today I am 150 and in size 10-12. I am still considered obese on the chart.

I want to set my goal at 110 but that's almost to unrealistic. What weight will be more realistic?


  • MelaniaTrump
    MelaniaTrump Posts: 2,694 Member
    Vote for 130. Then maintain that for a while.
    I have found that I need to lose 20, then maintain, then lose 20, then....
  • TswvNplooj
    TswvNplooj Posts: 60 Member
    janjunie wrote: »
    Why does 110 sound unrealistic? Sounds perfectly fine to me, but at 5' tall so does 105 lbs, 115lbs, 120 lbs. keep at the weight loss and stop when you feel at your best.

    The last time I was 110 was 20 years ago before the 4 kids. I just don't want to be disappointed and quit.
  • druasmith
    druasmith Posts: 20 Member
    You've lost 22 pounds and 4 dress sizes. Just keep doing what you're doing.
  • lseed87
    lseed87 Posts: 1,105 Member
  • janjunie
    janjunie Posts: 1,200 Member
    janjunie wrote: »
    keep at the weight loss and stop when you feel at you're at your best.

  • STEVE142142
    STEVE142142 Posts: 867 Member
    You have to decide what the right weight for you is. Don't go by anybody else's standards. It has to be something you're comfortable at. 110 is not an unrealistic goal.

    Starting January 1st I was 288. Taught 250 would be good, hit that. Said let's try 230. Hit that. Now I've decided I want to lose some more but at a real slow pace build some muscle. I'm happy at this point but because of some personal goals I do want to lose some more.

    As far as BMI indexes I can't say on this site how I feel about them. To me they're totally useless. Read article about professional athletes according to the BMI index, most of the guys in the NBA are obese.

  • Gisel2015
    Gisel2015 Posts: 4,164 Member
    It is not only your height, it is your body composition and frame that also counts. Some people are more petite with small bones, others have heavier/bigger bone structure so they can carry more weight and still feel and look good.

    As others said it is up to you. Plan for small loses of 20 or 25lbs at the time and take it from there. It doesn't matter what your weight was when you were younger, your body shape has changed after childbirth so even if you are back at 110lbs you will not look the same. I am 4'11" and I fluctuate between 102 and 103.5lbs. It may seem a low weight but I have a small frame (but wide hips and DD boobs), so any excess feels and looks bad.

    With respect to BMI, it is not that bad as an index for the regular people, and all that it is available right now unless medical insurances start paying for DEXA exams to determine fat body %. And it is the tool that the medical profession goes by to determine the proper ratio between height and weight. Athletes are in another category so in my book, BMI doesn't really apply to them.

    And congratulations on your weight loss; you are doing great!
  • Shana67
    Shana67 Posts: 680 Member
    I would say 115 - 120. And CONGRATULATIONS on your weight loss so far. WOW! Great!!!
  • KetoneKaren
    KetoneKaren Posts: 6,411 Member
    118-125. Awesome job you are doing.
  • SonFlowerTC
    SonFlowerTC Posts: 42 Member
    I also agree with body composition making the difference. It all depends on how your jeans and skirts fit! I am 5'1 and weigh 130 now but I'm aiming to weigh 123 but I'm also going to get some muscle so I don't know if that is realistic for me but I'm eating a lot healthier, exercising, and drinking more water!
  • TswvNplooj
    TswvNplooj Posts: 60 Member
    Thank you everyone. Much appreciated and I love this place always lots of meaningful suggestions. I find that doing the plank challenge has helped my stomach and waist area alot. I must have big bones then cause everyone tells me I don't look like I weigh 150.
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    I'm 5'-5'1 depending on who measures me;) I got down to 125 a couple years ago and I was still a size 8 so I could've lost another 15-20lbs to get down to a size 4 (my goal). I think, depending on how you carry weight, that 110 is perfectly reasonable and many 5' women weigh less than that so its not necessarily extreme. All that said I think we should continue to reevaluate throughout the journey to find out sweet spot;)
  • TxTiffani
    TxTiffani Posts: 799 Member
    Currently 138 and shooting for 110-115. Feel free to add me as a friend if you like:)
  • DanniPants6
    DanniPants6 Posts: 51 Member
    I've heard that for every inch from the 5 foot mark 5lbs plus or minus 3lbs it's a good marker with a healthy fat to muscle ratio.

    IE - 5'2" - 110lbs, 5'3" - 115 lbs, 5'0" - 100lbs
  • Zipp237
    Zipp237 Posts: 255 Member