>How do you cope with weight loss burn out? I try to be mindful and remind myself that this is today and I'll feel different tomorrow, or the next day, or (especially) the next WI day. I've been reminding myself to splurge only for splurge-worth foods. On a related note, the mini scones a vendor left for us in the office…
I noticed too. Here's a nice one-point replacement:
The closest I've come to a deliberate pause is to look at a week (or so) with travel, holidays, or other hurdles and come to grips with a small gain ahead of time. Bonus question: I like to stop along the way.
Here. Happy 242nd birthday, USA!
good day!
The biggest What What Whaaat? of my current weight loss journey was when tracked a 10 oz bottle of Welch's 100% grape juice and found I'd just chugged over half my daily points. I knew it was a splurge (in the middle of a long bike ride), but more like a 4 point splurge and not a 12 point day killer. Day-to-day I do not…
As for what I didn't know, or underappreciated, the easy example is how hard it is to lose weight and how easy it is to put it back on.
I refer to the phenomenon you described as "compounded ignorance." Tough question for this crowd, I'll guess, because we've all "been there, done that" when it comes to weight loss. I'll say this: (a) there are certainly things I don't know about nutrition and weight loss, (b) I tend to think those things are fine points…
Bonus question: yes, although I haven't owned one for almost 4 years.
good morning.
If my boy says he can eat 50 eggs, he can eat 50 eggs. Apparently, we can all eat 50 eggs. #science Getting back on topic, I haven't felt the need to rein in my consumption of zero point foods. I guess it's possible, but I don't feel there's anything on that list I'm very likely to go overboard for.
I never got back to this post yesterday. Busy days. WW is easiest when I'm my least adventurous, and for that reason I'll say the plan certainly favors persons who are comfortable following a fairly narrow routine. Does the lifestyle "demand" following a narrow routine? No, it's not quite that strong a connection. Done…
6000 - my daily steps goal 0 - the number of times in the past month that I've done the stretching/strengthening plan that I should be doing every day
I like this. I'll put more thought into it, but off the cuff... 172 - my forever-ingrained personal goal weight (because it's what I weighed when I ETSd from the active Army in 1990).
good morning, GoaD!
thanks, @DavidKimberly. I'll check it out. Not running now, but am thinking about it.
I use the zero points much like you've described, Al. Pretty much every meal has some zero-point component, and when I want to I can easily build a zero-point meal. I've also not had a zero point day, but I've had quite a few zero point meals. I've also learned that most non-zero point proteins are pretty point friendly…