Thanks! This is a great suggestion. Are there certain amounts of proteins fats and carbs I'm supposed to be eating to help build the muscle and get defined?
I want to lose body fat but lose little-no weight. I want to look defined. I'm a size 2 but am soft :(
??? :/
Hey, I'm back everyone. Update: miralax did not help as neither did prune juice and laxatives. BUT... something that did work (which I plan to stick to) is warm water with lemon. I drink it after waking up, before meals, and before bed.
Thanks so much for your suggestions! I tried the Chia seeds with apple sauce suggestion and lots of water. No movement yet so I will get a laxative shortly. Unfortunately I can't see my doctor for a couple weeks because I'm out of state visiting a few family members before the next college semester starts. No I'm not…
What if the ice cream and/or other desserts keep you full better and longer than whole nutrient dense foods for some weird reason?
Thanks. Is that calculator more accurate than MFP?
OK then. Can you give me some tips then since I'm trying to weigh foods? What's your opinion on non-digital scales (mine is not digital)? And why is my sedentary sister able to be so thin on pizza, donuts, soda, fried chicken, etc without counting or measuring anything. Should I just do what she's doing?...
I know there's no such thing. It's the digestion process I'm referring to (not the food itself). I stated that. And yes I weigh nuts and nut butters.
I'm 25 and yes I try to weigh accurately. Even still, I've never heard of anyone getting fat on produce. A lot of the product I eat apparently takes more calories to digest than it contains (i.e. broccoli and spinach for example). With that being said, if there was/is a surplus, it's nowhere near big enough to the pace…
What's FODMAP?
No diagnosis with IBS.
Alright, thank you everyone :)
Alright, thanks!
Thanks for your input. The reason I personally haven't been balancing everything is because routine gets boring to me in terms of balancing proteins carbs and fats so I cycle. I'm just wondering what specific foods (if any) were most likely the trigger.
No I haven't seen a therapist but the main reason I'm guessing that my bf% is somewhat high is because I'm not really lean and have a lot of "softness" I need to get rid of.
Ok thanks! Do you have any links that give further details, including suggested amount of protein fat and carbs etc?
Yes, I want to gain muscle but get rid of this fat I have. I'm a size zero actually but if I had to guess, my body fat is probably in the mid-high 20's. I have a little belly pudge, tiny love handles, squishy bottom, soft thighs, and so on. Before I was anorexic, I was overweight. I DID lose a lot of weight but am unhappy…
Basically, 2 years ago is when I was anorexic. The good thing is I've been doing exercise again (mainly cardio with a bit of light weights) and trained myself to eat more than I used to. But I'm still "fat" despite being thin. And I was told the only way to get rid of fat is a calorie deficit, which is why I'm doing a lot…
Ok thanks for explaining it, guys :) I get the idea now. As for the possible injury, I think I'll be ok. If not, lowering my intake shouldn't be a problem as my appetite has lowered dramatically since switching to an active lifestyle and my past history which ill mention shortly. It would probably take a while to switch…
I meant the day after. Like having a dessert at night and being a few lb heavier the next morning.
How am I trolling? I just want the weight gone again :/
Does that mean you can become overweight (hypothetically speaking) on paleo?
He didn't mention if fruits and veggies are necessary and why. Hence, the heading. And I gained it back when I switched back to Paleo. I was losing weight when eating rice and meat. That's why I'm confused and considering cutting out veggies and living off grains and meat. But everyone swears by Paleo being good for weight…
I don't think you're getting the point of what I'm asking. I never said every Asian eats that way. My step family does. Instead of trying to prove people wrong, please give helpful advice related to the heading post.
True it might have been the oil. My question though is will it affect my health or make a difference? Because I'm considering cutting out veggies and fruits (and possibly dairy) since those were the majority of the way I was originally eating (before and after the visit) which means a majority of my calories obviously come…
I'm actually same size as you (size 4) but my thighs, bum, lower back, etc is all soft. I never wear short shorts because even though they do fit circumference-wise, too much may be exposed due to "sag". This is driving me nuts...
What I meant is eating equal to sedentary calories while exercising. An earlier commenter above mentioned that, too. You should know what I was implying. No need to correct me.
Well I need to get more fit. Long story short, I lost around 40 pounds with light exercise and a deficit aside from the exercise but now its getting really difficult. At the same time, I still have my troubled spots in the lower half especially thighs and lower stomach. I heard you can't spot reduce. Well what other option…
Would I be able to reach my desired pant size with recomp without losing weight? Most of my remaining unwanted weight is on my lower half.