crskoglund Member


  • Have you considered GOMAD? Basically, you drink a gallon of milk every day. TBH the idea of it grosses me out, but... it'll get you there!
  • I can't say with certainty without knowing your height/current weight, but at a glance that number seems perfectly reasonable. The wildcard might be your medication, the effects of which MFP has no way of taking into account. That being said, I'd say stick with the recommendations for a couple weeks (a month, preferably),…
  • My go-to breakfast sandwich: 1 Al Fresco Breakfast Chicken Sausage Patty (80 calories) 1 Egg (70 calories) 1 slice Sargento Ultra Thin Colby Jack Cheese (45 calories) 1 Thomas's Light English Muffin (100 calories) Ends up being barely under 300 calories (295) and keeps me full until lunch time.
  • Congratulations on your weight loss! 65lbs in a year is fantastic. To lose more weight, you'll need to increase your deficit. Eating 2.3k calories a day was low enough to lose weight when you were 275lbs, but not so much at 210lbs. I plugged in your height/weight into a TDEE calculator, and the result came out to 2,322…
  • First of all, congratulations on quitting smoking, and on your 20lbs of weight loss! Those are both incredible accomplishments. Whoop whoop is right. :smile: As for the boredom eating, I totally get it. I struggle with this myself. I'll come home stuffed from a big dinner, and next thing you know I'm pouring Cocoa Puffs…
  • What do you mean when you say "stop"? Have you gone through periods of weight loss followed by plateaus? Or are you saying you keep losing/regaining the same 10-20lbs?
  • This is the best approach IMO. I don't know of any low cal alfredo recipes, sorry! I'm sure they exist, but if alfredo is your favorite food, they will almost certainly be unsatisfying and will just leave you wanting more. In the end, you may end up consuming more calories than you would have if you'd just stuck with the…
  • Try to incorporate lean meats into your diet. Chicken, especially chicken breasts, give you great bang for your buck in terms of protein-to-calories. It's also low in fat compared to beef, pork, etc. -- though unless there's some specific reason you need to watch your intake, I wouldn't stress about going over your…
  • One of the biggest challenges with binge eating isn't the initial action, but the feeling of defeat/discouragement that comes with it. For me, once I feel like I've "fallen off the wagon," I have a tendency to switch to a "screw it" mindset -- I've already "failed" to meet my dietary goals for today and eaten an entire…
  • House of Jerky is my personal favorite. They have a few store locations scattered around the US (mostly east coast), but you can also order online. I recommend the Sweet & Spicy. The more exotic varieties are worth checking out too -- the wild boar and venison jerkies are outstanding, and the alligator jerky is…
  • Try not to think in terms of "I lost fifteen pounds and gained six back"; instead, think "I lost nine pounds," and carry on from where you left off. Weight loss is a marathon, not a sprint. There will be peaks and valleys along the way, but so long as you're on a downward trend overall you're in VERY good shape. Worth…
  • You're not weak -- weight loss is HARD. Willpower is a finite resource, and it takes a ton of it to commit to a major lifestyle change. Not only do you have to learn new habits, you have to unlearn old ones. I'm not sure how you've previously attempted to implement these changes, so apologies if this advice is off the…