lissmayer Member


  • Wine does not magically stop your body from storing fat. Only marijuana does that.
  • The whole notion of "cheating" suggests you aren't making a sustainable lifestyle change; you are white knuckling it. And maybe you can white knuckle forever, but I can't. My options were 1. lifestyle change I can be happy with or 2. get happy with my post-baby weight. I think you have to decide which you want: get to your…
  • I like both. I monitor neither. :)
  • I don't do this. I sometimes decide to eat up to maintenance- but that's a thoughtful, logged decision. So I'd advise that. And/or adjust your goal of it is too aggressive.
  • Yes. I could not do a deficit while I was EBF. Once baby was reliably eating solids around a year, I was able to lose the baby weight easily- but before that it was a choice between the weight or my milk supply.
  • I would add 500 for EBF. And eat back exercise calories as well.
  • My 3rd baby's first food was a chocolate cupcake straight from her sister's mouth. She's 16 months now, and last week I watched her eat 3/4 bag of broccoli. No matter how you feed your baby, it'll be great. Just trust your gut and do what feels simplest for you.
  • Oh and I eat at maintenance for a few days every single month because my period tends to drop my milk supply- plus, you know, chocolate.
  • I was unable to figure out a good way to use my tracker (misfit) with breastfeeding. I found that it didn't adjust appropriately because those breastfeeding calories need to be added on top regardless of activity- and I don't want to risk my milk supply. So I used my tracker to compare and check that my settings were right…
  • Congrats, btw. I've loved pretty much every bit of parenting so far. It's an awesome trip. :)
  • Baby led weaning is worth considering. I just fed my babies what we ate, not ever mushed but obviously small pieces and softer foods (banana, avocado) first. It's a really chill way to go.
  • There's a big gap between my first two kids, and it is really awesome. :) You should get your kid a camera to document his experience of the baby's birth and early days. A couple of my favorite pictures ever were taken by my oldest at the hospital. <3
  • Pro-tip: When someone says they are in an abusive marriage, you don't respond with "oh your abuser is probably just afraid; be a better wife." This (the attitude here and in other posts questioning if he is *really* abusive) is one reason people have a hard time leaving abusers. OP, You owe this guy nothing. No amount of…
  • Arrogant and dangerous. I'll be very clear, OP. If you love your girlfriend, you will stop this (trying to fix her, offering any advice at all re her eating disorder or eating in general) immediately and only offer your support by ensuring she has access to ED resources if/when she chooses to seek help herself. If that…
  • 1950 called. They want their bad advice to stay married no matter what back.
  • I'm sorry, OP. Leaving is hard. You can do it, though. F*** that guy and his lousy burger.
  • But if she wants human companionship on her walks- and the support she wants in general- reaching out for likeminded friends is a good option. Clearly her partner isn't going to be the walking guy. Or the diet support guy. So OP should probably get those needs met elsewhere. Whether she is cool with being married to…
  • Uh, right. Ok. But it seems that either OP is married to a complete and total jerk and probably should do something about that (and I don't mean be a jerk back)- OR the OP is worked up, frustrated by her self-imposed dietary restrictions, and kinda exaggerating the scenario. I mean, it's WEIRD if this guy rejected the meal…
  • Why do you think they are doing that- and are they aware of it? Have you told them this? I would have that conversation- and erect huge boundaries of the behavior continues.
  • Sure- but there's a wide swath between not finding someone's post personally useful and deciding to police someone's post- and then telling her to 'get over herself' for not rolling over in response to your policing.
  • It made sense. I actually know a handful of lesbians who use birth control that way- but you don't know it's an option until someone gives you the info. (Not me. I'm more of a howl at the moon cycle lesbian.)
  • Her advice does address the OP's complete question, though- since period suppression would also stop the cyclical cravings/appetite that OP experiences with PMS.
  • Or you can make breastfeeding and exercise and set it for 200-500 calories, whatever is must accurate for your stage of nursing.
  • I was really rooting for a D/s consensual power exchange thing as the reasoning for this guy being inappropriately controlling of his partner's dieting. But no. Gotta be some dude "fixing" his "broken" girlfriend because he knows everything, eating disorder be damned. Gross.
  • Here are some good resources for awesome vegan food- 1. Post Punk Kitchen (Veganomicon) 2. Oh She Glows I'm vegetarian- and these two got me through two rounds of forced veganism to accommodate my dairy/soy sensitive nurslings. I still make some things from both even though we are back on the dairy wagon. For me, having…
  • Something awful happened last month that triggered past trauma. I made a list of self-care things: exercise, therapy, massage, etc.- and I gave myself permission to eat at maintenance any time I wanted without feeling bad. Using those tools got me through the month without falling off the MFP wagon and without smoking a…
  • My tone is kind- not an attack. You need to get to the place where you can see that your chronic undereating is a component of your own disordered eating. I get that it is painful to acknowledge- but what you have described *is* the starvation/binge cycle- even if you don't *feel* like you are starving yourself. It's a…
  • On the positive, the extra calories I get from nursing my toddler ROCK. :) For me, toddler nursing is a whole different ballgame.
  • Cooler for cold things (sandwich, salad, pasta salad, fruit, drinks). Thermos for hot things (soup, coffee).
  • I posted on the other thread, but I think it is worth saying here, too. Try to keep in mind you are just barely leaving the fourth trimester. Your infant is making huge gains in weight, length, and developmental skills. And you are singlehandedly providing the nutrients to support that plus yourself. I know it is hard, but…