strongkater Member


  • May 22 Yesx3 May 23 Exercised 20 min dog walk Track yes Under no
  • Out of the winners circle ⭕️, but I’m back. Week off for funeral of my mother in law, travel etc. Feeling a bit ashamed, but getting back to it. See ya tomorrow check in.
  • May 11 yes x 3 May 12 yes x 3 Had a lovely mother’s day- got my weight lifting in which felt great, walked the dog with the family and played a little golf with my husband and 2 young boys. Also had brunch with my mother - and stayed under budget. :) 2/3 pass days used so far
  • May 10 Yes x 3!
  • Guess it’s pass #2 for me! Tracked and did 45 min weight lifting but went over 400 cal Still weight is down. Keep on keepin on! Kate
  • Yes x 3. Sad day. Mother in law died suddenly. It’s gonna be a rough couple weeks. I have to tell my 8 year old tomorrow who is going to freak out. They had a special bond😢
  • May 7: I Crazy cleaned my closet and it feels fantastic. 3 bags of trash 3 bags to charity! Exercise: got my body pump on. (Trying to lift 2-3x/week, cause I think it’s going to be the only way for me to lose weight) Tracked: yes Under: yes Pass (1/3) used
  • May 5 PASS! Fun BBQ with friends. Tracked. Didnt work out or come in under.
  • You can “create “ the exercise. You could Prancercize - if you don’t know what it is- google it. Funny video just shows to each his own! Move it or lose it.:)
  • Day 3 Done and done. Exercised- gym cardio- a little this a little that... elliptical, Jacobs ladder, self propelled treadmill, rowing, for 35 minutes total. Then threw in some handstands for fun. Don’t know why I love them so - maybe because I feel child like? Tracked and under. Went to a party and still did my thing!!!
  • May2 in the bag. Count one for the good guys. I had an excellent but difficult body pump session. Feels good when you end up exhausted but proud. Tough, strong, lean, long. Tracked and under goal too. Resisted the office cake. Wish me luck this weekend, I’m braving 2 parties!
  • Welcome!
  • Hi y’all! It’s been a few months but I’m baaack. Gonna get it done this month. Day 1 in the bag. Exercise: elliptical and yoga stretches! Tracked: yes Under: yeees!
  • Love me some Les Mills. How inspiring that you’re an instructor! You must be quite an athlete. My goal is to feel like an athlete again... and a lot of that is food. Hello emotional eating! May is going to be a good month. I just know something good is going to happen. Can’t wait to see.
  • @teramae Having been in this group before- it’s up to you how to decide if you’re under calorie goal, use exercise calories, half exercise calories or none, but be true to yourself! I’d suggest picking a plan and sticking with it. Good Luck! Welcome!
  • I have done this in the past but have not made the winners circle. May I will do it! Good luck all!
  • 1/3 168.5 1/4 165.8 1/5 166.4 1/6 1/7 1/8 1/9 1/10 1/11 1/12 Did well yesterday but must’ve lost a lot of h2o day before. Keep it going people!
  • Hi y’all. I’m new to this challenge. 41 yo woman, 5’5”, looking to lose 30 pounds. I have struggled to believe I can do it, and every time I fail it reinforces the negative. I know I can break that cycle! Hurt my knee on the 31st, the day before I was going to “start” again. But I am determined not to let it derail me. I’m…
  • Hate to start with 2 pass days but my dad has been in the hospital plus I’ve had work. I just couldn’t get the exercise in Oct 1 and 2 but today I did. It was short but doesn’t matter! Oct 1: pass Oct 2: pass Oct 3: yes x3 - body pump express for exercise
  • I’m back. Hoping to make winners circle this month! Do the work.
  • Aug 2 Yes to all! Aug 3 PASS #1 I tracked. I was 90 calories over so I could have been Yes to all 3 if I got my exercise in but I just didn’t have time yesterday. I work nights and sometimes I don’t get enough sleep and I have to pick up kids and things get in the way so unfortunately that was yesterday. BUT i’m proud of…
  • Aug 1 Body pump 45 minutes. Tracked and stayed under. Day 1 in the bag! Let’s do this y’all!
  • Yes x 3 see ya in August!!!
  • Keep at it! It’s probably something as simple as water. Plus we all move up and down it’s the general trend. Your commitment has been inspiring- keep it up!
  • No Winners Circle for me. Congrats to all who made it! Inspiring !!! July 28 Yes yes yes although bad food choices July 29 Exercise yes Track yes Calories OVER by 27 calories 😜 We’re coming for you in August Winner’s Circle! Right?!? @RangerRickL
  • July 27 pass July 28 ya x 3
  • July 24 Played a round of golf with my girlfriends. My favorite exercise! Tracked and Counted everything. If ya bite it, write it!
  • Hi All! I’m Kate. Happy to join for for August. Looking for the Champions Circle.... if I can do this maybe I can do something else too...
  • Anyone else have a hard time “seeing” themselves? Like I see myself in a photo and am like whoa that is not me... I can figure out what I really look like. Perhaps it’s more important what I “feel” like...
  • July 23 Exercise Yes Track Yes Under Yes