johngsprague Member


  • Another texture change is more water so it's not thick at all. It eats completely different than the stick-to-your-ribs variety. I usually add some crushed walnuts, berries, flax and chia mix, and most importantly some real maple syrup!
  • A nice long guided yoga session (pick any youtuber you like) can help with recovery. If you want to burn a few calories a bike ride can be done in a low impact way. Foam rolling in front of the tv is a fave.
  • One more for going for the road bike! You will get used to everything soon enough, and you'll love the difference in speed. Persevere, the results come very fast. Having the century ride as a goal is a great idea.
  • Lots of ways to accomplish this, as seen above. The bodyweight workout on Reddit is pretty solid: I've had success with hanging gymnast's rings from the beam in my basement. You can do exercises for all directions, like pushups for chest, reverse…
  • I would bet a physical therapist could check out your back and make expert recommendations. A rehab plan to reduce how often it bothers you and an exercise plan to keep you healthy. Good luck!
  • A nice home gym piece is a pair of gymnastic rings, if you have something to hang them from. I use the basement I-beam. They can give you a full-body workout with things such as pull-ups, chin-ups, push-ups, flies, dips, reverse push-ups, etc. All for $25.
  • Here's one that might work. Join a martial arts school, one with lots of kicks and active sparring and partner drills. I would recommend Muay Thai or kickboxing, it's trending these days, lots of gyms opening so you should be able to find one, but there are many options. So here's why martial arts might be just what you…
  • Hey Rothko, they say you can't exercise off a bad diet, so it's fork control 101 for you! You've been successful with weightwatchers, why not give it another go? One way or another you will have to get those calories under control, but there are many fun ways to do it, just keep studying it and tweaking your life until…
  • 1200 is pretty low, so the scale should be moving for you nicely. All this calorie counting and so on is to get a result. If your results are what you are hoping for, keep doing it! I wouldn't force anything, that small margin could easily be inaccurate tracking, which happens for a variety of reasons. If what you're doing…
  • Runnermom, you've got this. Here's what I would recommend: Get your bike fitted for two water bottles, and have a bike fitting done if you haven't already. The little tweaks can help a lot. Drink a bottle of water per hour. Assuming this is a supported century, you'll be able to refill at just the right times. Avoid…
  • My opinion is the calorie aspect isn't the payoff from walking, you can't walk off a bad diet and a good diet won't need the exercise. The payoff is in cardiovascular health and the health of pretty much every system of your body. If you can extend each end to 15 minutes for a total of 30 minutes/day you'll be doing fine.
  • I would recommend maybe 20-30 minute easy rides. You can get a workout in with a 15 minute though. The GCN link above is great. You can search Youtube for cycling for any time interval and get a bunch. I'll ride while watching TV shows sometimes, easy during the show and go harder during commercials. Good luck, have fun!
  • That's the thing about cycling with others, it's tough to ride with unequal skill levels. If you have 90 minutes, I would do both workouts/modes you described, because both will make you stronger. With 90 minutes to kill, I might warm up for 15 min, then do a half dozen very high cadence intervals on maybe a 30on/60off.…
  • I'm not now, but have quite a bit in the past. They are a good resource for lots of different workouts.
  • A funny thing happened. I started getting up early to work on mobility and rehab for shoulder surgery. 60 lbs overweight btw at that time. That turned into an hour, going from yoga and stretching to weights and rings before work. My goal or "carrot" for all this work was I wanted to join a boxing or Muay Thai gym. So now…
  • You could get in pretty decent shape with that schedule. I would go after HIIT routines that involve weights. Gotta get that heart rate up for the full 30, and tax your muscles to get some growth/replacement going on. I like the workouts by HASfit on Youtube, search their stuff for "30". There are lots of plans around the…
  • Why not join the challenge, and lose? If you're concerned about the cost, then that may be telling you the fee should be a bit lower anyways. Besides, if you're not walking enough, you're not walking enough. G/L!
  • I think a lot of people would agree that healthier foods, especially proteins, keep your appetite in check. Sweets and processed carbs make you want more, in my experience. So the right combination is, imho, eat quality food, and not too much of it. I would definitely recommend counting calories at least for a couple…
  • Shink, I do 16/8 by skipping breakfast. My morning workout has replaced breakfast and I don't miss it a bit. Since the benefit of the fast section is all happening in the last four hours of the 16, that workout seems to kick it into gear. I'm a fan of working out in the midst of a fast at any point. The whole idea, as I…
  • I am on the same schedule with IF, and work out in the morning at home with no recovery meal so to speak until lunchtime. Works great for me so far. If you don't eat after your late workout, you'll have a more effective fast period due to having burned off a whole lot of glycogen. These will likely be the days when you…
  • I would say yes, that's a perfect recovery snack.
  • For post workout, I find protein quiets my appetite but sweets make me want more and more. So I usually go dead simple, like cracking an egg into a ramekin and nuking it for 30-45 seconds, beat it with a fork and call it a scrambled egg. A little pepper, and wash it down with a juice glass of milk. Or a small whey protein…