Pot8540 Member


  • I put soy protien powder in a lot of drinks. I also put beans or lentils in whatever dishes I can think of.
  • I would but my apartment is so small I store my seasonal clothes in the ceiling lol.
  • That's a very good question. I was naturally "maintaining" my tinyness at about 1300cal a day and probably 40ish protein but when I started lifting I was medically eating myself at that rate so now I eat about 1900cal and close to 100 protein. I know it doesn't sound a lot in totals but I'm a very small built lady and I…
  • I had a personal trainer on simbi.com recalculate myfitnesspal's recommendations for me. We are about the same demographics wise and the trainer said that my fitnesspal was over-calculating what I needed calorically by over 300cal. I have started to slowly gain even though I rarely hit my calorie goal I think mainly due to…
  • Powdered drink mixes like carnation instant breakfasts and muscle milk have done wonders for my bulking journey. I have a very weak appetite and these have helped me get the calories and nutrients in. I also cook with them because they are more nutrient dense than other ingredients so no food bite goes un-optimized.
  • Of course I'm just asking about good recipes for doing just that lol.
  • I've been having some results with increased protein and calories and working out for a half hour every other day. I had a friend on simbi.com redo my nutrition calculator here and develop a specific supersize regimen. I think this site's algorithm for weight gain is a little off.
  • I do judo. Right now I can get a kid safely off of me without harming them but I still end up at the hospital because there's just nothing to cushion the blows. I worked at a half way house for a few weeks over the summer but ended up with several sprains, busied organs, passed out mid conversation on my last day all just…
    in Hello Comment by Pot8540 November 2016
  • I log everyday but I don't know if I'm a good role model or anything for bulking. I really don't know what I'm ding myself really lol.
  • I use lots of protein powders and "instant breakfasts" because I have next to no appetite. This gets the calories and nutrients I need in me without making me full. I think the idea of this urban myth is that you shouldn't drink your calories right before working out. Liquid calories digest quicker and thus if you were…
  • This is weird but I'm in the same boat. I have gotten a lot more protein and calories into my diet by using vanilla whey protein powder as coffee creamer. I drink about three cups of English breakfast or chai tea a day and can get a bunch more protein powder in if I do it that way. I also make a huge batch of "protein…
  • Honestly I have no clue on all that. I had an online trainer change my calorie and nutrient settings for me I'm 102lbs and a girl soo probably a different algorithm all together. But I'm curious, how do you even accomplish that kind of intake?