jtechmart Member


  • I've used my fitbit for a few years now, and the way I approach its data is to calibrate the numbers to my actual results. So, I put in all the info, let fitbit calculate calories burned and MFP track calories consumed. It doesn't matter if the numbers are accurate at first. Then I stay consistent over 4-6 weeks, and see…
  • Balance may help. It's easy to have a carb based meal and have too much of 1 item. I try to balance carbs, protein, fats, and fiber in a meal if I can. If I have a bowl of oatmeal, I may get enough complex carbs, but not enough of other items. It's mostly oatmeal. Instead of the oatmeal, I may make a smoothie were I can…
  • I sometimes snack with peanut butter, an organic one. I haven't analyzed the different brands, but I would be careful with highly processed ones and added sugar. Check the labels. But, I think peanut butter can be a decent fat. Of course you can also just have something like an avocado if you're just looking for healthy…
  • Chips are definitely my weakness. Chips, chips & salsa, chips and dip, chips and sour cream, sandwich and chips, fish and chips, pickle and chips, etc... I don't eat them all the time, but when I do its usually the whole bag. I don't eat any other junk food really, but that's my go to when I do. It's not too hard to keep…
    in Chips Comment by jtechmart July 2020
  • Full fat organic grass fed yogurt and organic frozen blueberries, with a little cinnamon. I look forward to it every night.
  • I'm in a similar situation. I'm at the end of my cutting phase and will be bulking soon. But, there is more fat I can drop even though I'm already in decent shape. So, keep cutting or start bulking? The way I'm approaching it is I will be cutting again in the future. Bulking will probably add some bodyfat. So, I'm ok with…
  • I weigh most items, but I did this a while ago and since I am eating the same foods, I don't weigh them again. So, if I have apples that have different weights, I don't pay much attention to that. I just log it as an apple that is already in my list of items. It may be 100 cals, 80, etc... But, I don't need to weigh the…
  • I eat plenty of Bananas, sometimes 2-3 per day. I wouldn't worry about eating them. Although I used to work for the government where they did nuclear research, and during training I was told the radiation I was exposed to just being there wasn't any worse than eating 1 Banana per day. So, Bananas are radioactive. But, I…
  • I was in a similar situation recently, cutting calories and working my butt off every day to reach a certain fat loss goal. Thought I was in a plateau. It's tough because you are putting so much work into it, you want to be sure you are making progress. But, after a few weeks of staying with it, turns out I'm still on…
  • A simple answer to your question as what to look for in a bike, one is comfort. Test ride some bikes, talk to your local bike shop, and see which ones feel right. This is the bike you will be riding all the time, so be sure to get one that feels right and is comfortable.
  • Full fat yogurt with slightly defrosted organic blueberries and cinnamon. Simple but amazing!
  • Have you tried pasture raised organic eggs? You may want to give those a try to see if you get a different result. There is a chance your reaction is to something in standard eggs that won't exist with a healthier choice. Vital Farms is usually available in grocery stores and is a good choice. Otherwise, smoothies with…
    in Eggs Comment by jtechmart June 2020
  • It sounds like you're in a similar situation to me. I'm cutting first before putting on muscle, and right now I am concerned about loosing muscle if I cut too far. I've made great progress, but how far to go before bulking? The way I'm approaching it is to cut down close to my goal, then work on increasing calories and…
  • I just log the 80 calories and eat the apple. I don't really pay attention to what the core weighs or differentiate for apple type. Unless it was abnormally huge, I just log the same apple entry each time. If I was cutting it up and putting pieces into a salad, then I'd probably weigh the portion and log that. But, that's…
  • I setup exercise equipment at home, did a few workouts, then got injured. That was a few weeks ago, so now I am focused on cutting calories and walking. I should be able to hit my goals that way. In the past it was always using cardio equipment at the gym, which is fairly safe from injury. But, I wasn't ready for what I…
  • My routine is similar to what is was before, just working out at home. I'm focused on cutting currently, later will move to more muscle building. Target is around 1800 cals per day or less. For exercise, I go for a 50 min walk at noon m-f. Then after work, I have a circuit that includes cycling on a trainer, exercise…
  • When LA fitness closed I was right in the middle of just getting started again, was going to the gym 3-5 days per week, keeping to 1800 cals per day, for about 3 weeks in a row. But, then when the grocery stores were getting depleted and then the gyms closed, I didn't keep on with what I was doing. Strangely, I lost weight…
  • A few years ago I would do 1.5 hour walk/runs. I would walk mostly, but then jog when I felt like it. I would feel my hamstring get sore afterwards, but didn't think much of it, other than not pushing it when it was sore. Then one day I went into my backyard from rest, ran around with the Dog in the backyard sprinting at…
  • I'm in the Chicago area, and we are in the top 10 for outbreaks in the usa. I did have the flu in early January with similar symptoms to covid 19, but currently I don't know if I had it or not. Was sick for 2 weeks, then recovered. I hope to get a test at some point to see if I had it. My mom is in the high risk group for…
  • Did you recently start a weight loss program and stop? Just wondering because I did, and my results were noticed 2 weeks later. This has happened before. Usually, if I start diet/exercising again after a layoff, I don't see much results until around 2 weeks later. This time around it was 1 inch and 5 or so pounds I lost. I…
  • I've used a fitbit charge 2 for several years. It still works perfectly. The only thing I've had to do is replace the bands since they go bad from time to time. But, its an easy fix as you just snap in another one, and I picked up a 3 pack for around $10 on amazon. To me the 2 big things to consider is the display and apps…
  • I've been using the same fitbit (charge 2) for years as well, but I do know that when my band broke I was able to order new ones online (amazon). You may want to look around to see if there are custom options. I also seem to remember fitbit had a test you can do to determine which band size to get. I remember using paper…
  • Be sure you aren't eating a high protein low fat low carb diet. Not getting enough fats on any low carb diet is a common mistake.
  • Ok, I'm not positive on what the question is. Are you asking why is the fitbit calories burned are so high per the exercises you are doing? So, for a 30 min walk the calories burned seems too high? The fitbit is my constant companion and here is how I use the numbers. I don't pay much attention to if calories are too high,…
  • I'm cutting with similar goals. My approach is to continue to cut calories, do cardio and measure muscles and waist regularly. I'm dipping below 37" waist now and plan to cut down to around 34". Then, increase calories and lift to gain muscle. After a while, go back to cutting, then back to lifting, etc... If I notice or…
  • What I have learned from this happening to me in the past, the most important thing is that 1 meal doesn't turn into multiple days or more of going off track. I find it's best to get right back on track to your routine as soon as possible. 1 meal shouldn't matter too much otherwise.
  • About a year ago I was cutting calories and doing cardio M-F, then on the weekends I would not exercise, eat fast food, drink too much, etc... I wasn't going crazy with extra calories on the weekend, it wasn't anywhere near 6000, but it was probably slightly above maintenance. I did still loose weight and inches, but it…
  • By loosing strength do you mean loose muscle mass? If so, I don't have an answer since I'm wondering about the same question. I'm also cutting for about 5 weeks now. I'm down 12 pounds, goal is around another 10-15. No muscle loss yet, but I want to prevent it. I measured everything this morning and will be tracking muscle…
  • I would suggest practicing a few day hikes first. Figure out how far you will walk in 1 session, and try to do that. I do mostly day walking in the midwest at forest preserves, so its not that technical. I can say after 2.5 hours I'm really looking forward to finishing my walk. 3 hour walks can be a little brutal on the…
  • If you are not loosing weight, here are a few reasons it could be: 1. Not cutting enough calories. 2. Not being consistent enough with eating right each day. 3. Not giving it enough time, since it sometimes can take a few weeks to see results. Strangely enough, I have also found I get results sometimes when I stop…