HRKinchen Member


  • Congrats on the new PB! Woot woot! A new PR, and a hard-fought one to boot. Congrats!
  • Trying to catch up on posts, but y'all! There is so much awesomeness in this thread! Congrats on the great run! Way to go! Great run, hot coffee, new shoes ... Sounds like a winning combo to me! I so envy your night run! Some of my favorite runs have been in the evening/twilight hours.
  • NEW 5K PR TODAY!!! Returned to the site of my first ever 5k (last year) and ran my best race yet! This was my second nonstop run, and this time I was much better at the pinch-and-pour at the aid stations than last weekend. Plus, it was sprinkling rain, so dousing wasn't such a concern. :smirk: Started a bit faster than I…
  • Bit of a makeup run this morning since I didn't get a chance to do yesterday's assignment (Higdon base training, week 10, day 4 - 2.5 miles). Have a race tomorrow, though, so I went short today and focused on fundamentals: keeping hands up during slower-paced warmup and cool down (huge lesson learned from the back half of…
  • Welp. I signed up for the MS Gulf Coast HM in December. Thanks, everyone, for the encouragement!
  • @skippygirlsmom - Ouch! That sounds terrible. Hope it heals quickly!!
  • Short run day. No real news, other than I'm currently debating whether to sign up for a half in December and force myself to commit to training for it. Still teetering on the fence between it feeling scary and feeling doable. But maybe that's the sweet spot for motivation.... MTD: 12.88/45 YTD: 87.13/500 3/1 - 2.0 3/3 -…
  • Excellent morning run on the TM today. I'm on week 10 of Higdon's base training plan, so the assignment was 2.5 miles. Did it at my new easy pace of 4.3mph and felt great! Warm up and cool down brought me to 3 miles for the day. Feeling strong headed into my next 5K this weekend. MTD: 10.88/45 YTD: 85.13/500 3/1 - 2.0 3/3…
  • Awesome! Well done!
  • Nice 2-mile run on the TM tonight. I'm up to 4.3mph as my standard "easy" speed, which feels great! I think my breathing has been a big part of what's been holding me back on speed. I very seldom ache in my legs, but frequently have felt my HR getting up too high and sometimes suffered side stitches (almost always on my…
  • Excellent racing, all! Hard to tag everyone on mobile, but a few comments... @amymoreorless - How frustrating about the distance! Wonder how that can happen on a "certified" course? Good racing, though. You'll get your sub-2! @sarahthes - Way to power through! Hope your ankle is feeling better soon! @polskagirl01 - Love…
  • Absolutely! And thank you.
  • I'm in for 45 miles again this month, with three races on my schedule, and I'm already off to a great start! Ran my first nonstop 5K today at Rock'n'Roll NOLA! (Although I did take a few strides to drink, rather than douse, my cup of Gatorade at the halfway point aid station. Really need to work on that pinch-and-pour…
  • I find running always (never) cures that right up. :wink: Oops. I'm a faulty "woo"er, I'm afraid. I thought it was like, "woo, that's bad" or "sheesh" or "yikes." More like a "woah." :confused:
  • Awesome! :smiley: Planning to spend my post-race Saturday down there with my family. We rarely go to Nola without doing one or more of the Audubons (which my 4-year-old loves), but we'll probably focus more on the Quarter this time.
  • Quick short run this morning. Nothing special to report, other than running two days in a row for only the second time this month. :neutral: MTD: 26.65/45 YTD: 74.25/500 2/1 - 2.75 2/6 - 2.0 2/11 - 5.0 2/13 - 2.25 2/14 - 2.14 2/16 - 1.75 2/18 - 5.26 (aka "5ish") 2/21 - 2.0 2/25 - 2.0 2/26 - 1.5 ***** Goals for 2018: - Run…
  • Yikes, 276 new posts since my last check-in. Not sure I can catch up with them all, but I'll try. In the meantime, it's been a crap week. Honestly, I'm starting to feel like a broken record on the bad news front, so I'll spare you all the details. Suffice to say, I'm way behind on running and won't catch up this month. But…
  • Short run today - my first since Sunday's trail race (er, run/walk...whatever). Monday was a scheduled rest day; yesterday became one when I woke with sore quads (darn hills). Today was just an easy 1.5 miles on the TM. Felt really good, and I wanted to push the distance a bit, but decided to stick to my plan. I guess the…
  • No one here will ever laugh at a run. Promise. I'm a newbie, so you can check my posts, for example, and then check the responses. Nothing but encouragement and support from this group. Good people here, every one.
  • My first trail race of the year is in the books, and it was... educational. :smile: The 5ish-mile course was more challenging than I expected, with more hills, ankle-deep sand and horse poop (oh the joys of equestrian trails :neutral:) than I had anticipated, plus the usual mud and roots and ankle-biter holes. I started…
  • Right on. :heart:
  • Ok, now I'm really getting excited for Sunday's 5-mile trail race. RD posted the following map and photo today. :lol: (ETA: The map is for Saturday's 52, 39, 26 and 13-milers. Not sure of the exact route for the 10 and 5 miles we mere mortals will be running Sunday.) MTD: 15.89/45 YTD: 63.49/500 2/1 - 2.75 2/6 - 2.0 2/11 -…
  • Overslept but managed to squeeze in a few hills. Steeper inclines than on Tuesday (4 & 5 today). Felt pretty good, although I'm a bit nervous about what Sunday's hills will feel like after a couple miles of relatively flat running. Guess we'll see. Not sure whether I'll do another quick run tomorrow or rest. Will probably…
  • 2.14 miles this morning for Valentine's Day and the "Luv 2 Run" virtual race. When I signed up for this one, I hadn't yet run more than a mile or so nonstop, so 2.14 felt like a nice stretch goal. But this morning it was my "short and easy" run for the week. What a difference a little time and determination can make, no?…
  • Exactly! I never thought I'd want to run on the treadmill, and I still prefer outside, but some days it's a real lifesaver!
  • HILLS! :flushed: I haven't run Sunday's trails before, and I'm not sure exactly what to expect. I've seen an elevation profile (below), which looks more like molehills than mountains but will be challenging to a girl used to running flats. So I'm basically making up my TM hills workout as I go. Today was 1.75 miles running…
  • Yes! Embrace the -ish! I really want one of the new "Just Do ISH" shirts. So perfect.
  • So, I may or may not have (*totally did*) signed up for another race between now and my April vacation. Which means if I run all planned races, I'll be racing four out of the next five weekends... and maybe even five of the next seven. :joy: But I'm supposed to be doing weekly long runs of (mostly) these distances anyway,…
  • Figure skating. My specialty is the triple klutz. Nail it every time. :wink:
  • I love those! :heart: