February 2018 Running Challenge



  • ereck44
    ereck44 Posts: 1,170 Member
    Soooo....on a day almost as hot as an early summer day on the planet Mercury (yay Florida!) Gasparilla! I always leave several hours early, I usually try to park, check in, then walk through the expo before my run, give me a chance to "calm down" after fighting that hour's worth of traffic. Knowing my wave time was 0945, I left my house about 0700, to get up there in oodles of time. Sha right. Not the case today. Over 45 minutes stuck in traffic, multiple parking lots full, trying to do u-turns on 1 way streets whentheotherdriversarethisclosetoyou...I finally found a single spot - at $20! - on the OTHER side of the area I needed to be in, 10 mins before my wave time! I finally made it through the throngs of staged runners over to check in, totally forget my bib number, have a mini-break down before getting in with the next wave. That's when I realized my stupid mistake: I totally have been in the "Florida summer" mindset (since basically, that's how it has been), and making sure my runs have all been done early. I haven't been training in the heat. Great! Added to that - of all the days to forget sunscreen!

    Due to the heat and multitude of walkers, strollers, and precious little children, there were several walks. About half way though, I did roll my ankle due to uneven pavement, and almost stopped on the side for a few, but I recalled the encouragement y'all gave another a while back when she did the same..so to just walked, ok, limped it off till it went away. After the turn around (yes, where the Rough Riders were passing out donuts...) cruising along...and my mother decided to call! WOW! So now, I have to slow to make sure all the apps are still running, turn the music back on...carry on. Between mile 2 & 3, I slowed to a walk, and a gentleman came up to me & said "Oh no! You can't slow down now! You've been my pacer for the past half mile!" Funny, I was using someone else!

    So, when it all came down to the end: I accomplished my goal! Even with all the "walk breaks", I did it in 44:52, pace 14:03. Secretly I was kinda hoping to beat my 39:43, but I feel good about beating last year (45:44,14:42) The "struggle" part, I honestly think, it was heat and "slalom" related. If it was done earlier in the morning I'm sure I would have been able to run longer. And I'm kinda curious...I know it SAYS 3.1 miles, but with all the weaving in & out, just how far DO we really run?

    Feb: 25 miles

    2/2 - 2.1 miles
    2/3 - 2.15 miles
    2/5 - 2.41 miles
    2/7 - 2.44 miles
    2/12 - 2.5 miles
    2/15 - 2.55 miles
    2/20 - 2.75 miles
    2/22 - 2.76 miles
    2/24 - 3.19 miles - 24.65 run, .35 to go (oh man! Had I known....!)

    2/17 - Susan B Komen Race For the Cure 5K DNS
    2/24 - Gasparilla 5K - 44:52, 14.03

    Yearly goal: 200 miles - Jan 17.61 - 22.65 = 159.74 to run!

    I enjoyed your race recap, esp the part where you were the pacer for someone else. I thought it was cool that you were able to finish after rolling your ankles. Kudos to you! Keep up the good work!
  • MNLittleFinn
    MNLittleFinn Posts: 4,271 Member
    Yesterday I ran a 30KM, road marathon and 50KM PR at the Orange Curtain 50/100 event. It’s a flat bike path event with only a handful of small hills. I felt great for the first 25 Miles and worked hard from 25-31 to stay on target.

    I feel excited, proud, and thrilled to run my first road ultra (ever) and longest road distance in over 5 years. No injuries! Just some soreness and inflammation, but nothing unusual for me.

    19,773’ gain
    207 miles

    Awesome! Kind of jealous that you got your first ultra of the year in already. Keep up the awesome running!
  • shanaber
    shanaber Posts: 6,410 Member
    edited February 2018
    Not through reading every post that I missed and we are heading to the dog beach. I wanted to comment on what I have read so far or I will forget.
    @JessicaMcB - Congratulations on hanging in to finish the race in brutal conditions and on the win!!

    On donating blood... I have B- and they call me all the time too. I haven't gone for a while but I used to go all the time and it was hit or miss if I could donate. My normal blood pressure is just too low and they also don't like how low my HR goes.

    On blood pressure @RunsOnEspresso, it depends on your age but they have changed what is considered 'high' these days. As @girlinahat mentioned there is definitely evidence that BP is higher for some people in the doctor's office. They call it White Coat syndrome. I have also found that it greatly depends on who is taking it and/or if it is done by a machine. For example in the cardiologist office my BP is its normal low self (100/65) but in my GPs office it is always high - sometimes 140/70 which is way high for me.

    I am going to have to check out the Walgreen's rewards for running! Maybe my husband can get them too for his walks and that would encourage him to do more!

    Now we are off to the beach and some zooming dogs!

    [post edited by mods - please do not post personal details such as email, phone, social media handles, etc. share this info via private message]
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    Yesterday I ran a 30KM, road marathon and 50KM PR at the Orange Curtain 50/100 event. It’s a flat bike path event with only a handful of small hills. I felt great for the first 25 Miles and worked hard from 25-31 to stay on target.

    I feel excited, proud, and thrilled to run my first road ultra (ever) and longest road distance in over 5 years. No injuries! Just some soreness and inflammation, but nothing unusual for me.

    19,773’ gain
    207 miles

    Wow! That is a lot of miles in one day! Well done!
  • PastorVincent
    PastorVincent Posts: 6,668 Member
    No run today, too much on schedule. Monday not looking good either. Thus ends my streak I guess.