jennieskoolaid Member


  • One scoop protein powder: 110 One cup unsweetened almond milk: 35 One Tbs chia seeds: 40 One cup frozen strawberries: 70 Crap, that's 255 calories BUT super delicious!
  • I followed John Stantons guide to half marathon training. It was good but I wish I would have put in more time. I think his schedule was 3months long. Good luck on training.
  • I once judged a slightly over weight old lady for running a marathon, thinking to myself she's not going to make it but she was fast and beat me to the finish line! I was mentally embarrassed and ashamed of myself for judging her.
  • I'm a chip monster and it's seriously a problem. I just love the crunch and flavours.....sooooo good. I'm definetly addicted to chips but this week starting today i am cutting them out of my life for good. So to satisfy that crunch factor I like to get those rice crackers and dip with humus also air popped popcorn with a…
  • Thank you Kavahni for the kind advice
  • You guys are awesome! Maybe I'm not eating enough and my husband just said "I told you so" about doing to much. Lol, I needed that second opinion. So I'll definitely dial it back for the rest of the week and hopefully I'll feel like myself again by Sunday. Thanks everyone
  • Yes, you're right. I burn almost half my calories. So for today my intake was 1756 and my burn was 702. I left my diary open to public and I make sure to log everything correctly even the "bad".
  • Also, the symptoms I'm feeling are low energy, tired, muscle aches in the calves. When I went for my sprint run my mind says push hard but my body isn't responding. It's like something pulling me down. I've also done a slow run and my heart rate was higher than normally for slow runs.
  • Thank you all for the feedback. I'm following John Stantons half marathon training program and I'm also incorporating strength training twice a week. I think I eat enough calories. I usually eat around 2000 calories a day but I burn at least half of those with exercise. I have taken Sunday and Monday completely off from…
  • Just throwing this out there but what if you have a tapeworm. My cousin had one and he kept eating like crazy and not gaining and in fact kept losing weight! Finally he went to the doctor and got it figured out.
  • This happened to me a year ago and the doctor determined that I was low on iron. So I had to take iron pills to level it out. Also, because I lost so much hair I had to have extentions put in and now my hair is finally growing back. Losing hair really sucks especially for women, just know you're not alone and definitely…
  • Also, I really miss Purplesaurus Rex Kool-aid too!
  • Crispy chicken burger from McDonald's and the individual pizzas!
  • Friendly Manitoba here
  • Oh my goodness, this is confusing even me now. Listen girl, your doing great. All you need to do is incorporate some weight lifting into your exercise routine and walk for at least an hour at a brisk pace. If you have no time for an hour walk then incorporate a jog in your 30min walk in little bursts to get your heart rate…