abs1970 Member


  • @TavistockToad not sure what kind of help there is available..... it's just something I've learned to deal with. Sometimes it bothers me, sometimes it doesn't!
  • @TavistockToad My competition was in April this year. I've probably only gained 2kg max but considering I'm only 5ft 1in, I can really notice it. I always joke about having body dysmorphia, but it's a real struggle for me :'(
  • @TavistockToad compared to some maybe, but it's how I feel and what I see in the mirror. I'm carrying more fat than I'm happy with. When I look back at pics of me a year ago I was much leaner & more disciplined with my food and training. I just need to get stop complaining and do something about it instead!
  • @sardelsa I wanted to compete again this year but the timing wasn't right with holidays etc. Possibly looking at next April if I can get my act together in time. I haven't had any goals in mind since competing earlier this year so I've kinda coasted. But....... my 48th :s birthday coming up middle of October and I plan to…
  • @TavistockToad I absolutely do. Since my competition I've felt at bit lost in the gym. Can't seem to get my motivation back and it's getting me down.
  • @TavistockToad :(
  • @TavistockToad more than my competition weight :# I know, I know competition weight and condition isn't sustainable!
  • It is absolutely all me in the pic. If you are not in competition-mode your body is as close to perfect as it can be ... thank you for this! :) I honestly think I suffer from body dysmorphia as I just don't see what everyone else does when I look in the mirror! I am starting up with conditioning again and having been…
  • I don't add salt to anything I cook or eat. Still logging what I eat, though not weighing religiously like I did. Give yourself a hug, you may be being too hard on yourself. Have you allowed yourself the satisfaction of having taken part in the competition, regardless of where you came in the line up? You were there, which…
  • Water intake has been good - probably a few litres a day.
  • Nutrition is the most important factor. Make sure you log everything you eat, keep to a calorie deficit every day and you will lose weight. It's that simple!
  • Hertfordshire - feel free to add me! :) :)
  • I'm 47, in the best shape of my life and planning to enter my first ever fitness competition later this year! I train 5 days a week, log my food daily and eat clean 90% of the time. Can't say I've noticed a difference in recovery times as I've got older but take BCAAs daily during training so maybe they're helping. :)
  • It definitely feels like a blood sugar issue - I used to have hypoglycemia but haven't had the symptoms for a while until recently.
  • Now you mention it, I did notice it around the time my period was due and now the dreaded time of the month is here, I'm still feeling the same!
  • I don't have caffeine at all! Blood sugar is a possibility though - thanks
  • Think I'd pass out if I ate less often. I've tried dragging it out but just can't make it!!! I wake up starving hungry and have breakfast just before 7am as I have an early start at work.
  • From Hertfordshire, UK :)
  • London here! Prepping for my first competition and log daily. Happy for you to add me too :)
  • 47 years old, in the best shape of my life and planning to enter my first ever fitness competition! :)
  • You're rocking it for us petite ladies!!! Looking amazing :)
  • This! It's all about the planning. I prep my lunch and snacks every day and log everything I eat. I find it helps me with accountability too. Your body soon gets used to eating clean and then you don't crave junk. This has been my life for just over a year now and the results speak for themselves!! Good luck
  • I'd rather keep it natural to be honest. I've tried diazepam once or twice in the past but hate the groggy feeling afterwards.
  • I've never heard of it - might have to do some research. Thanks.
  • Aah, I didn't think about Melatonin. Going to give that a try...... thanks :)
  • I have the same issue - get about 6 hours sleep a night which I know isn't enough. I fall asleep straight away but wake up a few times in the night. By the end of the week, I'm exhausted! :#
  • 17.4% when I was last measured with calipers
  • I use it for tight muscles more than anything, sitting on a tennis ball on the plate really helps ease the soreness. I've also been told low squats on there are very good (apparently great for breaking down the delightful cellulite that us females are cursed with!) Giving them a try later today so I'll let you know.
  • Apart from being pretty damn hungry throughout, I'd like to know too!
    in BCAAs Comment by abs1970 June 2017
  • Thank you - really informative! :)
    in BCAAs Comment by abs1970 June 2017