Trouble sleeping

Hi all.

Recently having such a hard time sleeping. Little bit stressed due to work life etc
But its now affecting my food and exercise
So i dont want it to get any worse

Any advice


  • Penthesilea514
    Penthesilea514 Posts: 1,189 Member
    You might consider consulting your doctor if it is affecting daily activities, but here are a few things that help me:

    * stay consistent with the exercise- physical exhaustion often helps me sleep. even if it is just walking, try to keep moving.

    * stop caffeine in the afternoon/as early as you can- so it doesn't interfere with sleep at night. Just having morning caffeine helps me a great deal, but getting to that point from my near constant caffeine consumption previously was a bit of a process.

    * white noise/rain noise sounds- I fall asleep like a baby when it rains, so I will sometimes use rain noises (my alarm app (Alarmy) has a variety of sounds that play for a pre-selected amount of time.

    * although NOT proven effective, I have found the occasional use of melatonin to help me sleep when I just can't fall asleep seems to work (or maybe its placebo, but whatever). it is not meant for long term use and make sure that you clear any supplements with your doctor before taking them.

    Remember with stress, you could also try talking to a friend or family member and see if getting some frustration off your chest helps. Stress eating is definitely a problem for me too, but I try to make strategic choices when I can. For example, if I need to eat a pint of ice cream, I grab Halo Top or something similar. If I need fast food or comfort food, I will pre-log it and try and build the rest of my day around it. If I can't make the best choices, I log it and forgive myself.

    I hope things settle down for you soon. Hang in there!
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    Magnesium supplements help me if I'm experiencing sleep issues
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,463 Member
    You can do a Google search for "sleep tips" or "sleep hygiene" and you should be able to find a list of about 10 commonly recommended practices. Some of them are mentioned up thread. Try to take 15-30 min before bed to relax, meditate, write down your concerns, etc.
  • abs1970
    abs1970 Posts: 235 Member
    I have the same issue - get about 6 hours sleep a night which I know isn't enough. I fall asleep straight away but wake up a few times in the night. By the end of the week, I'm exhausted! :#
  • MizMareedy
    MizMareedy Posts: 148 Member
    I've had insomnia off and on in my life. It's well controlled now that I'm on anxiety meds - however I still get it occasionally when I've been on my phone too much before bed or watch something too stimulating (hbo comedy specials get me bad!) before bed. I've heard lavender helps so maybe wash your sheets / pillow cases with some softener that's lavender scented. I hope you find relief soon - lack of sleep sucks!!!
  • jjpptt2
    jjpptt2 Posts: 5,650 Member
    Magnesium supplements help me if I'm experiencing sleep issues

    Same here.
  • Kalex1975
    Kalex1975 Posts: 427 Member
    I have severe sleep issues...

    I had heart failure two years ago and have been on BiPAP machine to treat my sleep apneas since then. Two years later, I've lost 250+ lbs and my obstructive apneas have virtually gone away. Unfortunately I may now be dealing with central apneas (a neurological disorder which can be caused by heart failure). I've had 3 sleep studies done in the last couple years, one just recently. Hoping my recent sleep issues are due to the BiPAP settings and not the neurological disorder (will know soon).

    Definitely consult with your doctor. A sleep study may be a good option. I credit the BiPAP with helping me lose a lot of the weight. Lack of REM sleep messes with your hormones and can make weight loss that much more difficult.