bee_bee8 Member


  • I went out of town for a work trip this week and was concerned about not being able to control the food I was eating (everything catered for 2 full days, no opportunity to prepare my own stuff) and not having time to work out. Sometimes I have a tendency to backslide when I break from my routine. To my delight, I was able…
  • I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism in my mid-20s. I wasn't that overweight at the time of my diagnosis (maybe by about 15 lbs), but I gained an additional 40 lbs even after being put on medication because I was still overeating. I think it depends on the severity of your specific case (I'm not an expert on this condition…
  • I totally know how that is! I feel the same way, I feel somewhat fortunate no one has brought up my weight loss except family (with whom I've shared some details about my program; not all). They've been largely supportive and understanding about my restrictions, but I also don't see them every day like coworkers so they…
  • If you're concerned, consider getting your own apple watch or heart rate monitor. I know they're not cheap but it's really hard to get a good sense of your resting heart rate if you only check it intermittently. Personally, my heart rate always increases when I know it's being measured. Even slight anxiety can put a…
  • I found this machine on Amazon about a year ago and asked my boyfriend to get it for me for christmas: I was in the same situation as you: couldn't exercise…
  • Like others said, I rarely notice other people at the gym. If I do, the only thing I'm thinking is "Yasss, you're killing it!" I don't care if you're 400 lbs, 80 years old, or a totally stereotypical gym-goer... We're all in this together and making a conscious choice to be healthier. Hoorary for that.
  • That's strange, I have a 1st generation apple watch and my iphone has the latest software and I don't have this problem. You are tracking your workout on your watch, I assume? By that I mean going into the exercise app and choosing "Elliptical", "Indoor Bike", etc. I have noticed that MFP generally doesn't recognize active…
  • First 3 months (1/2017-3/2017): Lost 25 lbs Last 3 months: Lost a total of .5 lbs lol I'm in the home stretch (only 10 lbs to go) so it's gotten really hard to lose. I keep losing and gaining the same 5 lbs and it sure is getting old :D
  • Everyone here wants you to succeed, and the way to do that to develop sustainable eating habits. I totally understand the desire to lose as much as possible as fast as possible - the problem with that is you'll almost certainly gain it all back when you start eating "normally" again. I've been down that road many times.…
  • If your doctor says you're okay then keep doing what you're doing. Eating 1200 calories a day is too little for most men. Estimated BMR for a 40-year-old, 5'6, 150-lb man is over 1500 calories. For a 6-foot, 170-lb man, it's over 1700. So many men would feel very hungry eating only 1200 calories/day.
  • High: 175-ish (honestly not sure; I didn't start weighing myself until a couple weeks after I started exercising and eating better) Current: 131 Goal: 120 I'm about 5'3 so I'm at a healthy weight now, but would love to shed those last 10 lbs. Since I hit the 140 mark a few months ago it's been realllly slow-going, mainly…
  • Yes, it is all in your head. I also lost upwards of 40 lbs this year and most days I can’t see it. Even when I compare my progress photos in MFP, I still can barely see it. It’s especially frustrating because I’ve been sitting at the same weight (give or take 5 lbs) for months. I feel good and healthy but in a perfect…
  • You still haven't shared your daily calorie goal, but I think it's safe to say the amount you're eating is much too little. I've lost quite a bit of weight this year, and something important I learned is that you do NOT have to feel hungry all the time. You might when you first start out, but your body will quickly adjust…
  • Just piggybacking on what everyone else said... you are a perfectly healthy weight so losing more will be challenging. You seem like you’re in a great position to do some recomposition; a lean and muscular 115lbs would look awesome on a 5’1 frame. For future reference (if you gain weight and truly do need to lose some,…
  • That would be awesome! Mind if I add you? I'd love to learn more about different kinds of strength exercises and the best way to target certain areas.
  • Thanks everyone! Some great tips in here. I'm sure my form is off, so I'll definitely do some more research on that. Warming up is something I hadn't really considered even though it seems obvious... I definitely know I need to do that for my cardio workouts! I'm hoping as I get stronger (and improve my form) I won't find…
  • 9 months and -40 lbs later, I still have a hard time with this. Like others suggested, I try to backload my calories so I still have a pretty good deficit in the evening. Luckily I usually don't get hungry until later in the day, so it mostly works out. I eat lunch around 1:30-2 and dinner around 7. Around 8:30-9 I'll have…
  • I was so tired this afternoon. Usually I get my workout out of the way before noon (even if it means I have to do it before 6 am), but I couldn't today. By the time I finished work and everything else, I was yawning and lazy and just wanted to veg out. I convinced myself to go to the gym and do a low-key workout for 30…
  • I always enter beer into my diary ahead of time when I know I'll be drinking; you'd be surprised how fast those calories add up! Unless you're drinking something like Bud light or Miller lite, pints of beer can be around 200 calories each. Just 2 drinks at the bar adds up to more calories than my lunch most days! I think…
  • I just want to say, I've lost about 45 lbs and have probably eaten mostly carbs. Carbs are not the enemy, overeating is! I'll admit I don't know a ton about macros, but I do know if I limit my carbs I turn into a total grouch (who ends up binge eating because I can't take the withdrawals lol). The key for me was making my…
  • I'm happy to mentor anyone who needs a little extra support. I've lost and gained and lost again, so I know what it's like to fall into bad habits. Since January I've lost over 40 lbs and am within 5 lbs of my goal weight, through regular cardio and healthy eating. I'm not an expert on exercise, but I can help with…
  • Someone already said it I think, but weigh your food. You'd be surprised how skewed your calorie count can get if you measure things like "1 slice of bread" instead of "27 grams of bread." Also - don't deprive yourself. Eat what you love (and if you can, find ways to make it healthier like by adding veggies). If you love…
  • I am always super starving the first few days after starting calorie restrictions, with headaches and everything. Once my body gets used to it, I almost never feel more than moderately hungry. Eating breakfast and then having cereal for lunch could be why. Everyone is different but personally, if I eat breakfast I always…
  • It can be really tough! Personally, it took quite a while for me to even realize how overweight I was. It happens so gradually you kind of get used to how you look. It wasn't until I looked at a BMI chart that I realized I was considered "obese" :-/ It seemed intimidating to me to lose 60 lbs at once, so I set little…
  • I'm not an expert as I'm pretty short, but most of my tall female friends wear size 6+ even if they're quite thin. Just because a size 4 sounds like an ideal size doesn't mean it's YOUR ideal size. I wouldn't worry about the size on the tags but instead how you feel and how clothes fit
    in Size 4? Comment by bee_bee8 June 2017
  • Thanks you guys!! It's nice to have some external support. My parents have been rooting for me but I don't have many people in my day-to-day life to share with or get support from. Since I've been the same weight for a couple months (and still want to lose some) it's easy to forget how far I've come. Little encouragements,…
  • Short answer - Don't deprive yourself. If you get cravings, eat what you're craving. If you can work it into your daily/weekly calories, great, but don't beat yourself up if you go over occasionally. As long as you maintain good habits on a regular basis, it won't hurt you. Long answer - I went about 4 months without a…
  • I do this too, especially on weekends because I'm a homebody and don't really enjoy going out too much. What helps me are some of the things others have said (exercising instead, finding a hobby where you can't eat at the same time, etc), but also finding foods I can snack on for a long time that don't have too many…
  • If you're seeing/feeling a difference, that's what matters. The number on the scale can be misleading, because it's so easily influenced by things like water retention. Have you been tracking your measurements in addition to your weight? Using a tape measure on your waist and hips can give you a more accurate sense of…
  • That makes total sense and it's a great way of thinking about it. I would have said something similar to myself a few months ago :-) My goal has always been to be healthier, not skinnier, but as many of us know weight loss can be a bit addictive. I've come so far and just want to get to the "weight maintenance" stage!