Exercising since last one year with no change!



  • Srishti285
    Srishti285 Posts: 10 Member
    you cant out exercise a bad diet (ie: excess of calories)

    If the OP is maintaining at 52 kgs, her calorie intake is perfectly fine. It sounds like a structured recomp program is in order. If you don't like how you look now, I suspect that you won't be happy at 47 kgs.

    Well that can be the case. However, I wish to be a bit more muscular and lean with no matter of what weight I am
  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    edited November 2017
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Rather than lose weight when you’re already in the middle of a healthy range, you may want to look into a recomp. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177803/recomposition-maintaining-weight-while-losing-fat


    When we lose weight we lose fat+existing lean muscle. The result can be you are smaller.....but the same shape as when you started. This is sometimes called skinny-fat.

    You want to keep muscle loss at a minimum (slight calorie deficit) - strength training - adequate protein.
  • Srishti285
    Srishti285 Posts: 10 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Rather than lose weight when you’re already in the middle of a healthy range, you may want to look into a recomp. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177803/recomposition-maintaining-weight-while-losing-fat

    Worth a repost.
    This is excellent advice.
    A recomp will help reshape your body and help get rid of the 'chubby' look without you having to lose more weight.

    Here is a list of programmes that will help with your recomp.


    Cheers, h.

    Yes! Thank you so much. I am really going to learn more about this technique and practice it!
  • Srishti285
    Srishti285 Posts: 10 Member
    malibu927 wrote: »
    Rather than lose weight when you’re already in the middle of a healthy range, you may want to look into a recomp. https://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10177803/recomposition-maintaining-weight-while-losing-fat

    This one is so apt for my issue.
    Thank you so much for providing me with the technique. I am definitely going to practice it
  • Muscleflex79
    Muscleflex79 Posts: 1,917 Member
    Srishti285 wrote: »
    You are likely eating more than you think. Do you weigh your food?

    Well no I don't weigh my food. Isn't that tedious?

    without weighing your food you literally have no idea how many calories you are eating.
  • bee_bee8
    bee_bee8 Posts: 96 Member
    Just piggybacking on what everyone else said... you are a perfectly healthy weight so losing more will be challenging. You seem like you’re in a great position to do some recomposition; a lean and muscular 115lbs would look awesome on a 5’1 frame.

    For future reference (if you gain weight and truly do need to lose some, which I don’t believe is the case right now)... Knowing EXACTLY what you are consuming is critical to weight loss, which is why weighing food is a good habit to get into. It might seem extreme at first but you’d be so so surprised at how many more calories you’re consuming than you think, even if you go by the serving sizes on the label (1 “slice” of bread can sometimes weigh 10+ grams more than the label estimates, for example).
  • Jthanmyfitnesspal
    Jthanmyfitnesspal Posts: 3,522 Member
    Srishti285 wrote: »
    Well no I don't weigh my food. Isn't that tedious?

    Just weigh or measure carefully the calorie dense stuff (nuts, cheese, oils, etc.) . Or buy single servings.