total steps thru Nov 14th= 50,000 Nov 15th 10,000 Nov 16th 10,000 Month Total = 70,000/210,000 steps
Nov 10 = 10,000 steps Nov 11 = 10,000 steps Nov 12 = 6,000 steps Nov 13 = 14,000 steps Nov 14 = 10,000 steps total= 50,000
Nov 10 = 10,000 steps Nov 11 = 10,000 steps Nov 12 = 6,000 steps Nov 13 = 14,000 steps total= 40,000 I came up short yesterday, but made up for it today. I am trying to spread the steps out through the day vs 10,000 all at once every day. Some days I do my stationary bike or elliptical and just count each minute as 100…
Hi all, I am going to join even at 10 days in to keep myself accountable for the rest of the month. I am very sedentary during the day, finding myself getting up off to couch to go sit outside. UGH My goal will be the standby 10,000 steps a day, 210,000 for the month remaining (10th-30th) Thanks for having this challenge.…
Just keep doing what you have been doing. If you keep losing weight and don't want to, just add a more food a little at a time till it levels off. Awesome job!!! Thanks for sharing your inspiring story!!
22.5 total September 850/1200 for the year
14 recorded miles this month 841.5/1200 miles for the year so far I've been focused on my food since the end of June and now I need to get back to regular exercise. I babysit 2 small ones so moving is an everyday thing, but consistent walking and stationary bike is the plan for October.
7.5 recorded miles for August. 827.5/1200 miles for the year
until you are recovered you need to follow a food plan that is within the caloric limits for losing weight. A health professional can guide anyone with this and the program offers "suggested" plans to get started. eventually after someone believes they are truly an OA'er they can work with others on how to keep their foods…
How many calories were you eating to lose weight? If it was a healthy amount then adding back a 200-300 calories per day could put you in maintenance. If you were not eating enough calories while losing weight (under 1200 or less) than you might have a harder time finding your maintenance calories number for a little…
36 miles this month??? ha 820/1200 for the year
Just finished up the May & June numbers.. I'm still here!!! 8 miles this month. I am slacking 792 completed 408 to go for the year
I wasn't checking in, but I was logging: June totals 113 miles 784 completed/ 416 to go for the year.. Now I am heading for the July link!!!
April totals 43/100 better than less!!
May totals 70 miles, biking and walking... that was just the first 1/2 of the month... I keep letting the days go by without moving purposefully. ugh I am letting myself down. I had a cold the last week +, but I am sure I could of done something!!! Heading into June with a goal.... 45 mins of activity a day, 30 miles of…
April 7=4miles April 9=6miles April 20=4miles April 24=4miles April 26-10 miles 28/100 miles for April and 586/1200 for the year
I'm here, I'm here!!! this is the second year I started to fall short in March/April. Last year I had some baby ducks to take care of and this year my babysitting hours went up, so just busy in general. I am committed however and plan to get in some miles.... I have done 12 miles over the past 2 weeks, but haven't posted.…
better late than never???? I got in a very little bit so far for March mar 4 =4 mar 17=1 mar 18=1 mar 19=1 Those are my minimal elliptical workouts for the past 3 days.. I have fallen off the moving wagon, but I am recommitting 561/1200 goal for 2019
feb 22=12 feb 25 =2 168/180 of goal february 554/1200 of goal 2019 fell a little short again............ and now to run and catch up the March Challenge ugh
feb 14=16 feb 15=10 feb 16=0 feb 17=0 feb 18=6 feb 19=0 feb 20=9 feb 21=20 154/180 of goal february 540/1200 of goal 2019 still on track with some days short and some days extra
feb 7=0 feb 8=0 feb 9=0 I was busy organizing and moving furnitrue the past 3 day so now miles there feb 10=3 feb 11=6.5 feb 12=9 feb 13=4.5 93/180 of goal february 479/1200 of goal 2019
getting in my 3 mile walk each day..... still addicted to my new bike!! feb 5= 15 feb 6= 21 70/180 of goal february 456/1200 of goal 2019
feb 1=7 feb 2=9 feb 3=9 feb 4=9 34/180 of goal february 420/1200 of goal 2019
jan 28=14 jan29=6 jan30=13.5 jan31=0 386/1200 Next month I will add more days walking... so the total number of miles will be less. I will aim for 60 miles walking and 120 on the bike (3miles 5days a week walking, 6 miles 5 days a week riding)
jan 23= 6 jan 24= 27 jan 25= 19 jan 26= 0 jan 27= 16 353/1200
jan 19 =26 jan 20 = 6 jan 21 =0 jan 22 = 11 285/1200 at this rate I will reach my year goal around 3 months into the year... much better than falling short last year!!!
jan 16 =26 jan 17 = 14 jan 18 = 26 268/1200
clearing my cache fixed it... thank you for the information!!
thanks for confiming it is not just me. I will be more accepting haha
jan 14= 22 jan 15 = 17 190/1200 LOVE my new bike!!