kcstar73 Member


  • Hi, Amanda---I just checked in for the first time in many days. I am getting so much more helpful use out of MND that I don't use MFP anymore, even for logging my meals. There are 46 former CC-MFP members over there now in a private Group. Some also post in the general MND community, but I'm sticking with the smaller group…
  • No worries. That grass will still be there tomorrow. Sounds like a good day :)
  • @BrightEyedAgain Well, at least you know where to find everyone if/when you do want to consider a switch again. I am at MND and thought at first that it might be more challenging for me to get used to than I wanted to mess with right now. But I spent some time exploring it yesterday and today, and it seems more robust to…
  • @eturtlet--agree with all you wrote. Did you happen to see an offer today for 39.99/yr instead of their normal higher price? It is tempting. Also, so much nutrition, diet, and exercise information is available there, but they are a bit 'stingy' as far as what is free.
  • @poisonesse It's the same for me. I like logging foods there better than on MFP. I realized that right away--and so far. I've only been there for a few days, so we'll see if that continues. I'm not crazy about the social interaction--it feels a little jumbled to follow as smoothly, for me at least. I do wish it were…
  • I'm here, kcstar73. Also on MND but planning to stay here too. I like the idea of organizing the threads here under community. Seems like it ought to work as well here as on MND once people get the hang of it. I don't want to lose touch with friends who plan to stay with MFP only.
  • Smooth.
  • Nodding here. :smile:
    in RRalphycc Comment by kcstar73 June 2
  • @witchmom3 -- hopefully someone more tech-savvy than I will try to make our Group work here under Community. I think setting up basic categories for threads for people to post under would help, rather than having everyone's post become a new thread, etc. I hope whatever does happen, that you will continue to do well.…
  • Have your daytime temps been warming up yet? I have a little bit the same sensation, or feeling cold more easily and quickly unless we're well into warm season like we are now. I've been thinking it's an aging thing. How long is your work expected to take?
  • @momopeach32 I only figured out earlier today about the @. And now I'll have to break my habit of not tagging someone's full username too! Yes, my laptop works best for me vs mobile. Thanks!
  • @poisonesse - I plan to follow and comment most often on this page--this one Trish has indicated might be more private than the one started under the Chit-Chat section. In time, maybe more posts will appear here, and others will gradually follow. It's more involved than before but getting used to it might not take too long.
  • You must be! I see you! Glad you made it ;)
    in I'm here! Comment by kcstar73 May 30
  • Also, I think we might be able to share the link to this page on some of our friends' profile pages who might need help finding us and/or to be invited.
  • Dave, Trish set this up most recently. I hope the link will go through. If you get there, click on the bell at the top to load recent notifications/new activity. This might be the best place to go for comments and replies to be seen. I'm afraid there are several Groups now and it's become a bit confuse as to which one to…
  • I'm here, too. Hope to see everyone landing here soon!
  • Gabi - on the mobile app if you go to More > Community (instead of Newsfeed, which will soon be gone) > tap your avatar at the top right of the MyFitnessPal *Community* page > tap the bell, then new posts should appear for any Groups we belong to. Yes--more steps, not easier! Wish there would be a way to reply specifically…
  • This will take some getting used to for me if this is where we will post from now on. Hope I can remember how to return here and/or keep track of replies from everyone! Sheesh.
    in No News Feed Comment by kcstar73 May 29
  • For those who are missing "grams", see "Settings" and scroll down to "Change Units". Hope it helps!
  • I agree. Regardless, life-style changes aren't "magically" negated by having a "thyroid problem". In fact an endocrinologist will be quite forthright in telling someone with thyroid issues that healthy eating habits and proper exercise are a major part of the solution. What I meant to prompt the OP to consider, is that…
  • Sorry I haven't read all previous replies/tips, so apologize if I'm repeating someone. The B12 deficiency caught my eye. There's a 'reason' for that most likely, and the underlying cause for it may also be the underlying cause for your weight issues (and possibly any other problems). Thyroid conditions, such as Hashimoto's…
  • Greetings to all--I was on CC on and off for a number of years, mostly just to log and track my progress. This year I look forward to trying MFP with the support of new friends here. Wishing the best of luck to us all!