drgnfyre Member


  • I personally tried keto after people tried to scare me off it, and it worked for me very well. But i enjoy eating this way and am also allergic to grains and a lot of fruits and veggies so I couldn't eat a lot of carbs if i wanted to. Bottom line is...if you try it and hate it don't think it's the only way, but don't not…
  • This is correct. Diabetic ketoacidosis is not the same as nutritional ketosis. Type 2 diabetics go into this state because they are not capable of using the glucose in their blood for energy, and also can not remove it from the blood stream. Nutritional ketosis is about lowering your intake of foods that increase your…
  • I don't have a gallbladder and it's doesn't effect my weight. The gallbladder is just a "storage" unit for bile. Your liver can dump bile into your intestines without it. Some people with or without a gall bladder have to stay away from fatty foods, and others do fine either way. Listen to your body when it comes to that,…
  • There is another possibility to why you are always tired. You could have food allergies. This was my issue. They make me tired, give me migraines, stuff my nose up, make my muscles hurt, and lots of other things. I wound up being allergic to ALL grains and most fruits and a LOT of veggies. So i had to be tested by a doctor…
  • I find that I naturally eat less food eating healthy, and so it is actually cheaper for me. I am not sure what it is exactly but I feel more satisfied and have less cravings.
  • I forgot to eat a lot in my 20's , I think it's just your bodies way of telling you you don't need to eat yet. I never force myself to eat if I am not hungry. I wasn't too thin or fat then so I didn't see a reason to mess with it.
  • I found that taking magnesium supplements help with my tight muscles. They work better for me than the tramadol sometimes.
  • I would love to have more friends that do keto!
  • I find it whoever you talk to, no matter what you "think" is right for you, someone always tells you that your wrong. There is always that one person. If what you are doing is a step in the right direction, then tell them to take a hike. After all it's your body, your gonna live in it and your gonna die in it....you get to…
  • There is no magic pill to help you lose weight. But I take the fish oils to help keep my fat ratio 1:1 or close as i can get it. We eat a lot of omega 6 and not enuff 3's. 3's help with reducing inflammation and 6's help with creating it. So, it has health benefits, but you can get omega 3's from eating fish more or eating…
  • You have trouble eating enough....I wish I had that issue ;p
  • I have this problem. I found out that carbs make me hungrier and sugar is the worst one. So i went low carb and I find I have much less cravings. While I don't think carbs are bad per say, I do have a sugar addiction and the carbs feed that. So, when i do eat carbs, I will have something like spaghetti squash that has a…
  • honestly, the best foods to eat to loose weight are non-processed, real foods. And steer clear of too much sugar. Sugar is the only food i would tell people to cut way back on. If your gonna eat sugar (and it's ok to have snacks), don't eat it in your everyday meals. Processed foods are full of hidden sugars. It not only…
  • Hello everyone! I recently had a bad year where my health was poor and i gained some weight. I am healthy now and I am here to try an slim up again and would love some friends that wanna join me and help each other stay motivated.