Doc referred me to Paleo, any advice?



  • CattOfTheGarage
    CattOfTheGarage Posts: 2,750 Member
    Yep. It's just a question of eating a little less than you need to to stay the same weight - if you do that consistently, you will lose weight. Slow and steady is the key - trying to lose too fast causes health problems, cravings, binging and relapses.

    Some people find things like Palaeo and low carb helpful because they feel more satisfied eating less if the diet is high in protein and vegetables. That's all it is. It works for some, not for others. You need to experiment to find what approach works best for you. There are Palaeo groups on myfitnesspal if you want to try it out.
  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,365 Member
    It's not just about weight loss for the OP, she in on multiple medications and suffers pain. While we don't know what the medication is for or what causes her pain, it is possible that her medical doctor determined paleo may be a good option for her based on their knowledge of the OP's medical condition plus what they have researched for the those conditions other than medicine.

    For some people their health is improved not just because of weight loss but due to the actual foods they are consuming or not consuming...

  • snickerscharlie
    snickerscharlie Posts: 8,578 Member
    It's not just about weight loss for the OP, she in on multiple medications and suffers pain. While we don't know what the medication is for or what causes her pain, it is possible that her medical doctor determined paleo may be a good option for her based on their knowledge of the OP's medical condition plus what they have researched for the those conditions other than medicine.

    For some people their health is improved not just because of weight loss but due to the actual foods they are consuming or not consuming...

    Rather than guessing, that is why I asked this very question upthread:
    Did your doctor say why he/she was recommending Paleo?

    I'm reserving any specific advice until I know more about her individual circumstances, but the posters advising her (since she did ask) that all that's needed for weight loss is to eat less than you burn are correct in doing so. :)
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    Op, like others said you don't need to do low carb/'paleo' in order weight-the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals is what matters. However, if the plan appeals to you then no harm in giving it a try-it may make it easier for you to stick to your calorie targets.
  • drgnfyre
    drgnfyre Posts: 45 Member
    If you have alot of weight to lose, and you are having alot of trouble losing weight- it's likely that
    you are insulin resistant, hyperglycemic, and have high triglycerides ( and prediabetic). That's a condition- in and of its self which- makes it hard to lose weight, and probably keeps you stuck in carb-craving/ fat storage cycle. Until you get that situation under control, you will struggle.

    You can do that by starving yourself and exercising- or you can interrupt that cycle with diet, and really reduce your insulin response by eating food that doesn't cause an insulin spike (low glycemic index, high fiber foods), and encourage your body to rely upon fat and protein which ( in contrast to sugar, refined grains, and processed food)- have a slow, steady absorption into your system.

    In broad concept, Paleo is a good way to do that. It's not the only way, but there is a TON of support available for Paleo dieters all over the internet, and the traditional Medical community currently sees it as a way to "treat diabetes" with diet instead of drugs.

    When your body is more healthy and functioning metabolically, you can refine your approach- and find a diet that really works for your body's individual needs. If Paleo is a formula that works for you NOW- and helps you to build some positive momentum, confidence, and healthy metabolic function-- Try it. Do it. (and don't let anyone discourage you because it is currently "trendy").

    I agree.
  • scward1991
    scward1991 Posts: 67 Member
    I would just make sure if you are planning on going down the paleo route that you consume enough protein in order to accomodate that lack of carb intake. I was finding that the weight was dropping off when I first started paleo and couldn't get to the gym, but as I started integrating exercise I felt weak and lacking energy, so had to up my protein consumption as a result. I found it worked really well for me personally, but not something that I could sustain long term. best of luck!"
  • MidModJenn
    MidModJenn Posts: 216 Member
    Also -- there's a Primal/Paleo group on here, I'd suggest joining and reading through their message board. Lots of great posts with tips, recommendations, etc to help you get started!