millcreekr Member


  • I notice Oprah isn't looking too slim in her commercials, and the food they are showing, well, cupcakes? Even though the cupcakes are tiny, tiny, still, I wouldn't recommend eating them every day, empty calories. Really, losing weight and keeping it off is so much a lifestyle change, bottom line. Everything said about…
  • I spoke to a pharmacist at a store that sells many diet "pills". She told me that all have quite a bit of caffeine, and since I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, I figured that would not be a good idea. When I told her I had lost weight by counting calories, she said to stick with that only. I kind of knew deep down inside…
  • I confess that I never see these "Persons above you" photos.
  • I have toned up by my high intensity training with a personal trainer (which includes weight lifting and more) and weight loss. I surprised myself actually that my HIT actually toned my body when I thought I never would. I still have places it's not perfect, but for my age, I am extremely happy. I say, yes, weight training…
  • Good luck! I have been using myfitnesspal since Jan. 24. I love it! I was on a two-month program and lost the most of the entire group, 17 pounds! Since then I have lost four more but haven't been as strict has I'd like to. I find that if I am in a group I have better self-control. Still, I'm happy with my weight loss,…
  • I too have Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and was diagnosed over 10 years ago. My TSH was 18! It took a while to get the medication right, but I seem to be okay now, as I'm in the low twos. Let me just say it was a shock to me also, and I found out that women who are pregnant and menopausal (me!) are the most likely candidates…
  • What dedication. You have done a fantastic job! Yes, My Fitness Pal has helped me immensely too. Best wishes on your wedding!
  • Also, if you want something salty/crunchy, Safeway makes a good (Signature brand) gluten free sesame rice cracker only 65 calories for 8 and then add a wedge or two of Laughing Cow low fat spread, 35 calories per wedge.
  • I make a cup of tea and have either a Special K cranberry-nut bar (150 calories) or a Del Monte sugar free red grapefruit cup (60 calories). Sometimes I'm just too full from dinner to have a snack.
  • Isn't this a pre-existing condition? I thought with the health care system in place, and even the one the legislature is considering, people with pre-existing conditions would not be penalized. Maybe the soda companies and candy companies and potato chip companies and fast food restaurants should be penalized, how's that…
  • Let's see, who's the adult here? You said these were 8-year old kids? You said Hopper was a bully? Well, looks like you were bullied by this 8-year old and his bully mom. The apple doesn't fall too far from the tree!
  • My friend noticed it in my face at about two weeks. I noticed it in my clothes, mainly all my coats, which is crazy, but that is what I first noticed it in about a week and a half. After about a month I started trying on summer clothes, capris mainly, that had been snug last summer and are now loose! However, I have lost…
  • I find that if I have more protein at my afternoon meal, I have more strength for my early evening work out with the personal trainer. He works us out for an intense hour, so I do need to have lots of protein I've found out. I think low blood sugar and a hard work out can make you dizzy too, but I'm no doctor. Try the high…
  • Could high intensity training help? But if it were me, I think I would rather have the plastic surgery scars than the skin. Good luck!
  • Very encouraging! That gives me incentive, and you look great!
  • I also find that excuses don't help at all. I had to face myself head on, no more excuses! It's scary, I know, but I finally had to look myself in the eye and stop my excuses.
  • The dietician from our group told us to put in as a goal to lose a half a pound a week. That doesn't sound like much and is very intimidating, but that way you have more flexibility in what you eat, don't have to starve, don't have to feel unfulfilled in your eating. I just started this journey and have a long way to go,…
  • I just look until I find where it is listed in cups or tablespoons and go from there and measure that way.