Diet pills

Does anyone have a recommendation for diet pills? You hear about this one or that one worked for this celebrity or that. Do any of them really work? What about apple cider vinegar??


  • Old_Cat_Lady
    Old_Cat_Lady Posts: 1,193 Member
    edited September 2017
    Pills only make your wallet thin and keep you fat. *Buy a food scale. It makes this place rock.
  • futuresize8
    futuresize8 Posts: 476 Member
    Reneambaker - Please don't go down this slippery slope. As someone with (unfortunately) a lot of experience with taking all kinds of diet pills in my past, there is not a single one that will give you permanent, healthy results. If there were, it would be the top selling product on the planet and we would have no obesity at all.

    Most of the pills are stimulants that give you "energy" - which for some result in nervousness and heart palpitations. Some have appetite suppressants - and as soon as you quit taking the pills, you'll be ravenous.

    There are lots of supposed benefits for ACV, but I didn't experience them and certainly not weight loss.

    The best thing you can do is find a sensible plan that you can stick to for life that incorporates healthy foods you enjoy and movement that is fun for you to do. It's easy to sprint with extreme diets and over exercise...and then stop when you're absolutely miserable. So find something sustainable you can do for the long haul!

    You can do it! If you need a friend, hit me up! :)
  • Ck103084
    Ck103084 Posts: 139 Member
    I have tried over a dozen of them in high school. All of them claimed to work, some natural, even that fda approved one. They're just a waist of money. I'm down 12 lbs right now because of upping my protein, sticking to my calories and walking a mile a day. It's tedious but the scale doesn't lie. Good luck!!
  • Grimmerick
    Grimmerick Posts: 3,342 Member
    edited September 2017
    I work under the thought that if those things really worked then everyone would know about them and use them. It would be common knowledge. CICO is tried and true though. Good luck to you ;)
  • J72FIT
    J72FIT Posts: 5,948 Member
    edited September 2017
    canarysal wrote: »
    If these things worked there'd be no obesity problem. There's no quick fix, eat at deficit, lose weight, overeat, gain weight.

    ^^^ For the win...
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    The best investment I've made in my weight loss...a $15 food scale.

  • Lift_Run_Eat
    Lift_Run_Eat Posts: 986 Member
    I will never recommend anyone taking any type of diet pills. I took both OTC and Dr prescribed when I was younger and I have so many stupid problems now from it.
    Plus, the weight may come off easily, but it goes back on twice as fast. It is not a permanent solution.

    Hard work-determination, CICO-precise/honest tracking, and lots & lots of patience....
  • jamesmburns90
    jamesmburns90 Posts: 10 Member
    It even says on most of the labels that a healthy diet and active lifestyle must be followed. If you're doing that then you don't need them.

    Diet pills are like nipples on men...completely useless
  • AgentFlex
    AgentFlex Posts: 211 Member
  • millcreekr
    millcreekr Posts: 25 Member
    I spoke to a pharmacist at a store that sells many diet "pills". She told me that all have quite a bit of caffeine, and since I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, I figured that would not be a good idea. When I told her I had lost weight by counting calories, she said to stick with that only. I kind of knew deep down inside that this was the truth, that there is no "easy" fix.

    So, skip the diet pills, save the money (did you happen to notice how expensive they are?!), eat less, give up the butter, breads, candy, crackers, and pasta, just like nutritionists say. I have lost so much weight on this plan, it amazes me. I also knew deep down that having a giant bagel with butter and lots of cream cheese for breakfast wasn't the best way to go. I've given up bagels too. But it's easy because I have substituted my eating with healthier, low-fat food. I now love fruits and vegetables. I am so glad, too, that I have grown tomatoes and squash and green beans, and I am eating so healthy. I love it. I don't miss the burgers and fries one bit.
  • stanmann571
    stanmann571 Posts: 5,728 Member
    Some of them work. The ones that work have risks and side effects.

    Because of that, discussion of specifics(except for some of the prescription pills) is restricted and moderated.

    Some of the "side effects" include death.
  • jaci66
    jaci66 Posts: 139 Member
    Does anyone have a recommendation for diet pills? You hear about this one or that one worked for this celebrity or that. Do any of them really work? What about apple cider vinegar??

    Only eating smart and exercise of some kind really work. Diet pills are for the lazy person who really doesn't want to lose permanently.

    CICO is the way to go. Calories In Calories Out. Get a food scale. Log your foods. Eat at a deficit. Walk. Walk. Walk. That's how you lose weight properly and permanently.
  • jdlobb
    jdlobb Posts: 1,232 Member
    Don't take pills to "lose weight." But if you have specific issues that are hindering your weight loss, you can potentially find supplements that address those. The 2 biggest ones being appetite suppressants and stimulants.

    I take ShredJYM because it's super effective at getting me through my 16 hour fasting period every day, it just completely kills my hunger. I'm under no illusions that it "burns fat." But it does support my dieting goals.
  • DanyellMcGinnis
    DanyellMcGinnis Posts: 315 Member
    Pills only make your wallet thin and keep you fat. *Buy a food scale. It makes this place rock.

    Well, sometimes they can have dangerous side effects too!
  • estherdragonbat
    estherdragonbat Posts: 5,283 Member
    millcreekr wrote: »
    I spoke to a pharmacist at a store that sells many diet "pills". She told me that all have quite a bit of caffeine, and since I drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day, I figured that would not be a good idea. When I told her I had lost weight by counting calories, she said to stick with that only. I kind of knew deep down inside that this was the truth, that there is no "easy" fix.

    So, skip the diet pills, save the money (did you happen to notice how expensive they are?!), eat less, give up the butter, breads, candy, crackers, and pasta, just like nutritionists say. I have lost so much weight on this plan, it amazes me. I also knew deep down that having a giant bagel with butter and lots of cream cheese for breakfast wasn't the best way to go. I've given up bagels too. But it's easy because I have substituted my eating with healthier, low-fat food. I now love fruits and vegetables. I am so glad, too, that I have grown tomatoes and squash and green beans, and I am eating so healthy. I love it. I don't miss the burgers and fries one bit.

    The bolded part really depends on the person. Everyone has a few foods that are hard to moderate. I know better than to be alone with anything custardy or caramel, for example. But otherwise? While I can easily go overboard on the items you've listed if I'm not mindful, I'm learning to be. And Butter is a healthy fat. Whereas in the past, I could eat probably 6-10 oz of challah on a Friday night (we buy uncut loaves for Sabbath and slice them at the table. Generally thickly), I now limit to two slices I try to get reasonably thin and end up with around 4 oz. I don't order pasta in a restaurant, but if I'm doing it at home, where I can measure out the portion and know what's in the sauce? It's a good filling meal. Never was big on candy, but someone brought me a bag of chocolate covered almonds recently and I went through 6 a day till they were gone.

    Just saw my doctor last week and he couldn't stop gushing. My BP has gone down from 130/90 to 110/80. I've dropped nearly a third of my starting body weight. (Still 43 or so lbs till goal, but I'm 2/3 of the way there). I strive to hit my protein target and let the rest fall where it may. And a lot of it falls to carbs, both starchy and otherwise.