BlueScoobie02 Member


  • Because being able to life more will make you bigger than being able to lift less?
  • You are right on track, keep it up! Also, remember that the number on the scale isn't the most important measurement. If you are lifting weights, you'll be gaining muscle. If you are using more calories than you are eating, you are doing it right. You're overall fitness will improve at at faster rate than the scale shows.…
  • 10+ years ago I stopped eating sugary foods: cake, ice cream, cookies. . . basically all desserts. I never have cravings and when I go out to eat and someone gets a dessert "to share", I have 1 or 2 bites and say 'nope, still don't want it or even like it'. I do keep Ghirardelli 86% dark chocolate in the freezer and eat…
  • Without numbers his assumption that his diet is across the board healthier than yours is just his opinion. And like you said BaBetter1, you know what is right for your body based on your particular situation, health and goals. But due to my education, I like data :-)…
  • It depends, is the porridge is too hot? Too cold? Or juuuuust right? haha, I'm no help!
  • What I'm wondering is why people think GMO's are a new thing. If you ate corn or wheat anytime in the last 40 years, you've eaten a genetically modified food. Or are people just not counting the green revolution of the 1960's "officially GMO"?
  • First off, Congrats on losing 75 lbs, that's amazing! Also, some men's pants have started the same size slippage. It's not as obvious as it is with women's clothing but a lot of men's jeans size 32 are actually 34 or 35 inches around.
  • I'm not a vegetarian/vegan, but I do love veggies and I'm always looking for more ways to increase my protein intake. My current go-to sources are mushrooms, lentils, and wilted(not cooked!) spinach. For higher protein grains I like rolled oats and quinoa. As far as cutting carbs, I'm currently in love with using spaghetti…
  • I think Lillymoo01 was saying that if you have underlying kidney, liver, or thyroid issues a ketogeni diet can make these issues worse. Which is why a doctor's supervision is recommended. "Blinten, who has used a keto diet for some cancer patients in specific circumstances, cautioned, “people will do anything to get the…