ledgey91 Member


  • Interesting read, thanks!
  • Has anyone tried yerba mate? Kind of a cross between tea and coffee. Been meaning to try some!
  • I used USN Diet Fuel at the start of my diet and shed weight very quickly over the course of the year. I did stick to it 2x a day for about a year then 1x a day for about 6 months before coming off completely. I did buy into the "magic" of it at first but people are right, it just puts you into a caloric deficit so long as…
  • Mine was doing that the other day, had to deactivate and relink it. Seems to be working fine now.
    in Fit bit Comment by ledgey91 April 2017
  • Celery and salsa was a nice little snack I went for when I was at the height of my dieting - mixed with a bit of fat free cottage cheese too every now and then. I also mixed a lot of frozen fruit with quark/greek yogurt for a low calorie snack, high in protein. Strawberries/Blueberries are great to have in the fridge too,…
  • It can get a bit repetitive, but it's not so bad as it's pretty much multiplayer only so you can drop in a game whenever you feel like it - like Overwatch or Battlefield. I'd say it's worth picking up if you're into that kind of thing but there are so many good games out/coming out at the moment anyway that giving it a…
  • For Honor is great! Got it with my 1070, I'm just absolutely terrible at it haha.
  • Really into Chance the Rapper's latest album at the minute - Childish Gambino too. Fits well with my workouts.
  • Trying to save money after payday but Horizon Zero Dawn looks amazing.... anyone picking it up??
  • Stockport here!
  • I think the best thing that exercise did for me at my largest was in keeping me motivated in losing weight. The more I did it (and the fitter I could feel myself getting) I better I felt and my diet improved in kind. Calories in/out is definitely the most important thing, but I think exercise is a great way to make dieting…
  • I eat a lot of sugar free jelly, very low in calories! Mixed with greek yogurt or skyr it does make for a nice little dessert.
  • Depends on the machine, the ones at my gym seem pretty accurate (match what it says online and they're not too far off my HRM). My old exercise bike used to tell me I was burning 3000+ calories over 45 minutes lol
  • From what I've read it can create bloating and water retention, so you might see an increase on the scales. I don't think your BF% should be affected and if the positives are true it should actually help you decrease that.
  • As far as I know they use a similar system to your generic ("advanced") bathroom scales which shoot a bit of electricity through you to measure the muscle/fat content. They're not spot on but they're alright at detecting trends - if you're gaining muscle and losing fat it will show over time. Treat it as a guide, do it…
  • If you're having any problems with your device make sure you contact them - I've heard good things about their customer support and replacing faulty products. I think any step/HR monitor won't be completely accurate but they're good for keeping an eye on your general fitness. I've got the Charge HR and do like it's…