I haven't been able to either lol. It's hung up there as a little reminder ha
I think will be tough just like anything new but worth it. I'm 100% willing to feel the negatives that will come with doing this because I know there will be positives out of it
So do I but I'm mindful of the types food I eat on certain days. I no longer crave refined sugar
As long as it's making you happy that's the main thing to be fair. And I am :) #foodgeekforevvvver
I love indulging on healthy fats cause that's the kind of food geek I am :) #fueldbyhappyfats
Awesome. Yes there must be down time for sure
I could even reduce my runs to one a week and the class. It's something I'd like to do to build confidence
It's self defence and local. Thank you for link
Lol. I'm actually looking at my skin and not liking it. I look dirty and don't look fresh faced, I won't be using this again however I will use a nice gradual on body just for very subtle glow. I don't want to look dirty
Haha. I'm sure if you are happier he will be too :)
In daylight
Yes I'll try that next time. Just seen my hands on daylight lol
Yes not worth the wrinkles. I must admit I prefer some colour than being pale. I'm really pale as well. It's finding right tan. This is nice but I'll not know until it fades etc... Tan trial :)
Real one :)
Me too. This one is ok but doesn't come close to a resl
Lol. Don't mind having smaller boobs really to be fair. Rather have flat stomach any day and smaller boobs. I've wanted a flat stomach for years, I've just never put the work in for it until now :)
Just go for it :)
New gym and new attitude starting very soon. I will beat this shyness and I will carry on with my training, if I look stupid well so be it. Least I'll getting some serious gains on the process:)
Definitely. It's the only way forward
Thank you. It's going to be worth it
Yes It must happen all over. Maybe eventually it won't be so odd to some. I'll not give up with it. In fact I'm going to go for it more than I ever have. If anyone has any tips on coping with shyness in a gym I'm all ears
It could have yes but it didn't. I was there and know. You had to be there kind of situation. Anyway I'll not be writing any further comments justifying what I know. I appreciate all the positive feedback. I think lots of people have been on the recieving end of people's negativity. It just makes me stronger anyway so all…
The guy was definitely on about me. I took it on the chin and I'll just continue to gain strength and confidence. World is full of critics. Just got to carry on going. I might if looked shy performing the exercise but I know what I'm doing and I'm definitely determined. In few months I think I'll not care less :)
Lol. Love the positivity. Hi no cause the trainer just demonstrated before and I only did a barbell squat. I my squat form is spot on, just had a bar on me. He definitely was on about me lifting in the weights room. He was walking on treadmill chatting to his mate
Thank you. I did again today :)
Cheers everyone. I will celebrate my achievement of lifting heavier today with some yummy food and keep going for my goals. Screw negative people and negativity. Shy people can go for gains too :)
Lol definitely. Hi no I was definitely doing it right but think I maybe looked uncomfortable. People are quick to judge a book by it's cover. I am shy but I'm one hell of a determined person. The better I get the less I'll look awkward going on. I'll get there :)
Definitely. No body should put anyone else down. Should encourage each other
#stung his
Lol. Yes I think my effort lifting the barbell sting hid ego a bit:)