WorkoutResults21 Member


  • I would recommend adding both running and weights. The running is good cardio, especially if you run on hills and/or stairs. Weight training is also helpful because it will help maintain your muscles and possibly grow them a bit. Maintaining or increasing muscle mass is important because it'll help keep up your calorie…
  • Simply a myth...
  • Find a nutrition plan that you can live with and a workout that you will enjoy. There are many programs out there and getting the "best one" doesn't necessarily mean you'll stick to it.
  • Starting with a plan is very important. Check out what 27 weight loss experts had to say over here: Here are the main things they shared:* The #1 Weight Loss “Diet” is one YOU can LIVE WITH and SUSTAIN for life. You can often start with a healthy “diet” and than branch of…
  • If you're burning so many calories, you may want to increase the number of calories that your currently eating. It could be that your body is trying to hold onto everything you eat and will be ready to burn fat once you start taking in more calories.
  • Also, what's the intensity and length of the cardio that you're doing? I would also recommend adding some resistance training if possible :)
  • I would follow what your trainer stated. Sometimes your body needs more calories to start burning calories. It could be that your body is trying to conserve as much as possible, once your body knows there's plenty of food, it'll burn more. If nothing else, you can reduce your calories after two or three weeks if nothing…
  • I would recommend changing up your workout as well. It may be that your body is used to doing the same workout over and over and therefore nothing is changing. Hope this helps.