zehrjordan Member


  • makes sence, I feel like I need to jump back in to the aggressive diet that I worked so hard and so long to get in, which feels impossible and overwhelming.
  • Yeah agree it all depends on you, I took a break for 2 weeks but planned it for when I knew we had family in town, so it had a definite beginning and end which helped me because I knew that when they left I had to get back to the diet. It becomes dangerous when you just kind of take a break with no clear cut time table
  • No which is stupid, I'm completely guessing I could be eating 1200 calories in this meal
  • I didn't even think about that! I definitely had more sodium then normal, thanks
  • I am very viligent about tracking my food intake one problem I find though is that when we go out to eat I try estimate calories in meals for example I try to eat my big meal at lunch so the other day I ordered a Cuban sandwich from a cafe I trie to estimate how many calories it is but I really have no idea, for all I know…
  • You really aren't that over weight so I think it's definitely possible that you are loosing fat and putting on muscle, and yes you can still put muscle on during a calorie deficient diet as long as you eating plenty of protein. A better measurement would be a skin fold test or just simply take measurements of your mid…
  • I agree I think eating under 1200 is probably not the best idea, I would try going all natural and cut out all simple sugars, use olive oil cocunut oil stuff like that. But if your working out that much you will eventually see results. Some of your weight gain might actually be muscle your putting on.