Jcamp8705 Member


  • I mean have you actually tried any of these products? I specifically asked for feedback from people that have tried them. Most of the reviews I've seen on Amazon and their website are pretty positive and I was looking for a non biased opinion on here from someone that has tried it.
  • I personally strive for 60 net carbs a day otherwise I tend to get insomnia and hair loss with lower carb levels. I can't get full off veggies either so I really try to hit my fat and protein macros goals and I'll usually feel satisfied eating more of those. I feel your struggle and have felt the same too.
  • I like killer daves thin sliced bread it’s 9 net carbs per slice and 60 calories!! I like it as toast with cheese especially haha. I feel you on the bloating though, I have major bloating going on right now as I was a major glutton over the weekend for my moms birthday.
  • What stomach aches are you having??? I've been doing low carb for about 6 months and started noticing when I have a cheat meal or whatever I've been experiencing stomach pains as well. Wonder if the low carb has anything to do with that??
  • Did you turn on the calorie adjustment in diary settings? You have to log on from the computer to turn that setting on
  • Well after adjusting my macros I was still experiencing insomnia which was the main reason I adjusted my carbs to see if my sleep improved. So I’m still working on my sleep habits and trying to stick with a nightly ritual. I’m taking supplements now for my hair which seems to be helping! I believe the “gain” I experienced…
  • Have you tried the Atkins snack bars? I buy them when I am really craving sweets and they really do the trick for me!!
  • I buy the frozen Atkins meals for when I am too tired to cook and I’ll have them a few times a week for dinner or lunch. I buy the Atkins snack bars when I am craving sugar and just need something sweet. They work for me I enjoy them and they satisfy those cravings and actually make me feel full.
  • Could have been low blood pressure. That can cause dizziness and fainting as well as nausea.
  • If I'm really craving something I try and find low carb alternatives. If I want pizza I'll buy a low carb Atkins frozen one. If I want chips I'll munch on some pork rinds. You can do this just remember why you started and all the progress you've made already! Take some pictures of your body to see what you have…
  • Thanks for the helpful advice everyone!