ddaniellemariee7 Member


  • I'm a but younger, but we have the same height and goal! We aren't alone! (:
  • That's what i am in the process of doing now, i see military doctors and the insurance doesnt see why i need two different people.
  • The doctor gave me a prescription for iron pills and a multivitamin prescription that has iron in it, when he gave me the multivitamin my iron levels were still low and told me to take both, and didnt think it would have kicked in so to say as fast as it did. Hes a military doctor and tbh in my opiniom are pretty stupid…
  • She's a therapist but is also a nutritionist but i dont think the two should be in the same. The list she gave me, was a word document that she made, it isn't like a tyipcal list that i had been given in the past.
  • The last two days have been better since I stopped taking the supplements, today and yesterday I was finally up to 900.
  • My body doesn't make enough iron and the doctor said taking too much and eating iron rich foods were making me sick because the supplements (i was getting 6x the amount i needed from supplements and vitamins) do make you sick if on an empty stomach but normally not to the point i was.
  • It's mostly foods with higher sodium or things used to make the food last longer. I look up a lot of words on food I don't know and if it's used to make it last longer. I'm just not a fan of it.
  • I'm actually lactose intolerant so it's just easier to cut it out instead of dealing with the issues if I eat it. Most of the words I can't read tend to be like things used to help the food last longer, and I wanted to cut down on sodium that is in a lot of prepackaged foods
  • Update: I saw my doctor and he ran some blood tests. Normally I don't have enough iron and have to take supplements, we learned from the better food choices, the prescribed supplement, and the multi vitamin, that I actually had too much iron that was making me sick, it'll take time to get my iron levels where they need to…
  • Last time, I didn't notice it and I got bad. I remember how it was and how hard recovery was and it is deff not a path I want to go back on. I just need help and it's great that this community is here and has given much better advice than what I was getting.
  • I'm deff going to try to get a new therapist, she's also a "nutritionist" but from what im able to do and listening to her is not normal. I'm gonna look for a therapist and a nutritionist who aren't the same person.
  • I'm hoping he will be able to do something. It's been more recent when I was approved to go on a diet and exercise, before I wasn't having an issue and I'm the only one noticing (referring to the therapist) and I can't keep not meeting calories and losing weight in the wrong way. Just something isn't right and I don't know…
  • I've tried snacking, about half the time, it comes back up and I try so hard not to let it. Fruit tends to stay down the best, but even with fruit, i can't meet the calories. My therapist isn't helping and my next step is seeing my family doctor, I'm at the point where something physically might be wrong.
  • She saw it today and told me it was great you're eating and I just looked at her like no, I seriously need help and this is wrong. All see saw to me was that food was logged and not listening when I was telling her I wasn't meeting the calories and couldn't physically finish a meal. I'm trying to get a new one but my…
  • Didn't even think about coconut oil in smoothies! I will have to try that! I do eat meat, just not enough to honestly count
  • I'm logging it right, it's just I can't eat it, like my body won't let me. I tried to force myself and threw it up. I stopped measuring the food thinking it was more mental that I weighed it and that's the right amount, thinking if I made what I would make for someone else, that when I logged it, it would be more, but it…
  • I have a "therapist" i see, but told me to lose weight and only eat if i'm hungry. I can't find foods that she deems "healthy" in high enough calories and currently she sees nothing wrong with my intake. Like I try to eat, but even when I think I'll get more in, I don't. She only wants me eating things without labels and…
  • On average, it is about 450. I don't complete it since it gives me the warning message and makes me worried.
  • Nuts ans I have a love hate relationship, I'm allergic to current types, but I will deff look into them more! Thanks! (:
  • I am currently 20lbs over weight, but have lost 13lbs so far and I find the more I lose, the less I can physically eat. In the past I was very anorexic (7 years recovered) and I am trying so hard not to relapse and me seeing on paper and an app, makes me really worried.
  • I'm 5'2" but you'd never know cos I'm always around tall people and look smaller. I'm currently 160lbs, I recently just lost 8lbs! My goal is to be 120lbs by christmas, I'm struggling so hard in eating the right amount of calories! For me, I get full sooooo fast and I can never hit the amount I need, I burn about 600 a day…
  • Hello! I know exactly what you're talking about. I'm a recovered anorexic but I totally have the married 40! I got too comfortable with the lifestyle and freedom (married young), between recovery and all the eating out, it got me! You got this!
  • I have a hard time too, we're in this together, we can do it!
  • Hi, Kristin! That is AMAZING of how much you've lost! You don't know me but I'm proud of you! I have trouble staying motivated too, I'm a recovered anorexic and I've gained a lot of weight trying to get healthy and to live. For some reason my mind sees my weight and makes me think it is easier to just not eat. I don't want…