Could use some help



  • wefts
    wefts Posts: 183 Member
    get to the family dr tell him what you said here and that you feel the therapist does not see that you are struggling.Even though you have told her .
    there is no way to get enough nutrients on 450 cal a day
  • ddaniellemariee7
    ddaniellemariee7 Posts: 27 Member
    Foodfavor wrote: »
    It sounds like you need a new therapist. My god, from what you are saying they sound very neglectful. Your family doctor should be able to help. Maybe talk to a nutritionist?

    I'm deff going to try to get a new therapist, she's also a "nutritionist" but from what im able to do and listening to her is not normal. I'm gonna look for a therapist and a nutritionist who aren't the same person.
  • ddaniellemariee7
    ddaniellemariee7 Posts: 27 Member
    I'm logging it right, it's just I can't eat it, like my body won't let me. I tried to force myself and threw it up. I stopped measuring the food thinking it was more mental that I weighed it and that's the right amount, thinking if I made what I would make for someone else, that when I logged it, it would be more, but it just doesn't go down. My biggest issue is that I don't get hungry and my body rejects it. I bought some protien drink things (against what my therapist said) and even that's hard, maybe I got a bad kind?

    You could always try different flavours if that is an issue with the drinks. I am not a doctor but you should definitely bring it up with yours when you have a chance. Throwing the food up when you are so low calorie wise is not good.

    One idea that comes to mind, Have you tried snacking? like constantly just munching on something, one bite here, one bite there. Some nuts or fruit and then just space it out and see if you can hold it down this way?

    I've tried snacking, about half the time, it comes back up and I try so hard not to let it. Fruit tends to stay down the best, but even with fruit, i can't meet the calories. My therapist isn't helping and my next step is seeing my family doctor, I'm at the point where something physically might be wrong.

    I would definitely bring it up with your family doctor. Explain to him what is happen as clear as you can and just how many calories you believe you are logging. Hopefully there is something he can do for you to at least kick start your appetite.

    I'm hoping he will be able to do something. It's been more recent when I was approved to go on a diet and exercise, before I wasn't having an issue and I'm the only one noticing (referring to the therapist) and I can't keep not meeting calories and losing weight in the wrong way. Just something isn't right and I don't know if it is because my body is in shock from exercising and dieting or an actual problem. I want to eat, it just doesn't go down.

    The good and bright side of this is that you recognize it and want to do something about it. Many people arent that fortunate.

    Last time, I didn't notice it and I got bad. I remember how it was and how hard recovery was and it is deff not a path I want to go back on. I just need help and it's great that this community is here and has given much better advice than what I was getting.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 18,030 Member
    Could you, in the short term, sip on some Ensure or something similar?
  • janetennet
    janetennet Posts: 143 Member
    Oh my goodness, please see your doctor and ask for a referral to a REGISTERED DIETICIAN - not just a nutritionist or therapist because there is no "stringent" training for them.
    I'm sorry that you are going through this, you are making the right choice by coming here and getting advice to go the proper medical route.

  • cis5
    cis5 Posts: 5 Member
    I think the fact that you've posted on this forum is a great positive, its shows that you have learnt from your past experiences and you reconise your current eating habits are not healthy.
    Try and focus on the foods that you do like, mayme post a list of the ones that you enjoy. Members can that post suggestions on tweaks to make, to increase calorie intake with out adding the dreaded sugar. I take your post as a great positive, and it will make me think more carefully of the foods I eat today. Thankyou
  • mlinci
    mlinci Posts: 402 Member
    Good luck in your quest to get healthier.
    Echoing what others said about your current therapist, it doesn't sound like this one is acting in your own interest. Telling you to not eat things with labels? Why? And not taking into account your eating disorder history when giving you advice. Actually, just the fact a "therapist" is telling you what to do, i.e. giving you instructions - that's not normally a therapist's role.
  • InkAndApples
    InkAndApples Posts: 201 Member
    I really feel like your therapist is actively damaging your recovery, honestly from what you've posted here it sounds really concerning.

    I have a history of disordered eating that has really specific triggers, eating "healthily" is one of them. If someone was giving me the advice you've received (which sounds terrible tbh, "nothing with words you don't know" is beyond junk science, have you ever read the "ingredient list" for an apple or a banana? Loads of filling, nutritious foods have scary sounding ingredients) I would be in a full scale downward spiral. People with ED histories like us need to be so much more careful when it comes to dieting than most people do. For me, counting calories helps keep me on track but only as long as I keep my diet not super healthy, I have to have a variety of high-calorie foods in my week to stop my "I'm eating healthy now and must be perfect" trigger.

    Wishing you the best of luck getting healthy, I know it's a long road.
  • cerise_noir
    cerise_noir Posts: 5,468 Member
    Is there a reason that you're cutting out dairy and prepackaged food? Also, just because an ingredient is hard to pronounce, it doesn't make it bad for you.

    There are no bad foods, just bad relationships to food (and incorrect portions).
  • Poisonedpawn78
    Poisonedpawn78 Posts: 1,145 Member
    Update: I saw my doctor and he ran some blood tests. Normally I don't have enough iron and have to take supplements, we learned from the better food choices, the prescribed supplement, and the multi vitamin, that I actually had too much iron that was making me sick, it'll take time to get my iron levels where they need to be but at least now I have an answer and will be able to eat the right amount of calories.

    I am glad you both figured out the issue. hopefully it gets easier for you from here!
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    Sounds like your therapist is struggling with her own issues. I can't imagine any therapist thinking that what you are eating is okay and then to recommend those ridiculous limitations on top of that? If you like dairy, eat it. In fact, get the full fat stuff, that will help you with calories, plus supply a nice combination of protein, fats, and carbs. Do you like chocolate milk? Don't be afraid to use oils when cooking your eggs, or use an oil and vinegar mix for salad dressing. There are so many calorie rich foods that can help you. Look over this list:
  • Seffell
    Seffell Posts: 2,241 Member
    if the list has words i dont know, i dont eat it

    Would you consider the possibility that you are not knowledgeable enough as opposed to the food being 'bad' based on you not knowing these words?
  • CharlieBeansmomTracey
    CharlieBeansmomTracey Posts: 7,682 Member
    this therapist needs to be fired if they think there is nothing wrong with eating so little,Id stop worrying about trying to lose weight right now and try getting enough calories in first.even with iron supplements and multivitamins I dont see how you were making too much iron eating so little, unless you have an issue where your body makes too much?(forget what its called)
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Sounds like your therapist is struggling with her own issues. I can't imagine any therapist thinking that what you are eating is okay and then to recommend those ridiculous limitations on top of that? If you like dairy, eat it. In fact, get the full fat stuff, that will help you with calories, plus supply a nice combination of protein, fats, and carbs. Do you like chocolate milk? Don't be afraid to use oils when cooking your eggs, or use an oil and vinegar mix for salad dressing. There are so many calorie rich foods that can help you. Look over this list:

    That's what i was thinking! I wonder how many pro-ana therapists are out there... :confounded:
  • nutmegoreo
    nutmegoreo Posts: 15,532 Member
    nutmegoreo wrote: »
    Sounds like your therapist is struggling with her own issues. I can't imagine any therapist thinking that what you are eating is okay and then to recommend those ridiculous limitations on top of that? If you like dairy, eat it. In fact, get the full fat stuff, that will help you with calories, plus supply a nice combination of protein, fats, and carbs. Do you like chocolate milk? Don't be afraid to use oils when cooking your eggs, or use an oil and vinegar mix for salad dressing. There are so many calorie rich foods that can help you. Look over this list:

    That's what i was thinking! I wonder how many pro-ana therapists are out there... :confounded:

    I was thinking recovered and now relapsed. Of course, that's just conjecture. It's not okay for her to be encouraging OP back towards these overrestrictive, low calorie habits. There's something not right there.
  • ddaniellemariee7
    ddaniellemariee7 Posts: 27 Member
    Is there a reason that you're cutting out dairy and prepackaged food? Also, just because an ingredient is hard to pronounce, it doesn't make it bad for you.

    There are no bad foods, just bad relationships to food (and incorrect portions).

    I'm actually lactose intolerant so it's just easier to cut it out instead of dealing with the issues if I eat it. Most of the words I can't read tend to be like things used to help the food last longer, and I wanted to cut down on sodium that is in a lot of prepackaged foods
  • ddaniellemariee7
    ddaniellemariee7 Posts: 27 Member
    gebeziseva wrote: »
    if the list has words i dont know, i dont eat it

    Would you consider the possibility that you are not knowledgeable enough as opposed to the food being 'bad' based on you not knowing these words?

    It's mostly foods with higher sodium or things used to make the food last longer. I look up a lot of words on food I don't know and if it's used to make it last longer. I'm just not a fan of it.
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Is there a reason that you're cutting out dairy and prepackaged food? Also, just because an ingredient is hard to pronounce, it doesn't make it bad for you.

    There are no bad foods, just bad relationships to food (and incorrect portions).

    I'm actually lactose intolerant so it's just easier to cut it out instead of dealing with the issues if I eat it. Most of the words I can't read tend to be like things used to help the food last longer, and I wanted to cut down on sodium that is in a lot of prepackaged foods

    Those things should be the least of your worries right now. You need to get your calorie intake up to a reasonable level. Eating 450 calories of even the healthiest, most pure, organic, magically blessed food in the world is still worse for your health than sodium and preservatives.
  • ddaniellemariee7
    ddaniellemariee7 Posts: 27 Member
    this therapist needs to be fired if they think there is nothing wrong with eating so little,Id stop worrying about trying to lose weight right now and try getting enough calories in first.even with iron supplements and multivitamins I dont see how you were making too much iron eating so little, unless you have an issue where your body makes too much?(forget what its called)

    My body doesn't make enough iron and the doctor said taking too much and eating iron rich foods were making me sick because the supplements (i was getting 6x the amount i needed from supplements and vitamins) do make you sick if on an empty stomach but normally not to the point i was.