here... good. afternoon
here.....good morning to all
here! sitting at Subway....IN A BOOTH.. not something i have always been able to do..whats next...middle seat on a plane????? lol. onward and downward
- the morning!
Bish here!
good morning.. back from two week plus trip...only gained 2.3 pounds.. check out ThunderShirt for ur dog. bish
here.. Onward and Downward
OK YOU JERKS!! GET WITH THE PROGRAM!!! OOPS, that was meant for my cats.....soooooo good morning GoaD!!! Onward and Downward
howdy! Onward and Downward
good job!
Good Morning!!!! Onward and Downward
here! Onward and Downward!!!!!!
hello and howdy, what can i do for you today?
Hey y'all! Onward and Downward...
good day to all!
Morning y'all
here... Onward and Downward!!!!!
was offered free pie after lunch....opted for a small piece of cornbread instead..
Eggbeaters sandwich on sugar free paper towels er i mean sugar free bread. 2.5 smart points. or add either turkey bacon or ff cheese..not both and add a point
Bish is here....late again..Onward and Downward
bish here.....late for wednesday. or early for thursday!! onward and Downward
made a call on the purple on the GoaD goat and rode over here. actually gooled guys on a diet... that got me to then saw this about six items below that. not too hard at all
did not know wher yall went lol
was not going to walk today.....leaving now to walk
Bish here!
I used to be Itsbish. now i am Bish. still on the ww journey . Good to see some familiar names here. Onward and Downward! stats. 355. 264. 199
bish here. found yall