It definitely works the opposite way. Once i stopped bartending where i was constantly moving for an office job i put on 5kg in a month! All those km u do on the job def count.
I dont do keto but do low carb and often low enough to be considered keto. Positives: you lose weight quickly to begin with as water weight drops (u can research into why this happens), this gives u motivation at the beginning when its most difficilt. I experienced significant drop in appetite once i cut carbs, meaning…
No sugar chocolate. I like the coles brand (australia). Its in individual serves so easier to stick to recommended serve and only 58 calories. Really kicks the choc cravings.
Low carb/high fat diet. Havent been hungry yet and meeting my weight loss goals. Increase your protein and healthy fats (eggs, chicken, salmon, avocado etc). Apart from that, keep busy. Get out of house and find ways to get your mind off the whole eating less thing
Also interested to know how many carbs per day? I started off easily doing under 40 but today was my highest at 59.. have read of the carb creep! Guess ill have to start being a bit more careful. Currently have not had a kitchen for a week and still a few more days to go so that has made meal prep difficult. Anyway 3kg…
Ive only just been able to comtemplate dieting now bub is 13 months and sleeping through night. When i was getting up frequently i was tired and craved SUGAR all the time! Now i am more rested i have started low carb and sugar cravings have gone. I think its very hard to worry about diet if u are sleep deprived. Good luck!