zannatagged Member


  • But It is there, and for people with disabilities who use this application and are having to do some of the more difficult housecleaning on their own they may choose to use it. Probably not for doing dishes etc., however it's wise to not assume that every single person in the community has the full scope of range and…
  • I just woke up, but that looks like a fabulous start to go with my coffee lol
  • Oh the realist link! Thank you for this thread! Where do I pitch my tent! ;D
  • What a fabulous choice of paths! I'm excited for you! Blessings on your journey!
  • I'm with you Avacado Angel ;) I could skip dinner entirely for the rest of my life and never miss it lol ;) plus I'm up at 4 am every day, I don't burn squat off at night. Anyone with GERD shouldn't eat heavy at night either usually. Not too good for the belly acid as a norm. This is all based on my personal experience.…
  • I fast for non weight related reasons. I have no input on how it may help you lose weight or if it stays off but it definitely assists with toxicity clearing in your body (provided you drink plenty of fluids ;) ) and I find it good for the mind, body and soul. Just my two cents lol
  • Yay! Thread returned to active ;) thanks fitness pal ;) Fuzzipeg, yeAh I've been at the discovery and dealing with my disabilities for a number of years now. I push through more than I should, probably because I was an athelete up until an accident in my late teens which changed things. But I've always pushed the envelope…
  • Just saw that one in another section :)
  • Congratulations on your beautiful daughter! Divas are amazing ... albeit complex hehe. I'm new to this particular app, tho had a not so lovely start in the forums lol. Hoping you have an awesome and blessed journey!
  • Yoga yoga yoga ;) it's great for total body work out and actually burns more than one would think. I have the plantar probs too lol. I do modified yoga since I have spinal disability but there are fabulous beginner to advanced vids on you tube. It's free and you can find stuff in your home to use usually as blocks or mats…
  • Please read what I wrote with regard to physical limitations instead of picking out one section of a paragraph to jump on. I don't know people's back stories, nor do you, so I don't JUDGE. Please don't turn this thread into what you did to my thread and ruin the valuable information ppl provided me which I now cannot…
  • Log it anyway, if you're disabled or have any kind of physical issues these things count. Don't let anyone on here tell you something doesn't matter. All the best on your journey ;) xox
  • I've found sometimes hunger isn't the same as tongue hunger as I like to call it. That stupid desire for food when yr tongue just want something it likes. So I put a little vinegar on my tongue. Or lemon, or salt. 8 times out of ten if I'm just having a craving, it shuts it down. I don't suggest using sugar on the tongue…
  • Steffy you are a Legend! Thank you sweetie!!! That's exactly what I was asking for at the very top of my thread! Lol I know for some it mightn't seem like anything. But for disabled people, getting something's done is like tractor pulling some days! Lol! Mwas!
  • Hi there :) I'm only new but I chose the same, lightly active. I'm disabled but have to look after my elderly parents and still try to do as much as possible in between my traction time and icing. Walking, modified yoga etc. so I'm thinking you should definitely bump yours up lol. ;) have a super weekend.
  • I suppose not to nit pick but I guess that would be a part of his daily normal activities then and not considered exercise lol. But like I stated previously, we will ALL use the app our own way. I think the invitation to NOT come back to my thread spoke for itself. Enough said.
  • Sorry, cybertone missed yr reply somehow! Thank u too! ;)
  • HeliumisNoble, PerkyMommy, Fuzzypeg and cmRiverside thank you ;) can see you actually read my initial question and my situation and I appreciate your input! My son told me today after I posted that forums were toxic and I shouldn't come back in after seeing the thread go a little "south" from my question so thanks for…
  • Which is all I was asking. If anyone had some general burn figures on household chores love. I understand everyone uses the app differently and on days where there is excess stuff not ordinary to the day, I would like to have those numbers to hand. I get the change the activity etc but on a day where disaster strikes that…
  • I played professional billiards for 10 years. I'll just leave it at that but I'm really glad your honey is getting good excercise at the game. Lol
  • And yet billiards is an excercise.... I found that kinda funny lol.
  • However, I will take on board the suggestion and redo the activity level. Due to my own physical disabilities I marked it low. Thanks for that as I've only just started and quite clueless so far
  • Normally I would agree, barring the fact that most of you won't be changing beds twice a day, nor mopping spills twice a day or bathrooms from accidents etc. I'd kill to go back my full time stress filled aviation job with a couple of hours of house work and dinner for the family lol :)