Breakfast like a king !

Avocado_Angel Posts: 2,362 Member
Anyone else do this? First morning iv cooked myself a healthy grill up (healthy version of traditional fry up) I'm trying to follow the old saying, breakfast like king, lunch like prince etc gona give this a try and see if it impacts my weight loss.

I was hesitant at first due to time it takes in the morning but I'm surprised how little time it takes


  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    How you split your calories into meals has no impact on weight loss.

    Weight loss is only about consistently eating less than your burn.

    How you split your calories into meals can impact how easy it is for you to consistently eat less than your burn.

    You still have to consistently eat less than your burn.
  • aseelluv
    aseelluv Posts: 5 Member
    I eat rice krussy
  • livingleanlivingclean
    livingleanlivingclean Posts: 11,751 Member
    I like eating at night so if I ate a lot at breakfast I'd be a sad sack in the evening. It makes no difference.... I'm pretty sure kings and Queens eat what and when they like.
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    Meal timing /frequency does not matter for weight loss, being at the correct calorie deficit for your weight loss goals is what does. If eating your biggest meal in the morning works best for you then go for it.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I like eating at night so if I ate a lot at breakfast I'd be a sad sack in the evening. It makes no difference.... I'm pretty sure kings and Queens eat what and when they like.

    This for me. I only usually do coffee in the morning, save room for evening cocktails.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    If eating your biggest meal first works for you, go for it! For me, I prefer to eat lightly to start the day because I'm not particularly hungry early, and I like to have calories available later.
  • Chef_Barbell
    Chef_Barbell Posts: 6,644 Member
    I also heard someone talking about why breakfast is called *break fast* it's literally because you've been asleep and not eaten for like 8 hours or whatever so this person pointed out that's the best time to refuel your body after fasting if you will. I'm gona run with this theory for a while & see how it is

    That's not true. Meal timing is personal preference.
  • OliveGirl128
    OliveGirl128 Posts: 801 Member
    edited July 2017
    I also heard someone talking about why breakfast is called *break fast* it's literally because you've been asleep and not eaten for like 8 hours or whatever so this person pointed out that's the best time to refuel your body after fasting if you will. I'm gona run with this theory for a while & see how it is

    Breakfast/break fast just means the first meal of the day. Lots of us here do IF, (intermittent fasting), where we don't eat until later in the day. My IF window is 11am-7pm, which means I 'break fast' at 11am and then finish eating by 7pm. If I eat in the morning then I struggle with hunger the rest of the day and am more prone to snack. However, if I don't have my first meal till 11am-noon, I'm not as hungry during the rest of the day. Not only do I cut out hundreds of calories by not eating earlier in the day, but I also avoid adding extra calories with unplanned snacks.

    It all comes down to preference-just experiment and see what fits best with you.
  • goldthistime
    goldthistime Posts: 3,214 Member
    I like a big breakfast. I prefer to handle the distraction of hunger later in the evening when I'm mostly lounging, rather than in the day time when I'm trying to get things done or interact with people.

    Although I've taken it to extremes at times, like eating all my calories by 1pm. If that happens a couple days in a row I view it as trying to lose more quickly than is right for me, and I go ahead and eat at dinner time, despite being over my calories, to get myself back on track.

    It's backfired energy wise too. If I have a tennis match that's important to me, I have tried eating an especially big breakfast to make sure I'm well fuelled. But then end up with acid reflux or just discomfort. It works better for me to eat normally and then drink something sweet during the match (typically Gatorade).

    Remember that the energy from the food we are eating will be available at varying times according to digestibility/glycemic index etc. My advice (to myself and to you OP) would be to follow our body's lead rather than force a strange way of eating that follows what we think theoretically is a good idea.
  • Alatariel75
    Alatariel75 Posts: 17,959 Member
    I also heard someone talking about why breakfast is called *break fast* it's literally because you've been asleep and not eaten for like 8 hours or whatever so this person pointed out that's the best time to refuel your body after fasting if you will. I'm gona run with this theory for a while & see how it is

    It's been called "breakfast" for far, far longer than people have been considering any health implications from fasting. It dates back to the late 1600s. It's called breakfast because it is when you break your fast. Descriptor. Nothing more.
  • rickdkitson
    rickdkitson Posts: 86 Member
    What matters, for weight loss, is how many calories you eat on average. What matters for health is how your calories break down in macros and micro nutrient amounts.

    There are lots of different plans out there for meal timing. One meal a day, six meals a day, intermittent fasting etc. all have their fans and you can find a number of web pages on each saying that it is the absolute best and the most normal and natural way to eat. They all work just about the same if you take just about the same amount of calories in over time.

    IMHO the difference comes down to individual preference and lifestyle. What meal plan helps you reduce your cravings and be alert and active during the part of the day you need to be.

    I have always been a big breakfast eater. Part is the way I was raised, my Dad was also a big breakfast eater because he grew up on a farm and that was just the lifestyle then. My breakfast is high in protein, and complex carbs and low in simple carbs and fats but that is my overall diet anyway.

    For me the advantage is that I am ready to go for the day and since being able to stop for lunch is not always an option in my life, I can make it to supper no problems after a big breakfast.

    You need to give a different meal routine a while, say a couple weeks or a month, for your body to adapt. If it works for you then stick with it unless your lifestyle changes and/or you want to try something different.

    Experiment and find what works for you. Ignore the others most of whom are either honestly promoting what works for them or just promoting the product they are selling.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    It's cool that you're experimenting with different ways of eating. If this method works for you stick with it, but if it doesn't don't get discouraged. Keep experimenting until you find what works best for you. Everyone is different.

    Yeah I figure I'l have more time to burn off a larger meal if I consume it early in the day. That's the thinking behind it.
    But that thinking is flawed. Your body burns calories 24/7. What do you think would happen if it stopped doing that when you sleep?
    Or I suppose really, I'm just making an effort to eat a larger breakfast & see if it curbs all my mid morning snacks. Which are usually for unhealthy stuff.
    See that's a more reasoanble explanation. I love reasonable. Makes me way less scared.
    I also heard someone talking about why breakfast is called *break fast* it's literally because you've been asleep and not eaten for like 8 hours or whatever so this person pointed out that's the best time to refuel your body after fasting if you will. I'm gona run with this theory for a while & see how it is
    It's nonsense, but it has taught you not to eavesdrop :D
  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,384 Member
    Meal timing is all personal preference. If a big breakfast works for you, go for it!

    I personally like to skip breakfast, eat a medium-sized lunch and a large dinner. I find that I don't feel terribly hunger in the AM and I hate going to bed hungry, so this style of eating works great for me.

    If I have a hankering for a big breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and pancakes... sometimes I will have that for dinner! :)
  • Need2Exerc1se
    Need2Exerc1se Posts: 13,575 Member
    For me the "breakfast like king, lunch like prince etc" thing is a new saying. I'd never heard it before joining this site.

    I find that not eating until later in the day (usually around 2 p.m.) keeps me less hungry overall so I don't care what royalty does. I'm eating for me.
  • capaul42
    capaul42 Posts: 1,390 Member
    For me the "breakfast like king, lunch like prince etc" thing is a new saying. I'd never heard it before joining this site.

    I find that not eating until later in the day (usually around 2 p.m.) keeps me less hungry overall so I don't care what royalty does. I'm eating for me.

    My co-worker mentioned this saying to me. Think it's a WW thing.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    My first breakfast needs to be substantial enough to take the edge off but light enough that I can go to the gym an hour later. I'll second breakfast on some fruit and cheese or a boiled egg in my car after. All my meals and snacks are about managing hunger over the day, so I never really lump too many into one meal.
  • zannatagged
    zannatagged Posts: 27 Member
    I'm with you Avacado Angel ;) I could skip dinner entirely for the rest of my life and never miss it lol ;) plus I'm up at 4 am every day, I don't burn squat off at night. Anyone with GERD shouldn't eat heavy at night either usually. Not too good for the belly acid as a norm.

    This is all based on my personal experience. I'm sure others may have different opinions lol.