Looking to God instead of food--fellow Believers out there?



  • French_Peasant
    French_Peasant Posts: 1,639 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just had a random thought, who here thinks God is trying to reach out to me? Hence my questions?

    Are your spidey senses tingling? :)

    In other words, do you feel a still, small voice whispering in your heart?

    As I've read this thread, I've had a chill running down my spine and tears in my eyes, both for your own broken heart, and for the beauty of the testimonies you have received. A nonbeliever would dismiss it as just being overemotional or imagining things. A believer would say it is the work of the Holy Spirit. (For some context, I'm the kind of person who scoffed at the love story in Titanic, so that gives some indication of how emotional I am, ha ha).

    Regardless, you have probably had hundreds of people praying for you and your sweet little baby, a tiny, innocent lamb now being cradled in the arms of the Good Shepherd, we believe.

    I feel pretty torn.
    I don't know what I feel tbh.
    What if that's just my inner voice?
    Or some very deep sort of mindfulness?

    How do you even communicate anyway?
    Out loud? In your head?

    I always have to be careful with these things as I'm pretty vulnerable mentally, and can be convinced of almost anything.
    Not that any of you are trying to lure me into anything but I have to be 100% sure.

    I just keep thinking what if.
    You all truly believe and you're all adults so it's not like santa and there must be something in it.

    I even did something called the alpha course in college after the day was over, it was just a small group of people of different views going over the bible and getting different views on it. That and me and my friend were cooking the meals for everyone afterwards lol

    It was a catholic college so can't exactly remember what we were going over.
    Apart from Noah apparently being an alcoholic?
    That always stuck with me for some reason because i found it rather surprising lol!

    I don't know, if I decided to try, where would I begin?

    As mentioned above, I agree with a good annotated version of the NIV (New International Version). In hard copy, to show you are serious about it, and so you can underline things that strike your fancy, and have the footnotes right there. Blushenvy recommended starting with John, which is also my favorite gospel, but that can also be very challenging because, although it is beautiful, it is also very philosophical (based in Greek/Platonic philosophy). I also think the book of Luke is very beautiful, and much more human and accessible. It starts off with babies, and as a mum of two and your lost baby, you know how lovely it is to read and think about them. Your story about cooking for your friends made me think of Mary and Martha in Chapter 10 of Luke. Luke also wrote the book of Acts, another one of my favorites. And I love the Psalms, and Isaiah, and 1, 2 and 3 John....well, it is hard for me to pick a favorite.

    Normally I just pray in my head, or aloud with my children. I have prayed aloud, alone and in despair, and I have also prayed aloud for other people. Discernment of where a "voice" is coming from is very important, and I don't think it's something I can tell you; you have to contemplate it in your heart.
  • zannatagged
    zannatagged Posts: 27 Member
    What a fabulous choice of paths! I'm excited for you! Blessings on your journey!
  • 4homer
    4homer Posts: 457 Member
    Good thread and interesting back and forth. Also christian here. Anyway might I recommend that the conversation that's going on continue in one of the groups. Sooner or later this thread probably going to be locked due to forum rules. Anyway wish ya'll the best and god bless
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    Morning! I am sorry, I have such a short amount of time this morning. I agree with 4homer in that this thread will get shut down. In light of that, I have created a group where we can continue the conversation. You all are invited-
    I have copy-pasted the entire conversation beginning where I asked Bex some questions.
    As soon as I can, I'll get in there and answer your questions. I hope you feel better soon Bex-never fun to be under the weather!
    Here is the group link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10584128/bex/p1?new=1

  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Yep. Seems someone has gotten flag happy. Even flagging ones who commented add me. :D:D:D
  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Joined the group! See you all there!

    Sorry if I ruined the thread lol!
  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    I don't know how to paste other MFP discussions within a discussion on the app but I can highly recommend our Christian Support Group.
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    It's all good, Bex - no worries!
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Joined the group! See you all there!

    Sorry if I ruined the thread lol!

    Not at all. You've been awesome. Honest.
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,051 Member
    blushenvy wrote: »
    Morning! I am sorry, I have such a short amount of time this morning. I agree with 4homer in that this thread will get shut down. In light of that, I have created a group where we can continue the conversation. You all are invited-
    I have copy-pasted the entire conversation beginning where I asked Bex some questions.
    As soon as I can, I'll get in there and answer your questions. I hope you feel better soon Bex-never fun to be under the weather!
    Here is the group link: http://community.myfitnesspal.com/en/discussion/10584128/bex/p1?new=1

    When I click that link I get sent to a Permission not granted page...can you post the link to the Group, but not to a specific thread, please?
  • blh202
    blh202 Posts: 31 Member
    So wonderful to see/hear so many share their faith and answer questions so delicately. Faith is a hard thing to describe especially when coupled with heartbreaking, unexplainable experiences. It looks like this thread is successfully leading others to Christ or at least making them think about their relationship with him. This is so encouraging. Keep on being the light!!!!!
  • NewMeSM75
    NewMeSM75 Posts: 971 Member
    I got the same permission screen. I found the group or think I did. Lol.

    When God Calls Your Name

  • Bex953172
    Bex953172 Posts: 4,091 Member
    Yeah I just said in the permission box that I was part of this thread
  • swim777
    swim777 Posts: 599 Member
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Bex953172 wrote: »
    Just had a random thought, who here thinks God is trying to reach out to me? Hence my questions?

    Are your spidey senses tingling? :)

    In other words, do you feel a still, small voice whispering in your heart?

    As I've read this thread, I've had a chill running down my spine and tears in my eyes, both for your own broken heart, and for the beauty of the testimonies you have received. A nonbeliever would dismiss it as just being overemotional or imagining things. A believer would say it is the work of the Holy Spirit. (For some context, I'm the kind of person who scoffed at the love story in Titanic, so that gives some indication of how emotional I am, ha ha).

    Regardless, you have probably had hundreds of people praying for you and your sweet little baby, a tiny, innocent lamb now being cradled in the arms of the Good Shepherd, we believe.

    I feel pretty torn.
    I don't know what I feel tbh.
    What if that's just my inner voice?
    Or some very deep sort of mindfulness?

    How do you even communicate anyway?
    Out loud? In your head?

    I always have to be careful with these things as I'm pretty vulnerable mentally, and can be convinced of almost anything.
    Not that any of you are trying to lure me into anything but I have to be 100% sure.

    I just keep thinking what if.
    You all truly believe and you're all adults so it's not like santa and there must be something in it.

    I even did something called the alpha course in college after the day was over, it was just a small group of people of different views going over the bible and getting different views on it. That and me and my friend were cooking the meals for everyone afterwards lol

    It was a catholic college so can't exactly remember what we were going over.
    Apart from Noah apparently being an alcoholic?
    That always stuck with me for some reason because i found it rather surprising lol!

    I don't know, if I decided to try, where would I begin?

    That voice will continue. I was questioning at first like you. I wanted to hear God's,voice and I was afraid I was imagining it or talking to myself. I'd be driving and say.."Father..please talk to me..." in my head I'd hear what do you need child? Trust yourself. "Be still..be quiet, and listen to what comes into your head." I pray constantly for things I worry about, for people,I love..and many times I just say..take care of this Father the way you want it to be. The peace I have from believing brings such joy and contentment..being grateful..seeing how things,happen...I used to say wow that was,luck...its,not being lucky..it''s God!
  • blushenvy
    blushenvy Posts: 98 Member
    More quotes from Bex953172:
    I don't think he does heal a wounded heart as such,
    --->>>Read the book I mentioned above about Robert Sadler-it's so crazy good!

    maybe someone turning to God could change their life but have they not ultimately made that choice to look?
    ---->> That's just it, we aren't the ones changing our lives. While we may be able to work on some things, God sees the condition of the heart-that's something that He alone can change. That's always what He's after-
    (1 Samuel 16:7) "Man looks at the outward appearance, but God looks at the heart"

    Does God fall onto people's laps? (Not literally obviously lol)
    ---->>> You mean does He just show up after never noticing you before? No, He's always know every little detail about you. You have never escaped His notice. I mentioned those blessings in your life that you didn't even know were blessings. The Bible says He blesses believers and unbelievers alike. We have countless blessings every day to be thankful for, yet we don't even realize that's what's going on.

    Aren't humans on their own capable of achieving such feats without the help of God, are we really that vulnerable?
    --->>> He created us with strengths and weaknesses, gifts and talents, thoughts and all kinds of amazing bells and whistles. But again, only He can deal with the condition of our heart.

    (On a different topic can God stop my 3yo repeating mummmy 2000 times a day )
    --->>> I would never! You'd miss the noise the second it disappeared :smiley:

  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    One more thought to Bex: When I was struggling with all of my emotions over my parents' illnesses and eventual deaths, a friend of mine at church suggested that I write a letter to God just pouring out everything I felt, so I did. I put all of the anger and sadness and negative emotions I was feeling into a very long letter to God. It drained me. I felt exhausted for several days. And then, a few days later, at the suggestion of my friend, I burned the letter. It was a symbolic way to let go of all those feelings and receive healing, and it really helped me. Maybe you're not ready to do this yet, but just keep it in mind. Hugs to you!
  • rdevol
    rdevol Posts: 278 Member
    P.S. I applied for membership to the group, so hope to see everyone there shortly!