HayleyA95 Member


  • Thank you for your help! I will drop my goal for now and if I still struggle I will take a diet break!
  • My bmi was 33 when I started my weight loss journey and as I'm currently struggling with infertility i was told that I needed to get my bmi below 30 before I receive help so that kept me focused, but now I've reached that, my motivation is goingI will definitely drop my goal for awhile and have that little extra a day!…
  • I have my goal set to 2lb a week and I'm not sure how much I would like to lose overall! I'm just going until I feel comfortable but with a 29.6 bmi I still want to lose a lot more! It's good to know I will still lose! Thank you for your reply! I'm being really hard on myself today!
  • Hey everyone thanks again for all your help! I have my appointment tomorrow and not only have I lost the 7lb the doctor wanted I've also lost 3lb on top of that! Really happy with my self! Just hope the specialist will see me now! Week one- 4lb loss Week two- 2lb loss Week three - 1lb loss Week four- 3lb loss My weight…
  • Thank you! That's what I have been doing just wanted to make sure it was accurate :)
  • Thank you I have lost the 7lb that the doctor wanted and I still have a week left so I'm happy about that, I add my exercise and never eat back any of my exercise calories! Just don't want to put active if it means eating more calories then I should!
  • Could anyone help please! I'm not sure if I'm lightly active or active! I walk 1-3 miles most days! I look after a toddler so lots of running around and cleaning! I also do 1 hour of a stationary bike at 5/8 hardness, at an average speed but do pick up a sweat and feel the burn in my legs, I also do an hour of swimming…
  • Thank you everyone I definitely thought it wasn't worth risking it, I'm happy with what I'm doing, life style changes instead of diet is definitely working best for me and I wouldn't be worried about a weight loss stop it's just my doctor set me a goal to lose 7lb before my next appointment which is making me feel rushed!…
    in Bootea Comment by HayleyA95 August 2017
  • Thank you everyone! I will definitely keep losing weight and trying to get a healthy bmi! My doctor wants me back the end of this month for a weigh in! Set me a target of losing 7lb in 4 weeks and I've lost 5 so far been almost 2 weeks and will definitely keep eating less calories and exercising every day! I will hopefully…
  • My doctor is unsure on what's wrong she never mentioned weight as a problem until she had nothing else to blame! I am losing weight either way! Was just hoping someone had some experience with periods being absent because of weight and how they got them back and what they lost!
  • It's been 1 week since my appointment and I've lost 4lb so far! Can't believe it! X
  • Hey ladies wondering if any of you can help me figure out whats happening! I had a private ultrasound because I hadn't had a period in 6 months, cysts were then found on my ovaries! I was told by the lady doing the ultrasound that I need my hormones balancing but when I went to the doctors a few days later my hormones are…
  • So I weighed myself yesterday after starting my weight loss journey Monday and I'm happy to say I've lost 2lb I know it's probably only going to get harder but seeing just little results has made me more determined to get the 7lb+ off before my appointment! Finally off that annoying weight which wouldn't change so since…
  • I will definitely do that! Thanks again!
  • Thank you! :)
  • Yes I set it to 2lb a week and I'm not eating back exercise calories, thank you! X
  • My calories goal is 1870 and I'm eaten 1200-1700 calories
  • Thank you! Yes I sweat from half way through first song until the end of the 2 hours! I always give it my best and I enjoy it! Yes definitely think I'm being tested also MFP says 1800 calories a day and I eat 1200-1700 not sure if I should be eaten less!
  • I also done a tdee calculator it says maintenance calories 2787 and BMR is 1818 not sure how accurate that is
  • Thank you everyone my weight is 217 not 219
  • Thank you and my doctor wants me to lose half a stone to show I'm trying to be healthy which would just take me to 212 and when playing I march or keep dancing between loading and picking song to try give my self that little bit extra
  • Thank you!
  • I have done that thank you kimny72 and yes I felt I was set up to fail! But going to try lose as much as I can and then at least I can say I tried! I'm just unsure if just dance will help me lose enough weight as it's more fun then other workouts
  • I am struggling with infertility and a specialist won't help unless I lose weight so the doctor wants me back in 4 weeks and 7lb lighter
  • Hey I'm hayley I was told last week I have pcod and unless I lose weight fertility specialist won't help! My doctor wants me to lose 7lb in 4 weeks and hopes that's enough to show I'm trying! Thanks for the encouragement that it is possible to lose weight with pcos/pcod