Will I lose weight?

Looking for some help please! I'm not the best at figuring out what I will be losing! I am 21 5 ft 8 and weight 219lb! My doctor wants me to lose 7lb in 4 weeks! I am eating 1200-1700 calories a day and doing 2 hours of just dance a night as well as looking after a toddler and I walk 1-2 miles most days! If I do just dance 6/7 days a week! Will I lose weight? If not any tips! My BMR is 1831 Tia


  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    Why do you have a time frame? Do you have an upcoming procedure?
  • MichelleSilverleaf
    MichelleSilverleaf Posts: 2,027 Member
    You will if:

    -You log accurately (you're going to get people asking or suggesting to get a food scale, so if you don't have one or aren't using one now would be a good time to grab one)
    -You're in a calorie deficit.

    That's really it. If you sat around all day and just made sure you did both of those things, you'd lose weight. However exercise is good for your body in all kinds of ways so definitely keep it up especially if it's something you enjoy anyway.
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    I am struggling with infertility and a specialist won't help unless I lose weight so the doctor wants me back in 4 weeks and 7lb lighter
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    I have done that thank you kimny72 and yes I felt I was set up to fail! But going to try lose as much as I can and then at least I can say I tried! I'm just unsure if just dance will help me lose enough weight as it's more fun then other workouts

  • toxikon
    toxikon Posts: 2,383 Member
    Double check your BMR and TDEE with this calc: http://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/

    Then pick a deficit and stick to it. To lose 2lbs a week, you'd need to eat 1000 calories below your TDEE every day. For some people, that deficit is much too high and they're more comfortable at a 500 calorie deficit, or losing approx. 1 lbs per week.

    No need to rush the weight loss - you didn't put it on overnight. Slow and steady is more sustainable.
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    As long as you follow the deficit that MFP sets - you really don't have to worry about exercise, so just do what is fun and engaging for you.
  • DX2JX2
    DX2JX2 Posts: 1,921 Member
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I am struggling with infertility and a specialist won't help unless I lose weight so the doctor wants me back in 4 weeks and 7lb lighter

    I wonder why they want you at 212. That's oddly specific.

    To answer your question, 2 hours of Just Dance per night likely won't get you where you need to be. I know it's a fun game with periods of intensity but you're likely only burning something in the neighborhood of 150-200 calories an hour or so because of the breaks in between songs, etc.

    You basically need to lose 2 pounds a week for the next month. Focus on your diet and achieving a 1000 calorie deficit from maintenance every day since diet is the surest way to get where you need to be. Take any other weight loss as unplanned upside.
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    You will if:

    -You log accurately (you're going to get people asking or suggesting to get a food scale, so if you don't have one or aren't using one now would be a good time to grab one)
    -You're in a calorie deficit.

    That's really it. If you sat around all day and just made sure you did both of those things, you'd lose weight. However exercise is good for your body in all kinds of ways so definitely keep it up especially if it's something you enjoy anyway.

    Thank you!
  • Rusty740
    Rusty740 Posts: 749 Member
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I have done that thank you kimny72 and yes I felt I was set up to fail! But going to try lose as much as I can and then at least I can say I tried! I'm just unsure if just dance will help me lose enough weight as it's more fun then other workouts

    Forget about dance, the single most important thing you can do is to track your calories accurately. Dance you might lose 200 calories, maybe 500. Calories can add that in 5 minutes.

    The good news is that you can do it. It is a realistic, a bit hard if you've never done this, goal. You can do it, absolutely. This is a test as to how bad you want it.

    You will find the first 5 lbs might be easy, probably gone in the first 10 days, stick with it and don't expect the last few to be easy.
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    DX2JX2 wrote: »
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I am struggling with infertility and a specialist won't help unless I lose weight so the doctor wants me back in 4 weeks and 7lb lighter

    I wonder why they want you at 212. That's oddly specific.

    To answer your question, 2 hours of Just Dance per night likely won't get you where you need to be. I know it's a fun game with periods of intensity but you're likely only burning something in the neighborhood of 150-200 calories an hour or so because of the breaks in between songs, etc.

    You basically need to lose 2 pounds a week for the next month. Focus on your diet and achieving a 1000 calorie deficit from maintenance every day since diet is the surest way to get where you need to be. Take any other weight loss as unplanned upside.

    Thank you and my doctor wants me to lose half a stone to show I'm trying to be healthy which would just take me to 212 and when playing I march or keep dancing between loading and picking song to try give my self that little bit extra
  • animatorswearbras
    animatorswearbras Posts: 1,001 Member
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I have done that thank you kimny72 and yes I felt I was set up to fail! But going to try lose as much as I can and then at least I can say I tried! I'm just unsure if just dance will help me lose enough weight as it's more fun then other workouts

    Hey fun exercise is the best exercise because you actually want to do it! You don't have to feel miserable to be doing it right, if you're out of breath or break a sweat you will be burning some extra cals (I used to burn loads doing zumba and dance games are great), but as others have said calories in will be your main focus to drop the pounds and I would say with such a short time frame maybe don't eat all of your exercise calories back (at least until after your appointment and you get a better handle on how quick you can lose) I'm assuming the 4 week thing is to "test" your dedication but yeah a bit unfair. Good luck OP! You've got this! xxxx
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    Thank you everyone my weight is 217 not 219
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    I also done a tdee calculator it says maintenance calories 2787 and BMR is 1818 not sure how accurate that is
  • MommaGem2017
    MommaGem2017 Posts: 405 Member
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I also done a tdee calculator it says maintenance calories 2787 and BMR is 1818 not sure how accurate that is

    I would let MFP do the math for you. Go into your dietary profile, enter your statistics and goals, then it will give you a calorie goal before exercise.
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I have done that thank you kimny72 and yes I felt I was set up to fail! But going to try lose as much as I can and then at least I can say I tried! I'm just unsure if just dance will help me lose enough weight as it's more fun then other workouts

    Hey fun exercise is the best exercise because you actually want to do it! You don't have to feel miserable to be doing it right, if you're out of breath or break a sweat you will be burning some extra cals (I used to burn loads doing zumba and dance games are great), but as others have said calories in will be your main focus to drop the pounds and I would say with such a short time frame maybe don't eat all of your exercise calories back (at least until after your appointment and you get a better handle on how quick you can lose) I'm assuming the 4 week thing is to "test" your dedication but yeah a bit unfair. Good luck OP! You've got this! xxxx

    Thank you! Yes I sweat from half way through first song until the end of the 2 hours! I always give it my best and I enjoy it! Yes definitely think I'm being tested also MFP says 1800 calories a day and I eat 1200-1700 not sure if I should be eaten less!
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I also done a tdee calculator it says maintenance calories 2787 and BMR is 1818 not sure how accurate that is

    I would let MFP do the math for you. Go into your dietary profile, enter your statistics and goals, then it will give you a calorie goal before exercise.

    My calories goal is 1870 and I'm eaten 1200-1700 calories
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    edited August 2017
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    HayleyA95 wrote: »
    I also done a tdee calculator it says maintenance calories 2787 and BMR is 1818 not sure how accurate that is

    I would let MFP do the math for you. Go into your dietary profile, enter your statistics and goals, then it will give you a calorie goal before exercise.

    My calories goal is 1870 and I'm eaten 1200-1700 calories

    Just realize if you start feeling binge-y, that you have those extra calories to eat.

    Anything under ~2700 calories is still a deficit for you. Don't freak out if you have a 2000 calorie day and let it derail you.
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    If you set your goal to lose 2 lbs a week, then you should be able to eat the entire 1870 and still lose 2 lbs a week. Which would achieve 8 lbs in 4 weeks. Plus, i assume you are not logging and eating back your exercise calories.

    I know you feel pressure to lose this weight in a short time frame, but please don't hurt yourself doing it.

    Yes I set it to 2lb a week and I'm not eating back exercise calories, thank you! X