Losing Motivation! :(

Hey everyone! I have been losing weight for 12 weeks now and lost 1Stone and 7lb but I've recently lost my motivation! My goal calories for the day is 1710 and I can't keep to it! I keep eating between 1700-2000 and today is my worst day and I've eaten 2200! I just can't say no to that extra snack or extra calories! I'm so unhappy with myself after trying so hard! Also To maintain I could eat 2700! Just wondering how you all keep your motivation or how to get it back!


  • Dnarules
    Dnarules Posts: 2,081 Member
    How much are you trying to lose? If your maintenance is really 2700, then eating at 2200 will still result in about a 1 lb loss per week. Maybe you are restricting your calories too much.
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    Dnarules wrote: »
    How much are you trying to lose? If your maintenance is really 2700, then eating at 2200 will still result in about a 1 lb loss per week. Maybe you are restricting your calories too much.

    I have my goal set to 2lb a week and I'm not sure how much I would like to lose overall! I'm just going until I feel comfortable but with a 29.6 bmi I still want to lose a lot more! It's good to know I will still lose! Thank you for your reply! I'm being really hard on myself today!
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    So your BMI isn't that high really and you're having compliance issues. So slow your losses, up your intake and you might find it easier to keep going. Given you are getting to 2000 calories a day anyway, may as well remove the anxiety going over is causing you and allowing yourself to eat that much. You'll still lose at a more than good rate but be able to fit more of the things you like into your day.

    My bmi was 33 when I started my weight loss journey and as I'm currently struggling with infertility i was told that I needed to get my bmi below 30 before I receive help so that kept me focused, but now I've reached that, my motivation is goingI will definitely drop my goal for awhile and have that little extra a day! 1/1.5lb a week is fine with me for awhile as I just feel more hungry and like I'm missing out! Thank you for your reply! :)
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    Two ideas:

    1. Change your weekly goal to one pound.
    2. Take a week or two off to eat at maintenance. Here are two articles that I like about diet breaks:

    ~~ Diet breaks ~~
    * http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html/
    * http://strengthunbound.com/when-to-take-a-diet-break/
  • HayleyA95
    HayleyA95 Posts: 29 Member
    jemhh wrote: »
    Two ideas:

    1. Change your weekly goal to one pound.
    2. Take a week or two off to eat at maintenance. Here are two articles that I like about diet breaks:

    ~~ Diet breaks ~~
    * http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/fat-loss/the-full-diet-break.html/
    * http://strengthunbound.com/when-to-take-a-diet-break/

    Thank you for your help! I will drop my goal for now and if I still struggle I will take a diet break!
  • try2again
    try2again Posts: 3,562 Member
    I agree with the advice to reduce your goal, but be sure you are being as accurate as possible with your logging (weighing food, choosing accurate database entries, etc), because you'll have less wiggle room now. In other words, you were on a 1000 calorie deficit, so if you were off in your logging by 200 calories (and that's *really* easy to do for all of us), you still had an 800 calorie deficit and were probably losing at least 1.5 lbs/week. Now if you're on a 500 calorie deficit, and still tend to be off by 200 calories, you're down to .5 lb/week, which could be discouraging. That's not to say you should start overestimating a bunch of things either... just work to be as accurate as possible. :)