Deep breaths, Judgy Judgy.
Lol... I’ve come accustomed to having dumplings when I make home made chicken soup. Usually when it comes to comfort food I cave in for the sake of dumplings.
You should come up with a keto friendly dumpling
I didn't read your link, I may have before. From what I've read about it, dairy is no longer a food group and a lot of meat proteins are being replaced by plant proteins. They're supposed to be basing it more like Brazil's - I personally can't wait to see the final guide.
Note to self... stop feeding the trolls. No matter how well it fits into their macros.
If you're eating within goal you're not "cheating" on your diet, are you? ::eyeroll::
Well, which is it? If it's not a weakness, is it a reward? Are we like dogs rewarding ourselves with food? Keep in mind, we're talking about planned cheats, not slip ups.
From my experience.... when following the keto diet, my anxiety is more manageable. This could be partially due to cutting out processed foods, taking lots of vitamins, and taking a probiotic (acidophilus). It's done nothing for depression and/or SADS. BUT... I found when I go heavy at carbs I'm left feeling like I have no…
I try for 100%... but, it's not possible. I don't beat myself up every time I knock myself out of ketosis though, I'll pause and enjoy life as I see fit. :)
Cheat meals are for the weak.... it's one thing to go over, it's another to plan to fail. :p :p :p
The scene where Peter has a frog in a box that dies and he tries to get it outside through a window. No matter how many times I watch it, I can't help but to laugh through the entire thing
I aim for 20g give or take a few. My plan is LCLF so I don't have dairy. Without the fat, the plan averages about 700-1000 calories a day, it's also a very low calorie plan.
I like this one
Can we bring this thread back for an update???? :p
@Just_Jaimie :p
If she gets freaky on Facetime go for it. ;)
It increased it, I still think it's from the increased energy and the positive feeling that comes with losing weight.
Me? Nah.... seeing all that lard and those fat bombs turn my stomach lol.. I only miss cheese, and bacon. I still sneak both in once in a while.
My diet is LCLF.
Strangely, tonight someone posted a link in the main forums about men on keto start having ummm.... problems saluting and they suspect it was from low fat in their diets. (knock on wood) No pun intended.
You guys are funny... on one hand yelling you have freedom, choice, and the ability to live your life as you want... except when it comes to someone else and the 25 cents you pay in taxes lol
The glass on my scale is reflective... it can be depressing enough just to see the number. So partially covered.
Yes, you can. A lot of people do as they find the 8oz with the veggies to be a lot to eat in one sitting. I think you can even do things like 4 oz at supper, 3 at lunch and an egg for a snack for 1oz
You're happy because you're feeling great, you're loosing weight, you have more energy... and tada! lol
- Add me.... if you need to push yourself to reach 10k steps a day.... if you average 15-20,000 steps every day, don't bother :tongue: