RainbowLube Member


  • I was thinking about something like this with black tights and a pair of fashion boots.
  • Yes! I am currently playing PUBG and Overwatch a lot.
  • I may do a taco salad for dinner tonight in honor of National Taco Day. =)
  • Here are some great low-carb ideas for taco shells! livestrong.com/article/457175-does-the-taco-shell-of-a-taco-salad-have-gluten/
  • So I'm seeing a lot of people telling her that her goal is unrealistic and impossible. While it maybe true, she has mentioned multiple times that this is an idealistic goal, she is striving for a high number to motivate her better. She even said that it would be fine if she only lost 5 or 10 lbs only because at least it is…
  • Good luck ritabfitzgerald! I would suggest getting an exercising DVD or something that you can do in your spare time. I know when I first lost weight I was doing Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred. It didn't take too much time and it really showed results! My issue with doing that now is I don't have a good space in my house…
  • I h ave tried to diet probably 10 different times over the last few years and I usually try to do it with my friends or significant others. I have recently realized that the fact that I am relying on others to eat right and exercise with me is only making it harder for me to lose weight and be healthier. I figured if I…
  • You do you, good luck! As long as you can continue being healthy and exercising the weight will come off. I know I personally find small goals a bit more motivating for me. I have a goal to lose 10lbs from the beginning of the week to the end of October. This is my first week of using MFP and my first week eating healthier…
  • You got this tmcbride1964! Thyroid issues make it difficult but its just another hurdle, not an excuse! I've seen many success stories for women with thyroid issues lose weight. We're gonna be one of them!
  • Just starting back on this weight loss since my hypothyroidism got worse recently and made me jump up 30lbs in the last couple months! I'm ready to work for a thinner, healthier me! I am super embarrassed by these numbers but I am learning to embrace them so that I can work to lower them! Bare with me, I have a lot of…
  • I am not currently plant based but I have considered it because I've heard it helps people get off of medicine for things like GERD, cholesterol, and various other things. I do not think I am ready for that level of commitment but I am eating less meat by a lot. If tofu is an option I tend to go towards it over meat.…
  • Miathesiamese: I wish I was only 60lbs heavier! Before my thyroid issues I was only 125lbs, I ended up gaining 50lbs in a month because my thyroid went all out of whack and its just been going up since! Also thanks, its been my name on things for a long while now, lol. Good luck KrissyTyler and great job coming back! I…