@88olds I think what most people get at when they use the term 'love' in the context of food is that it is something that they enjoy & are passionate about. I'm personally very passionate about food - and the cooking thereof. So when I say I love food - I mean I enjoy it, whether I'm eating it, cooking it or giving it…
@Bex953172 That sounds really cool - will definitely check it out. Thanks :smile: @AllyMacD737 Very well done on your progress - I'm so chuffed for you! Thank you for your encouragement. @kommodevaran I agree with you - balance is definitely what I am trying to achieve here. @nowine4me I'm glad to see I'm not alone in that…
My situation is somewhat the reverse of yours - when me & my partner got together I weighed about 80kg and in these past 3.5 years I have gained 30kg. He has also said some hurtful things to me, but he is starting to understand how sensitive my weight issue is since I have struggled all my life. I know how difficult it can…
We all fall off the rocker every now & again! Stay positive & you'll crush it :smiley:
You have a point there about the use of the term 'love'. I completely agree - & this is something I say everyday. Is being 'overweight' truly the worst thing one can be? Because I honestly feel that society makes it out to be worse than a lot of other things - sad isn't it? Time & hard work can do wonders! Thank you for…
Ha ha - thoughts are quite twisted, yes. I agree - one's mind is a powerful thing & some days I'm motivated as hell! :D So I suppose you train it just as you train your body. Well done for being able to touch your toes - after baby is born I'm sure you'll crush it even more! You see, I'm generally quite a strong-willed &…
@burly_man308 Thank you so much! Looking forward to the next while that's lying ahead :) @nutmegoreo I think you get stronger and wiser as time goes on! Well done on your progress thus far - hoping I do just as well! :)
@MessyApron I completely know how you feel! I'll often be on a normal, healthy streak with my eating habits and then next moment - BOOM! I crave all kinds of junk... and then I eat and eat and eat and eat - mostly when people don't see me. It also helps not to feel as guilty. Since I'm new to MFP, I'm hoping that I can…