daniel_nong Member


  • Yo mpost! The fact that you have reached out for a little help is awesome. Your weight loss journey is yours but your have a friend in me and many others to help you be accountable. As someone mentiooned above, in the end it is ultimately up to YOU in how successful you are. Use the app and all the resources it brings! You…
  • Yo Ematwood. Don't sweat it too much. We all have days where we need to indulge a bit. It's what keeps us sane CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR MASTER'S!!! Take it one day at a time. You know what your goals are and it is important to keep them in sight. One day has not ruined you by any means. We're all human friend!
  • Yo Kristina! Welcome to MFP! There's a lot of wonderful people in these forums who are looking to hit their fitness goals and help motivate others along the way. I'm trying to lose weight myself, what are your fitness goals?
  • Hey Halla, welcome brother. That's awesome that you're walking to lose weight. The first step to overcoming anything is to truly identify the problem and acknowledge the changes you need to make, and you've already done that! I'm here to help motivate you if you're you for doing the same for me! Let's hit our goals…
  • Yo welcome Gwen! I'm here to lose weight and find motivation as well. What are your goals?
  • Everyone in this forum is going to hit their goals! It's going to be hard but I know with each other's support we can do it! I'm currently at 200 Lbs and I'm hoping to be at 150 by the end of 2018. I've been tracking calories and it's been working so far. I can't wait to hear about and see all of your progress!
  • Hey brother! I totally understand how traveling and sticking to your regime is a bit tough! I travel the world playing wheelchair basketball and it's always tough making sure I get quality meals in. I think there are lots of keto/paleo groups on here so you shouldn't have an issue at all! Welcome to MFP!
  • Hey Shalisa! That goal is totally doable and I can't wait to see the progress and work you put in! Let me know how I can help if at all? I'm trying to lose weight myself!
  • Love it guys! Let's hit our goals together!
  • Hey brother so first thing you need to do is figure out how many calories you need in a day to MAINTAIN your weight. You can do this by figuring out your Total daily energy expenditure. Google TDEE calculator and figure out what your calories are. Then after that try eating less calories than what your TDEE is. So for…
  • Hey Cath! Welcome to MyFitnessPal! This will definitely help with your weightless goals. There are a lot of amazing recipes out there that are good for both you and your boys!
  • You can do it! It takes the right mindset and the discipline I know you have!
  • Keep it up!
  • Yo Ben! This is a great app to help track your progress. What are some of your goals? I'm personally trying to lose body fat while maintaining my strength.
  • Welcome friend!
  • Life is going to throw so many obstacles our way and the biggest advice I can give is to know that you are not alone in your tribulations. You've lost the weight before you can do it again. Try and take everything one day at a time and try not to be so hard on yourself. You have a whole community who is rooting for you!
  • Taking the first step is so important! You're on your way!
  • "The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" You're on your way brother!