Army Girl

2018 goals are beautiful and the sky is the limit i always wanted to serve my country and waa going to enlist after Highscool but i was talkes out of it by parents. My dad being that i am 23 im realizing the people i confined in was juat wprried there ypungest child could possibility be killed in duty and serving and they was tryimg to protect me. But i have a mimd of my own amd im getting back to wjat i use tp.womt i use tp always talk tp recruiters brancing out and i let others fears puah me away from exploring and.fell out after highachool in wrong direction...i have some weighht to lose Getting in shape.. The u.s army is a strong possiblity but i wont to be in phyiscal shape and fit first so i can past examines and not struggle as hard at basic training so i can have endurance to face all obstacles i wont to be able to distance run and be the best for my country.....i should of stayed in cross country through out grade school... Lol (joke but forvreal) but here i stand ready to start a different direction in life...breaking out my dhell ready to conquer all


  • QueenShapeshifter505
    Ew so many typos my phone cracked
  • QueenShapeshifter505
    So many typos i apologize my screen is cracked.
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    live your own life.

    it looks like you're looking a noble career path

    mad re5pext
  • daniel_nong
    daniel_nong Posts: 20 Member
    You can do it! It takes the right mindset and the discipline I know you have!
  • PAFC84
    PAFC84 Posts: 1,871 Member
    edited December 2017
    Good luck with achieving your goals. As the above poster says, its your life.

    I don't wish to talk you out of it but just bear in mind that:

    1. Recruiters are likely to sugarcoat life in the army and tell you what you want to hear.
    2. The reality may well be different from how you picture it.

    As long as you've researched it thoroughly that's the main thing. I hope it works out for you.
  • JLLeigh98
    JLLeigh98 Posts: 5 Member
    Sounds familiar! I am going to be starting the enlisting process hopefully very soon.
    My parents were really surprised and discouraging about it when I first told them too. It didn’t really make sense with the way my personality was before but I have grown as a person since and stuck to being in the Army as my dream so they are now on the supportive side of borderline lol
    Have you looked much into what MOS or job you might want? I wouldn’t worry too much and let being out of shape influence your choice of whether or not to go for it. Fitness is important but they will prepare you during basic. As long as you make the weight requirement (that’s either on the scale or when measured by tape measure) they will allow you to enlist and begin training where they will get you into shape.
    If you want any extra support, it’s nice to have someone with similar goals and I would be happy to chat about any of it.
  • Matt200goal
    Matt200goal Posts: 481 Member
    Beat Navy!

    Retired US Army here. Good luck!