HeyJudii Member


  • I want to give words of encouragement and pride in what they are doing for themselves, but I am an introvert and anyway feel that they would just think I was some demented creep.
    in That look Comment by HeyJudii July 2018
  • in That look Comment by HeyJudii July 2018
  • I like my oatmeal savory. I use it like I would use rice, potatoes, etc.
    in Oatmeal Comment by HeyJudii July 2018
  • Yup. I have a Fitbit connected to MFP and it does this. For some reason the Fitbit does this adjustment. Why? I don't know. I just ignore it. I know what my weight is, and no one is looking at this information but me.
  • It's nice if you are dealing with sane, rational people that behave in a mature manner. But, not everyone has that luxury. There are some people, that no matter how evasive your answer, will keep pushing, pushing. If you say, "Why do you ask" or, "That is a very personal question" or try to move the conversation in another…
  • I run because of (almost) all of the above. o:) B) >:)
    in Why I run. Comment by HeyJudii July 2018
  • Been there, done that. Work what works for you and your situation.
  • Can you run? And run. And run. And run? This helps me (also bpii not currently medicated) I run until I am physically exhausted. I can then focus mentally. I run around inside the building where I work, or an inside track at the rec ctr. I have found that I need to run for at least 30 minutes hard to get the benefit. Have…
  • Grams vs. Tbsp or half cup, sometimes I was shorting myself other times getting too much.
  • Update: Yesterday, I was going to come back to write that sometimes it felt like I worked for several Michael Scotts at Dunder Mifflin, but instead... Luckily, this has been going on all week, so Wednesday I had been remembering some words of wisdom. First, to paraphrase Dr. Nowzaradan and Roseanne Roseannadanna, "There is…
    in Work Vent Comment by HeyJudii July 2018
  • Not really a "gadget" but, Ziploc baggies: They help me cut oil usage. If it calls for 2 tbsp, I place 1 Tbsp in the baggie, squish the baggie to smear it around to coat the inside of the bag, place whatever I am coating inside (usually veggies of some type, but it works for everything that calls for being drizzled or any…
  • Was told by a prior therapist that that was why I try to self-medicate/numb myself, with food. I would rather eat my feelings than deal with them. ;)
  • So glad I read this thread. Had been struggling with this myself now that it is too hot to hike and my weekends are now in the same range of activity as the OP, so I upped my calorie burn during the week to compensate. I didn't want to decrease my calories on the weekend to match the low weekend calorie burn, since I track…
  • Your way works for you, my way works for me. ;)
  • Have posted about wrestling with similar issues myself. The Fitbit helped me become more active, and the activity helps with the anxiety/depression, but because of my obsessive tendencies, I started to feel like a hamster on a wheel and that I could never sit down or relax. Some very helpful suggestions from a couple of…
  • Lots of different ones at different times, but always, Titanium - David Guetta (ft. Sia)
  • I hate that MFP does this so I ignore any exercise calories it gives me. I have turned off Negative Calorie Adjustment, I have put in that I was sedentary, but nothing keeps it from anticipating the calories I will burn in the future and then doing end of day subtractions it deems necessary. Just give me what I ALREADY…
  • This.^ (Unless you are in the position where you are financially dependent on them - you have no income of your own.) Don't they care about you and your health issues? I watch various shows about people that have severe weight and health issues, and I always wonder why their families/loved ones are so selfish that they…
  • So true. In my own head, I have been rehearsing how I am going to deal with the external sabotagers. I can post asking advice on how to handle it all I want, but only I have the ability to actually act on dealing with family, friends, co-workers, myself, etc. pushing food on me.
  • :D :D :D
  • Air popped popcorn is dry and chewy to me. My air popper is gathering dust, but I'm going to try the brown paper bag method.
  • Currently still in deficit, so monthly. I have obsessive tendencies and will be stripping down several times a day to get on the scale and freaking out if the number rises if I do it more frequently. All the logic in the world doesn't stop me from being obsessed by the numbers. (I have other more priority issues to work…
  • Sensitivity/intolerance was how it was explained to me by allergist. I almost never eat out because gluten-free has become such a heated topic here and after reading some of those internet lists about servers, I worry that someone will decide I am just being a hipster, and slip me something that will cause me severe…
  • A regular towel would not cover me after bathing. Well, I could cover my front or my back, but not both at the same time.
  • Same here. I already thought of it as my calorie budget, it was the realization how much more reluctant I would be to go over on the weekend and how much more strict I would be if it cost me actual money if I went over my budget.
  • It's interesting to me, that when I was in the obese range for my age & height, no one was worried about me then. No heart to heart talks about perhaps I should do something about my eating and inactivity. But, now that I am in a healthy weight range, and getting fit and lean (runner) so much concern is expressed. ETA: The…
  • "Judi A girl who is a big deal and who everyone loves. She's always the small one and she has a great sense of humour. She is really fun to be around and will always brighten up the day. She is always smiling and is usually the right person to talk to about problems. This girl can keep secrets, she's trustworthy and is one…
  • I read this as a pin. Now every time I feel my "motivation" is waning, I tell myself to decide what I want to do. The decision is up to me. Even if I grumble, I know what I decide.
  • I saw this last week and since then I have started putting onion powder on my salads. Holy Cow! What a difference. Most of the time I don't even need dressing. Actually, I now never need dressing, but sometimes add it for the taste.
  • Avocados. I used to avoid them when I was "dieting". Now, I have them a couple of times a week. (Note: I used to try to buy the biggest ones I could find to "get more for my money". Now, I buy the smallest ones I can find for about 160 calories by gram weight.)