Soieblanche Member


  • Eating less but not working out will make you skinny-fat guys. You need to do some sort of activity to increase muscle mass to some extent, otherwise you'll just be a small blob rather than a big blob :D Usual advice (which has been my experience too) is twice a week minimum, and not more than 4 times a week if you're new…
  • I'm at 1200 cal (before exercise, at least!) Pretty tall too. I've had to try and change my macros a bit to try and keep me from getting toooo hungry, but mostly it's fine. Always looking for more friends so add me if you want :)
  • Hey! I'm 26 but at college again, and off to uni in September (grades permitting!) :smiley: I had an injury that kept me off my feets for a while and I still can't do much fun, but can do enough that I can use the gym + go swim/cycle again. Being sedentary for a while has put me at the low end of healthy, so want to lose…
  • Can I join the game nerd club? :innocent: Very into Overwatch at the moment, but stuff like Skyrim and Cities:Skylines are my usual thing!
  • This has been me lately. The study snacking is severe! It sounds lame but I've found dates to be the best thing for kicking chocolate cravings, and dried fruit (especially pineapple) for sweets. Still high in sugar but at least you get the fibre and vitamins with it too. Nibbling through a couple of dates is better than…