1200 Calorie Goal?



  • Silinde
    Silinde Posts: 44 Member
    I also have a goal of 1200, which is for me probably on the high side because my actual calorie needs have been measured as 1200 a few years ago, around my current weight. Snacks I eat just everything, but I log them in the morning before eating any and if I see I'm getting into trouble with the meals, I don't eat them at all and get them out. Is 1m62 considered "petite"? I'm not that tall, but there are smaller women than me.
  • Enthusiast84
    Enthusiast84 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm just wondering how many of you including the OP actually need to be eating as little as 1200 cals a day. Usually it's only applicable to those who are very petite/ older...

    It's about sustainability. If you can't consistently eat those few calories then how will you stick to it? And thus begins the yo yo dieting cycle - proved by all the returning posters who are back for the nth time here to tackle their weight loss.

    Btw I am petite, lost 20lbs+ eating 1700-1800 cals a day/ 0.5 lb a week. And the best thing :- I haven't regained, this is year 5 at maintenance for me.

    How are your maintenance calories that high being petite?
  • saymyname2
    saymyname2 Posts: 842 Member
    I'm just wondering how many of you including the OP actually need to be eating as little as 1200 cals a day. Usually it's only applicable to those who are very petite/ older...

    It's about sustainability. If you can't consistently eat those few calories then how will you stick to it? And thus begins the yo yo dieting cycle - proved by all the returning posters who are back for the nth time here to tackle their weight loss.

    Btw I am petite, lost 20lbs+ eating 1700-1800 cals a day/ 0.5 lb a week. And the best thing :- I haven't regained, this is year 5 at maintenance for me.

    I'm 5'6 and started at 300lb so def not petite.
    My cal goal is 1200 cuz im lazy as all get out and very morbidly obese.

    Just saying there seams to be many variables to take into consideration when calculating your calories.
  • saymyname2
    saymyname2 Posts: 842 Member
    quolwy wrote: »
    Hello, my calorie goal on MFP has been set to 1200 calories a day for me, and while I have a few friends on here none of them have similar calorie goals. Most of my friends here aim between 1500-2100 calories a day, and that's closer to what I'll be eating during maintenance, so I was wondering if anyone here has a 1200 calorie goal and would like to be friends.
    It would be interesting to see what kind of meals and snacks other lower calorie friends eat, hoping to get some new ideas!
    Oh and I have an open diary so whoever else is 1200 calories you can take a look at how I eat for motivation as well!

    Im on 1200 a day as well been doing it on here for 44days
    My dairy is not open cuz my diet is shocking! lol
    I don't eat a varied diet I just stick to what I like and whats easy.

    Feel free to add me if you want
  • LivingtheLeanDream
    LivingtheLeanDream Posts: 13,342 Member
    edited April 2018
    quolwy wrote: »
    I'm just wondering how many of you including the OP actually need to be eating as little as 1200 cals a day. Usually it's only applicable to those who are very petite/ older...

    It's about sustainability. If you can't consistently eat those few calories then how will you stick to it? And thus begins the yo yo dieting cycle - proved by all the returning posters who are back for the nth time here to tackle their weight loss.

    Btw I am petite, lost 20lbs+ eating 1700-1800 cals a day/ 0.5 lb a week. And the best thing :- I haven't regained, this is year 5 at maintenance for me.

    I realise 1200 calories isn't something I can sustain-- but I'm not trying to eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, just for loss and then I'll add in denser calorie foods slowly once I reach my goal.
    Myfitnesspal recommended 1200 calories a day for me so that's what I aim for, and the way I use my calories leaves me full all day long, not feeling hungry or tired or deprived of anything. So while I see you could feel concerned because in your experience more calories worked for you, I want to meet other people who also feel full and happy while on a "diet" of around 1200 calories daily.
    Good work keeping maintenance though! :)

    Well that's good to know, thanks for replying. how long you've been doing 1200 and do you eat exercise cals back?
  • quolwy
    quolwy Posts: 74 Member
    quolwy wrote: »
    I'm just wondering how many of you including the OP actually need to be eating as little as 1200 cals a day. Usually it's only applicable to those who are very petite/ older...

    It's about sustainability. If you can't consistently eat those few calories then how will you stick to it? And thus begins the yo yo dieting cycle - proved by all the returning posters who are back for the nth time here to tackle their weight loss.

    Btw I am petite, lost 20lbs+ eating 1700-1800 cals a day/ 0.5 lb a week. And the best thing :- I haven't regained, this is year 5 at maintenance for me.

    I realise 1200 calories isn't something I can sustain-- but I'm not trying to eat 1200 calories for the rest of my life, just for loss and then I'll add in denser calorie foods slowly once I reach my goal.
    Myfitnesspal recommended 1200 calories a day for me so that's what I aim for, and the way I use my calories leaves me full all day long, not feeling hungry or tired or deprived of anything. So while I see you could feel concerned because in your experience more calories worked for you, I want to meet other people who also feel full and happy while on a "diet" of around 1200 calories daily.
    Good work keeping maintenance though! :)

    Well that's good to know, thanks for replying. how long you've been doing 1200 and do you eat exercise cals back?

    I've been doing 1200 for just like 40 days or something so far? I'll probably go up to around like 1800 calories a day for maintenance once I've reached my goal, and no I don't eat them back but it's because I don't exercise haha. The only exercise I do for now is just walking to and from work, which I already accounted for when I set my activity level in the beginning of the app, so I just disregard those unless I do more activity than normal. In which case I'll usually have an extra snack but I find myself so full throughout the day with the way I eat anyways, I don't have an appetite for any more food.
  • Renonelarock
    Renonelarock Posts: 44 Member
    I’m at 1200 and have been for the last 45 days. I have lost 18lbs in that time. I like to mix up my food because I get bored but stick with the sand breakfast except on Saturdays. If you need any Neal ideas lmk
  • aellyn90
    aellyn90 Posts: 22 Member
    Also at 1200 calories. I try to do high protein to keep me full longer. So far, it has not been a struggle (Thank the Lord). If I’m hungry at the end of my calories, I eat something healthy! So some days I end up around 1300 cal.

    What helps me is to log everything the night before (I pack a lunch for work) and then the next day I just eat what I’ve prepared and logged. So far, so good for me!

    Feel free to add, I’ve got an open diary.
  • stelzruve
    stelzruve Posts: 2 Member
    Feel free to add me ( I don't know how to add people yet) I previously lost 36kgs using mfp on a 1200 daily calorie goal unfortunately I gained it all back so I'm here for round 2 haha
  • hono_iifym
    hono_iifym Posts: 2 Member
    Hey, I’d love to connect. I also was given a goal of 1200 Cals without exercise. I’ll be getting back to the gym soon after a few months off. 1200 cals seems low to me so I upped it to 1600, is that a bad idea? Just never went down to 1200 cals esp once I start working out again that seems really low.
  • SteamPug
    SteamPug Posts: 262 Member
    bbell1985 wrote: »
    I think that for some, an aggressive loss for a couple of weeks can help keep up momentum and adherence. I agree that not everyone understands this and maybe stays at steep deficit for too long.

    I personally like to cut quickly. In my eyes, I will lose just as much muscle being in a deficit for 5 freaking months to lose 5 pounds, rather than getting some fat off quickly and getting back to training in maintenance.

    To those women who are short and light maintaining on 2200. Good for you. Many of us do not.
    It’s nice to hear someone say this.
  • Soieblanche
    Soieblanche Posts: 6 Member
    edited April 2018
    I'm at 1200 cal (before exercise, at least!) Pretty tall too. I've had to try and change my macros a bit to try and keep me from getting toooo hungry, but mostly it's fine. Always looking for more friends so add me if you want :)
  • EarthFHS
    EarthFHS Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 5'4 and trying for 1150 calories per day (adding a bit when I exercise). It's been sustainable for me, but I've kinda had to work up to it if that makes sense
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    hattamerk wrote: »
    Y goal is 1200 without exercise. I would love it if you add me as a friend so to see your meals too! It is hard. I eat too much sometimes, especially because I workout a lot and hard. Then I am soooo hungry. But I always try to keep under my calories with exercise goal. But I need to loose about 10 pounds and it would be easier if I stuck to the 1200 calorie goal. I hate being 5'0"!!!

    ditto 5 ft is so hard on the weight management ugh