Hey You Young Adults (20-30ish)! Let's Connect!



  • inkedrapture
    inkedrapture Posts: 26 Member
    22 year old, really into strength and resistance training and HIIT cardio. Currently on Keto, trying it out for the first time. Been working out for a year and I’d really love some fitness friends :)
  • Bamaman88
    Bamaman88 Posts: 5 Member
    34 and I started my journey at the first of the year at 284lbs. Now I am 254. In the short couple of months I’ve lost 30lbs. I enjoy everyone encouraging one another and i love how we celebrate one another’s successes.
  • klo96
    klo96 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I’m 21 looking to lose 80 pounds. I’ve been struggling with the motivation part of the weight loss. If anyone has any advice or tips that would be appreciated!
  • fitblonde88
    fitblonde88 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi, I'm 29 and looking to lose 45 lbs. Starting to do the elliptical, zumba, etc. New to mfp and could use some fitness ffiends to hold me accountable!
  • _addietude
    _addietude Posts: 1 Member
    Hey I'm Addie! 24 been doing this gym thing since last October. My trainer told me to get this app to track my meals and what not cause I suck at remembering my meals lol so far have lost 40lbs, need to lose another 60lbs! Slowly but surely getting there to lose total of 100! :)
  • gabrielle2019
    gabrielle2019 Posts: 24 Member
    edited March 2018
    Looking for more college students so we can help each other stay motivated through the stressful time that is college! I’m about to turn 21 and have never been happy with my weight. I’m trying to lose 30 but starting with 10. Diabetes runs in my family and I am already pre diabetic so I’ve started to change my lifestyle. I love encouraging others and helping them any way I can!
  • sirricelik
    sirricelik Posts: 17 Member
    Add me!
  • LauraJones12
    LauraJones12 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everybody!

    My name is Laura, and my goal is to lose 10 lbs and follow a regular eating schedule by the end of May 2018. Would love to partner up with somebody to keep each other accountable!

    Keep going and everyone have yourselves a sparkling day!
  • Soieblanche
    Soieblanche Posts: 6 Member
    Hey! I'm 26 but at college again, and off to uni in September (grades permitting!) :smiley:

    I had an injury that kept me off my feets for a while and I still can't do much fun, but can do enough that I can use the gym + go swim/cycle again. Being sedentary for a while has put me at the low end of healthy, so want to lose some BF and get fit(ish) again :lol: More friends are always good, so thought I'd post here!
  • MarissaLock3
    MarissaLock3 Posts: 14 Member
    canyonGeek wrote: »

    This is my life!!
  • cfritchley217
    cfritchley217 Posts: 2 Member
    I would love friends around the same age! I have been working on getting healthy for a couple of months, but am new on mfp (used it a couple of years ago)...I have lost about 8 lbs, have an open diary, and would love friends!
  • j1k2z3
    j1k2z3 Posts: 11 Member
    Hi all! I'm Julia and I'm 23 (almost 24) and looking for more support! I've been struggling for a while but need to get back on track. I have about 80 pounds to lose
  • AMils101
    AMils101 Posts: 2 Member
    I’m 23!!! I started MFP about 3 years ago but fell off during that time with the stress of my final year of college. Now that I have graduated and work right next to a gym I have no excuses. Been going strong since September but looking for people with like interests to keep me going. :)
  • AMils101
    AMils101 Posts: 2 Member
    2AMkitkat wrote: »
    Hello! I'm 23 yo originally from California but now in NY. I'm brand new (2 days in) to MFP. I'm trying to lose 30+ lbs. I try to log daily. Feel free to add or message me with tips/motivation! I love exchanging new recipes too.

    I used to live in California too! Santa Rosa. Stuck in Ohio currently.
  • Jon_90
    Jon_90 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm 28 from Ca. Trying to jump back on the healthy wagon. Fell off for a couple weeks but I'm back at it.
  • Tess_Christine
    Tess_Christine Posts: 87 Member
    Hey! Not new to the fitness pal but reconnecting to it. Would love to have a few people to talk with for support. Add me!(:
  • BDC010388
    BDC010388 Posts: 17 Member
    Hey everyone :) always looking for more motivational friends so feel free to add me :)
  • laurenbastug
    laurenbastug Posts: 307 Member
    edited March 2018
    Hey everyone!
    28 year old from jersey, working as an account manager in nyc. Getting married in september so there’s a little bit of “shredding for the wedding” but more redemption. I lost 30+ pounds last year and got to my goals and felt great only to throw it all away on a 2 month binge. It got ugly :/ got back on track in January, I’m down 12 pounds and would like to lose another 10-12. I did it before and I can do it again but patience and keeping on track on the weekends are my biggest struggles. I’m working with a coach, tracking macros and lifting 4x and cardio 2x a week. Looking for any type of support/motivation from others :) wish everyone the best on their journey to reach their goals! I really love helping others so please feel to reach out!
  • zara1296
    zara1296 Posts: 56 Member
    Turning 20 in July:) feel free to add!! Looking for motivating friends
  • rasta_bb
    rasta_bb Posts: 109 Member
    24 female, Tryin the Keto/Paleo diet. 5 days in and I like but all those fake and addicting foods I ate before are taking it's toll. Add me and we can stay motivated together!