Supportive, Geeky Chick Looking for Fun Friends!


This is my second time around with MyFitnessPal and I have to say, I absolutely love it. I lost a ton of weight with it last time and only started gaining once I stopped using MFP. One thing that I miss though is having friends on my profile!

A little about me: I'm 28, female and I live in the UK. I love all sorts of geeky stuff (sci fi, fantasy, tabletop games, roleplaying, etc.) and anything macabre. (I'm That Spooky Chick™). I also love makeup, reading, writing, cooking and watching documentaries.

On MFP you can find me cheering on people's successes and commiserating with people when they're having a tough time. I'm a dorky, fun-loving girl who's looking for friends (age/gender/whatever does NOT matter). If you just feel like chatting, sending me a quick hello is also great! :grin:

Below: two of my favourite pastimes - videogames and makeup. That was a fun little cosplay for my character on a SWTOR server from about a year ago. :star:


So please, please don't be shy - I love meeting new friends! If you're looking for someone who is supportive & enthusiastic, you've come to the right place. <3


  • philgilbert89au
    philgilbert89au Posts: 2 Member
    Hey id love to support you on your goal. Im aiming to lose 15kilos in 2months. My names Phil and im 28 from Australia
  • Pandorabelle
    Pandorabelle Posts: 53 Member
    Awesome! Added both of you. :smile: Still looking for more supportive friends!
  • amyteacake
    amyteacake Posts: 768 Member
    Fellow geek here! I'm Amy, 21 and from the UK as well. I usually play a lot of story based games, multiple choice or murder mystery/puzzle games. I've also just started to get into cosplay and I also like reading, writing, baking and makeup - even if I'm not the best at it haha.

    I hope you have a great day!
  • tinaismm
    tinaismm Posts: 1 Member

    Looking for a few friends on here too. Also a fellow geek, addicted to playing the sims and animal crossings and love anything Marvel. Love reading baking and im studying creative writing in uni. I'm looking to lose around 2 and a half stone... eek!

    Happy slimming x
  • Pandorabelle
    Pandorabelle Posts: 53 Member
    You too!

    That sounds like a lot of fun. I end up going back to a lot of my old favourites with videogames (I cannot tell you how many hours I put into games like Left 4 Dead, haha) but I'm always looking for interesting new stuff. Sent you a request. :smile:

    Everyone starts somewhere with makeup - if you ever want tips, I've got plenty (and I think it's hilarious and adorable that Jeremy Renner worked as a makeup artist - how awesome is that).

  • Mikkimeow
    Mikkimeow Posts: 139 Member
    Girl, love your makeup!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am a makeup artist and giant video game nerd. (The Last of Us, Skyrim, Resident Evil, Bioshock, anything Elder Scrolls,etc)
  • RachelElser
    RachelElser Posts: 1,049 Member
    Geeky chick here! Feel free to add me! I don't play quite as much as I used to (esp not scary games!) but I love to watch MatPat and Steph play them on GT live. My favorite cosplay was when I did Lulu from FF 10.
  • bread_winner
    bread_winner Posts: 16 Member
    Looking for some friends too! I'm not *as* geeky as I used to be (still pretty nerdy though), but I would love some enthusiastic friends on my feed to share cheering and support with!
  • JMoneyHolla
    JMoneyHolla Posts: 4 Member
    omygosh! I love your make up! I just got a hold of jaclyn hill morphe palette and I'm working with much intense color make up. I haven't done anything too crazy when I was playing with my make up but I'm still learning the basics. :)

    I used to play a lot of games but I haven't because of lack of free time. I mostly draw and play Monster Hunter. :D
  • makinemjellis
    makinemjellis Posts: 91 Member
    I'm very bad at both make up and video games but am looking for friends :)
  • fervc60_
    fervc60_ Posts: 8 Member
    Request sent
  • Pandorabelle
    Pandorabelle Posts: 53 Member
    If I have missed friend requesting anyone please poke me with a stick (or friend request me!).

    Thank you to all you lovely peeps for your kind comments.
  • Pandorabelle
    Pandorabelle Posts: 53 Member
    <3Bump! Still looking for more fun & fantastic people to support and be supported by! <3
  • Soieblanche
    Soieblanche Posts: 6 Member
    Can I join the game nerd club? :innocent: Very into Overwatch at the moment, but stuff like Skyrim and Cities:Skylines are my usual thing!
  • dysonsphere1
    dysonsphere1 Posts: 8 Member
    Sent you a request! I'm new here and need all the support I can get!
  • kelseypow
    kelseypow Posts: 5 Member
    Sent you a request :) I'm a gamer chick too! Though I'm a filthy casual mostly, I can at least claim my spot in the PC Master Race. Also super fun to see another Canadian gamer on MFP. I'm aiming to lose 65 pounds so I've got a ways to go and could use the support!
  • TheFatBrokenGirl
    TheFatBrokenGirl Posts: 22 Member
    Fellow geek reporting in! Love your makeup!
  • Azercord
    Azercord Posts: 573 Member
    Although I can't claim geek (I'm a nerd through and through) I do gaming, anime, and cosplay (at least I'm trying). I like to weapon build (I suck at pretty much the rest of it) and now that I've lost the weight I'm pushing to get a few complete builds going for the local cons. Now if only I could make the price of worbla drop :) New friends are always welcome