Fantastic, Allons-y, Geronimo! Need I say more?
Yes I am. 137 I so far. Good luck!!
I agree with Azdak, dump it, besides you make your abs in the kitchen.
If you feel fatigued take a day off. Regarding training for the half, you should take a rest day a week, especially if it is your first. Each day will feel progressively harder due to tiny bits of damage to the legs. Rest them. Alternate lifting and running but do take at least one day of nothing to help your body.
Nay. Reason - simple math. Less calories in, more calories out = weight loss.
Don’t think of it as a plateau, think of it as a step
As long as you stay hydrated, wear sunscreen and a hat you should be able to do any exercise you choose. I live in the Middle East and regularly run in the summer when it’s over 40’ outside.
Changing what you eat and how you exercise can be difficult. Not changing can be fatal. Scary, yet simple. Search for all the foods that help lower cholesterol and limit the damage to a fatty liver. Good luck and never give up!!
Don’t try to ‘lose’ weight. If you lose something chances are you’ll find it again eventually. Instead get rid of it. Aim to be better today than you were yesterday, it won’t be easy but it will be rewarding. If nothing changes, nothing changes.
Remember, progress, no matter how small or insignificant it may seem is still progress. There is no quick fix, there is hard work and dedication....and you have already started. Aim each day to be better than you were yesterday. To paraphrase Churchill - "Never, Never, Never give up." "The only person who says you can't is…